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ENRICH - Spark IM, etc. - Pollyanna

Posted: Dec 27, 2013

Am I the only one who can't enter Enrich?  The password I use for FIESA is NOT working and tech-support can't help me with it. I'm getting tired of wasting time on this. By the way after you get into this how long do these classes take?  I'm not eager to spend my limited free time on all of this! HELP!

I have taken 0 classes. Could not - care less! nm

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Enrich, Spark etc. - Duffy

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It's not the password you use, it's the user ID (the five digit username/ID you use for Fiesa), then click on "forgot password" and you'll get an e-mail with a link to reset/create a new password for Enrich.

There's two "classes", one for Spark and one for the webmail. You get paid 20 minutes for each. Put the time in webclock and in the dropdown menu for the "comments" line put "approved proficiency training" I did the two one after the other and just put in one block of time for 40 minutes.

They weren't bad at all. There's a one or two question "quiz" at the end of each, that's how they know you actually did them. Hope this helps!

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