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Here is an article of interest to stockholders of Nuance. Money quote:
"For better or worse, every time you buy a stock, you're effectively endorsing the underlying organization's practices. If you are a Nuance shareholder, you're endorsing the fact that five executives have gotten rich at the expense of the company's profitability. This practice may have undermined shareholder wealth, which hasn't been to your benefit. In addition, this practice is not necessarily in the company's best financial interest, considering these five executives made the equivalent of 55% of Nuance's cumulative operating income between fiscal 2010 and 2012.
At the end of the day, shareholders have the power to "vote with their dollars" and align their investments alongside their morals. Personally, the excessive executive compensation was one of the reasons I sold my Nuance stake a few months ago."
It is particularly galling to see this when they are by far the Wal-Mart of MTSOs, figuring any way they can to cut pay and reduce working conditions of those of us on the lower rungs of this corporation. So if the stock goes down and the company's bottom line suffers, guess who is going to take the brunt of it, although I really cannot see what else they can do to reduce our pay further, except fire us maybe.