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Are they supposed to include the 15-min OOW punches... - sm

Posted: Jan 05, 2015

.. in the "total hours" for the week when calculating our C-LPH?  My 15-min OOW punches from this past week were included in my total hours. If they had NOT included those OOW punches when they were calculating my C-LPH, I would have been put into the next tier... just barely... but I WOULD have made it into the next tier.  I emailed my TSM about it this morning but still haven't heard back yet.  Is this the norm? I could have sworn I read in the handbook that OOW punches aren't included in our total production hours for the week. >=0(

OOW punches - Bobo

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Unless I'm wrong, I should think it would not be an issue since you're not even clocked in for those 15 minutes and, thus, not added to your total hours.

Clocked in - Jax

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You absolutely are supposed to be clocked in for the 15 minutes of OOW time you have to wait for a job to come in. It's ridiculous, of course, with all the punching in and punching out nonsense, but that's what the policy states.

How are you coding - Mine have always been included

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I'm curious to know if you're selecting the OOW comment, and if so, do you select it on the first punch back in for the 15 minutes?

This whole process has me so confused. There's the one in the handbook, then the one my TSM sent out over 6 months ago, then again another that they sent out recently which basically matched the handbook but was rather vague about things, then even more e-mails back and forth.

Until the new compensation plan came out, I didn't worry about those being on there, but like you, it's dropped my C-LPH below 100 with all the waiting around for work!

Please let us know what the resolution to this was!

I select the OOW comment only for the 15-min punch - OP

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My TSM just sent an email about the procedure the other day and said once we run out of work, we are supposed to clock out, email her to let her know we are OOW, then clock back in with the OOW comment and wait 15 minutes. If no work comes in and there is no response, technically our shift is over, and we don't have to come back for that day, but we can check back later if we want to.

Like you, I never worried about the punches before, but now... it actually matters. I think they absolutely should NOT be included in the total production hours now that those hours are a major factor in determining our cpl rate. It's all a bunch of rotten bologna if you ask me.

I still haven't heard anything back from my TSM yet, but I will pop back on here when I do. :)
apparently every TSM has their own spin - on this OOW punch in/out thing
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I used to just punch out with OOW comment and wait 15, if no work then done, very simple. But a couple months back it changed, and we have been bombarded with emails about it since. Very confusing and annoying.

When OOW now, TSM says to punch out like normal. Then punch right back in using OOW comment and immediately punch out using same. Meanwhile, email her. Then 15 min later if still OOW, repeat the punch in/out with OOW comment and you are done for the day. This gives you a 0 for hours worked. Then we are supposed to go back and delete those 0 punches so they don't show on your time card (they do not want our time cards to reflect OOW situations I believe). I, however, do not delete them because I want to see all the OOW times. But I also back that up with a save, a flash drive, and a camera screen shot. She can delete them, not my problem. But, and this is a big BUT, if you get a job after/within the 15 min OOW punch, the process starts all over again and they hold you hostage on that 15 min thing if it does not match up with an NSA. Talk about agitating.

When OOW you are NOT supposed to be - logged in when waiting the 15 minutes

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My TSM explained it thus:

1. If you receive NSA, clock out as normal and email me (i.e. without putting the OOW reason, just log out normally).

2. After waiting 15 minutes, clock in again

3. If you receive NSA after waiting, then clock out with the OOW reason

That was her, this is my opinion: If you stay logged in it hurts your line count and you will most certainly be in the MUP range if you keep logged in too long while waiting.

However, not getting paid for even the 15 minutes waiting seems kind of unfair, but I guard my line count and never want it to be affected when I have no work.

Of course, when you are OOW for a day and get paid for zero hours, that's not much better either. I feel it's worth guarding your line count though because then the PTO is based on that too and nothing worse than getting minimum wage when you take a day off.

tailored OOW instructions ? - anon

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OOW procedure must be made up by the TSM then, as my OOW instructions are the same as OP's (clock out when OOW, clock immediately back in, wait 15 minutes, then clock out with OOW selection).

Basically, if you are clocked in for 15 minutes - and not working

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It is much the same as if you got a phone call while in a report and talked for 15 minutes - it's gonna lower your lph.

If there is no work I always do the OOW procedure, but I won't let it affect my line count, I just log in and log out really quick, not stay logged in for 15 minutes.

If there is work later on and I am able, I will do it, but if not at least I do not have to claim (practically nonexistent) PTO then.

Maybe some of the TSMs do not understand either?

My (fantastic) TSM:

"I know it is a lot of punching in/out but we must do it this way to receive an accurate count of actual OOW time...We need to see short punches of even just 1 minute in Webclock to log out of work."

I keep track of when the OOW email is sent to the TSM, then go back in 15 minutes - if there is a job, but then I get OOW again, I then log out, log in again, get the NSA and log out with the OOW reason.

This way my lph is not affected and I believe it is perfectly acceptable to log out with OOW even if you get a job or two in between, since you waited the 15 minutes in the first place, you shouldn't have to wait another 15 minutes. So far nobody has said that was wrong to me anyway.

Email from my TSM said.. - OP

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...when we run out of work to log out of webclock like normal and notify TSM that we are OOW then (direct quote from email) "... Log back into webclock. Wait 15 minutes for work and/or response from your manager. If no work comes in and you do not receive a response from the manager, log out of webclock and code your time to production hours, and indicate OOW in the comments section of your time card."

I really do not understand the reason for logging into webclock for 15 minutes and waiting for work. Why do we have to be clocked in for that? Makes no sense to me, especially if other people are able to just do a quick clock in/clock out and code that punch for OOW.

Again, no consistency at Nuance... - dd

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My TSM and the one before her have told our group to clock out when we're OOW, then immediately clock back in using the OOW comment in Webclock, wait 15 minutes, then if no work, clock out, or if you receive work, clock out then right back in without the OOW comment. So, my group is on the clock for those 15 minute blocks of time and they are counted towards our total hours and our converted lines per hour, which is completely unfair, especially if everyone is not held to the same policy.

Per employee handbook, sm - nothappy

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It states to email manager or covering manager, go into secondary account if you have one to see if there is work.If not, wait 15 minutes and if no response from manager, THEN you use punch out of OOW. You can flex (per manager) or use PTO, but you are not obligated to. So that means you are off the hook for the rest of the day if you follow those instructions,as my TSM told me. Those 15 minutes though are indeed a problem towards your line count. But if push came to shove, if you followed those instructions, you would have ammo in the event of a problem. Hard to argue if you just punched OOW without waiting 15 minutes.

C-LPH aside, when you are clocked in for that 15--sm - anon

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minutes, I think it covers minimum wage laws. Since you are required to be there for the 15 minutes, if you are just making minimum wage, then you are ensuring that you are getting at least minimum wage for that 15 minutes. Of course, it works against those who have better production.

It is important to figure this stuff out, knowing where you fall on the continuum to plan accordingly. If it is going to hurt your LPH, I would try to find a way to not have that 15 minutes clocked in. If your production is not so great and you have MUP, make sure that you get that 15 minutes on your time card. Knowledge is power and we have to work whatever angles we can.

No, not minimum wage but... - OP

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.. with those OOW punches included in my total hours my cpl is 0.10 and without them it would be 0.105 cpl, so it does take a few dollars from my pay to include those punches... and I want every penny I can get damn it! lol. I'm STILL waiting to hear back from my TSM, and I've emailed twice today. I just want to know the exact protocol regarding OOW punches and this new pay plan. I figure I'll never know for sure if I don't ask, right? Actually... I guess I probably still won't know even though I did ask because apparently she's not to going to respond. :/

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