A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

I just LOVE it when people don't get back to you. - Tara

Posted: Jun 23, 2011

I recently applied to this company out of NY State and the woman gave me some files to do. She said they looked great.  She then asked me if I wouldn't mind working Monday and Tuesday evenings...I said yes, because I need a job. Well, the email I got back asking about the hours was Thursday, the 16th.  I finally gave up and called her. Do you think she  has returned my call? No! I don't know what to do at this point! So frustrated! Ugh! Thought I may get lucky!

My father just told me to forget everything! I think he's right. What's the point? I don't have enough experience...when I try to get it and someone sounds like they are interested in me, they tell me to do something, which I do, and then I never hear from them again! What is wrong with people? I don't understand!

how many files did you do? - hmmm

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If it was more than just a few, and IF it was for current dates of service, it is possible you did her transcription for free. There are some unscroupuless people who will do things like this. I hope this is not the case, but please be aware so it doesn't happen to you again. I imagine it is very disheartening.

Files - Tara

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It was one continuous long file. There were not separate files. I have checked my answering machine, but no one has called me. I have emailed her but I have had no response. I am just going to delete the emails from her and pretend that this did not happen! I REALLY need a job!

here is what I do with someone - hmmm

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I don't ever want to do business with (or apply to) again. Instead of deleting their information, I made a folder in my email account called "MT bad". It helps me to keep up with things over the years. I can check that folder to see if a current ad is a match to help remind myself why I don't want to deal with that person/business again.

Better luck with your job search!

Please email me the name of the company and person. NM - Moderator

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Emailed Moderator - Tara

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I am not sure if I did it correctly. Please let me know if it was received. Thank you!

It was not. I have emailed you. NM - Moderator

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Must have not done it correctly... - Tara
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Got the email from you in my inbox. I replied to it...so I hope you got the information!
No, I haven't received anything from you, Tara. NM - Moderator
[ In Reply To ..]
Thanks - Tara
[ In Reply To ..]
I received an email from the moderator. I hope you got the information I sent you!

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