A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

Once again, TSM not on Spark. - sm

Posted: May 28, 2014

I am so tempted to out her by name on this board and run the risk of being banned. It is so frustrating. It wouldn't be so frustrating if we could keep email up and running, but we can't. This setup was made for this absentee TSM. She must have thought it up.

Doncha know management does not have - to follow rules - only MTs

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Would love to QA management. They would get an EPIC fail.

You got that right! - sm

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Let's dock their pay, too! I am old enough to remember when MLSs were held in high esteem. Now we're just a step above road kill.

To the HR Manager who emailed me... - OP

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Thank you for emailing me. However, I, like many others, am afraid to say anything to anyone in HR. Please, just have someone from HR monitor to see who is on or not on Spark and you will see who is being referred to in this post. It happens all the time. Thank you.

How did the HR manager know who is posting - on MTStars

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And how did they get your email address?


As I am responding to you... - sm

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...I selected "Post A Reply." I could have selected "Reply By Email" and you would have an email from me. I still would not know who you are, but if you responded to me via that email, gotcha! I would then know who you are. NEVER respond to an email you get from HR!!!! That's how they can find out who is posting.
that's not all! - YB
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Someone in management recognized my e-mail address from this page - tell me how my e-mail address is showing up for anyone to see? I haven't gotten e-mail notification from anyone either. They know!!!

It's happened to me at least twice - YB

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I've been contacted twice by management re: posts on here. Really bothers me - no privacy.
then why dont you have this linked to a bogus email - with a fake name??
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I have a special email set up for all sites like this. I did get 1 email once from someone on this site but never answered it. My alter-ego name was there for them to see, not my real name.
I actually tried to do that with google, but - sm
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it kept putting my name AND the bogus email name on outgoing and incoming emails.
hmm thats weird, my main fake is gmail account - and it only shows my fake name
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and of course that had to be linked to a secondary alter-ego address too (yahoo) so "they" couldn't find "me."
LOL... - Maybe that is why mine did not work.
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I'll have to try that or get my 3-year-old neighbor to help.
Bogus email - YB
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I definitely need to do that. I'm not sure I can UNDO this e-mail address attached to this site though.

Do not reply to HR - anon

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If you reply, they will have your email address.

That HR manager likes to email people - who post negative

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things about Nuance on here. Then "someone" suggests to email them back. Um... no. If I email her back she then has my email address. Even though it is a fake email, I'm not doing it.

The HR person should perhaps spend her time doing her job instead of monitoring this board.

It's safest not to reply to any post via email, - but simply continue the thread.

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If you're absolutely sure the person you want to email is safe to reveal your email address to, that's probably okay, though you can't be too careful. There are several "MTs" on this board who are obviously HR, QA, or management. It's usually pretty easy to spot.

HR at N - sm

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I have a SIL whose job is social media coordinator for her company. She puts out their Twitter, FB, etc posts, as well as answers negative customer complaints about the company. Her company is a very desirable employer, and treats their employees well, so they don't need anyone monitoring the internet for negative comments.
So, I imagine that H assigns HR or social media people whose job it is to keep abreast of negative comments, and respond. Of course, N actually needs a fire brigade to put out all the brush fires they stir up with their chosen methods of dealing with their MLS employees, and probably lots of others. Someone actually posted some HR advice yesterday here. Who knows, HR may hate N close to as much as we do.
That doesn't mean I'm going to look for a new email buddy with them. I do suppose they are doing what N asks though.
If a decent company needs a fire brigade to - address negative comments, just imagine -
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what these scabby MTSOs must need! An army of fire-dousers, most likely. Which is why, considering how bad it has become at most of these companies, and especially at the big, bad Nasty Duo (MM+N), you just have to be EXTREMELY suspicious of any poster that:

a) Tells other MTs they don't work hard enough, or must be bad employees, etc.

b) Talks about the "tons of money they make" editing VR @ 3.5 cpl.

c) Says they "love their company", and are "treated well" by management.

d) Works for a large MTSO and still has no VR, only "straight transcription and good accounts."

Those things set off that ol' BS-detector every time.
That is something my SIL never does - sm
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In my SIL's work online, she always represents herself honestly (and proudly) as affiliated with her company.
I have the same response to those posting a,b,c,d above. They certainly lack credibility in what they say, and I suspect they represent N, but with their dishonesty, it's impossible to know. We don't know who they are, but we certainly know who they are not.
You are a far, far too generous person - sm
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We know who the troll is... her emails may seem benign but I seriously doubt it. The purpose is to let you know they are watching the board, not to provide useful information. I am sure of it.
Actually, I once received an informative response--sm - anon
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I once posted about a newsstory I read about ADP being compromised and I received a response that were in contact with the company and would notify us if our passwords had been compromised.

Honestly, I think it is smart to keep tabs on this board in case there is something to be known. But, the fact it is monitored should be remembered in case anybody was trying to organize a strike, etc.

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