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If I don't have my TSM available on Spark - sm

Posted: Jun 12, 2014

don't expect me to be available for email, fiesa, calls for overtime or any of the other Nuance nonsense.  I'm really getting tired of this one-way street.

I deleted that crap off my computer, it caused nothing - but problems and doesnt work right. sm

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So why even bother with it, let it screw up my computer for other things.

Not worth my time and effort to deal with stupid crap that doesn't work right and has so many people on the list that it wastes more time than I want to spend to find one person I may want on there.

Nothing but stupid crap from this company.

TSM - You said it

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Amen! I seldom, if ever, log into Spark. It's the same old whiny crybaby stuff: Stats up on ***. Nobody on. Stats here, stats there. It gets old really fast!

I don't have a problem with Spark... - OP

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I rather like it. I just wish my TSM was available. Everytime I have to report something or ask a question, I have to log on to the cumbersome email. That is what I hate. If we could leave email up and running, I would not be writing these posts. Just provide the availability of my TSM on Spark if we have to stay with the stupid email program.

And one more thing... - OP

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Give me back the money you stole and continue to steal!

The cards are stacked against you and you are - at a disadvantage.

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First and foremost the less I hear from a cheerleader (useless) TSM the better I like it. But in turn you have to follow the rules and the people who sign your paycheck make the rules to be available for their crappy email, Fiasco and Spark. To disregard their stupid rules is cutting off your nose to spite your face.

I don't spark or fiesa - I just ignore

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sure I get an email to sign off on my (non)errors about once a month, then a few days later I get another MUST SIGN off fiesa email, then that's it. on to a new week, new stats, new things for the TSM to worry about. NEVER have I been pursued to check fiesa further than that.

also the crappy email you can refresh every hour or so, so it does not sign you out; better than relogging in all the time, but I work evenings so nobody is ever there nor do I get emails after a few hours, so I usually let it sign me out and don't go back til the next day.

never hear a peep about not being on spark.

they still suck!

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