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Love being an MME but... - so crippled

Posted: Feb 18, 2011

I love to be able to fill in blanks that people can't get and to help them.  I wish I could give them detailed explainations so that they can understand the why of the error or resources I used to find it.  However, because of the ridiculous pay and having to wade though ILP garbage (sorry, I don't enjoy helping them out), I'm only able to leave brief or even no messages to try to at least make what I did when being an MT.  These messages come across as rude, nitpicky, and maybe even condescending, and do not seem helpful at all. 

I don't see why the hospitals can't see the ILP's work even after it went through their 1 to 3 levels of ILP QA (even after that, the errors I find are sickening).  Honestly, the are pretty good with medical terminology; however, they are just awful with the English language and I've seen some pretty dangerous mistakes because of it.  I mean, come on, once it goes through 2 levels, maybe only 1, of ILP QA and then US QA, where are you saving the money here?  Assuming everybody only makes 2 cpl over there:  2 cpl + 2 cpl + 2 cpl + 3 cpl = 9 cpl, which is a penny more than I made being an MT/ME and sending it straight to the client.  Knowing that I have to pretty up their work makes me sick too. 

Giving Feedback - MT

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I was in the QA Dept for years--back when there was an actual QA Dept, and trust me, no matter how cautiously and sweetly you word your feedback, the MTs will come at you with all barrels, which is why I eventually stopped leaving them comments to explain. I would just change the "error" and carry on, not wasting my time, even though I was being paid by the hour at the time.

Being unappreciated as a person who likes to teach at this company is old as the hills, so I'm sure it has nothing to do with your wording. I used to give all sorts of kudos while wording my feedback, but it didn't matter.

I went into the job with the idea that people would appreciate help, but it didn't work out that way, and I high-tailed it out of the QA Department and went back to MT work---this time at a different company.

Don't waste your time. Just fix the report and carry on, knowing you did the right thing.


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With your experience as a QA editor using the MQ platform, you're just the person I was hoping to find on this forum. Could you e-mail me privately? I have a question I would like to ask you about the DocQScribe platform. I'm a QA editor for a company (not MQ) that uses DQS also, and my question is about the platform, so I didn't want to go into it here publicly. Thank you!

Appreciate whenever you can fill something in - Old part-timer

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I, for one, do appreciate any time QA can fill in something I didn't get, whether it's an obscure surgical instrument or disease. I don't mind NOT getting explanations, I'm usually willing to take note of what the correction is and, if I want to double-check, Google it and pursue it that way.

Comments always can be taken the wrong way; like pointing out what reference you found it in makes it sound like the MT should have every resource available to man in their own personal library. Not to mention these would have to be upgraded regularly at our own expense. So, no, it's not necessary to say where you found it. In my experience, usually I can't find the obscure term or drug because I really couldn't hear what they said and was barking up the wrong tree, trying to spell it without even having the first letter correct.

I did enjoy the part where you spoke of the lousy ILP work, not because you have to try to clean it up, but because MQ keeps trying to tell us how WONDERFUL those ILP transcriptionists are and how we aren't any better.

QA Feedback - Ex-QA Person

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Did anyone stop to think that maybe QA-types give the reference source so there's documentation of where we found it in the event of a dispute by the MT? It also covers the QA butt with the auditor if the auditor marks the QA person down. There it is, in the electronic record, such-and-such a book, such-and-such edition; or such-and-such Website, etc.

I've gone back to doing just MT work (gee, I wonder why?), and if a QA-type lets me know what reference they found it in, I don't get all flippo-wiggo, I appreciate the knowing the source. I don't assume they're cutting me down or demanding I go buy the book. I see it as information and as electronic documentation.

Also, to address those major/critical, whatever feedbacks,this has nothing to do with the MTs audit! This would have to do with the QA person's audit. If it makes you feel any better, that Major Feedback or Critical Feedback, if it was incorrect, would come back in QA's face, not yours.

dont need feedback, just fill in the blanks and don't email the supe and complain about MTs - nm

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And don't mark it a Major Error when it is just a typo - no name

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What?! A typo could BE a major error. A typo is an mistake in MT - where 100% correct report is the goal. nm

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With the new changes coming - you better take heed in your typos
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Below poster was correct, quality bar is going higher.
It's getting old. Q always trying to get more out of us but never giving us more. - nm
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How are you so well informed about all of these "new changes" - before any other employee?
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They are a suit!!!! - nm
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Ha! An MQ suit wouldn't be on here letting people - know of changes that are about to happen.
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No suit, just connections - nm
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and reading the cryptic poster below, I'm not the only one that knows
sorry don't think teh is a "Major Error" - no name
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Dont you run a spell check,, which would have caught this? - No spell check should be critical error.
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the spellcheck at the Q is so messed up - wrong words go through all the time
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I had a report come back with a word spelled wrong, got a talking to about why it was not caught. Well, why didn't the spell check catch it? Be aware that it is our responsibility to not trust the spellcheck!

When these "new changes" come about, I really hope that they give us the PROPER tools to do our jobs, and not give us crap and except us to provide perfection.
Bottom line is you shouldnt trust a machine to be 100% - correct. And have seen many who SM
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just click ignore regardless of what is brought up as wrong. Very obvious many pay no attention, just want to get it done and out of the job.
yeah, why would I trust a spellcheck provided to me - by the Q???
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If they want me to do my job properly, provide me the tools to do it!

I have never heard of a company providing a spellcheck and then marking the MT off if the spellcheck does not catch the error.

This is the Q's problem!
Q might feel as I do. Many click thru spellcheck, not paying - attention at all, just to get done with job. nm
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no, Im talking about - the spellcheck not even
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picking up words that are incorrectly spelled.

Not the stuff that is stopped on and people just ignore.

I doubt that includes the word "the." - nm
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Proper Tools - Wendi970
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The "proper tools" would be your excellent sense of detail and knowledge. Back in the day, the MT actually had to know how to spell and type efficiently. There was no 'spellcheck,' and it was a major ordeal to correct a word already typed. Education/knowledge/talent - proper tools.
Just an example of a typo - - anonymous
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Yes I use Spellcheck.

We are not supposed to grade errors anyway - They are all put under the same category

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The regular QA/MMEs don't mark minor/major/critical errors anymore, not since 2 years ago. At least we are not supposed to. It's either by accident now or you were audited.
United we stand, divided we fall. There may be - some rogue, SM
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mean-spirited QA/MME people, but I bet the majority of them are MTs just trying to do their jobs. Same with the MTs as far as just trying to do their jobs. It really is a shame that there is this division and we all know who is the instigator.

I disagree. - sm

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Feedback is necessary for MTs to learn what they missed, why they missed it, how to find it, what to do to avoid the blank the next time.

MMEs should also contact management directly about MTs who are not doing appropriate research, who demonstrate poor skills, and who are not learning from feedback.

I agree -- if it is some weird piece of information - anon

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about some regional event, patient name, or whatever that I have no use for in the future EVER, don't send me any feedback. It wastes their time and mine (which costs everybody what little money we make).

well... - sm

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my ccm recenty contacted me asking me why i did something in particular to a report. it obviously came from the mme. i marked the report to be QA'd and knew it was that one. it turns out, i had a very good explanation for doing what i did. the way i did it was actually closer to what the cp said to do. it just made me resentful of the mme since she could have contacted me about it and i would have explained it to her, and I think it made her look like an butthole in the process
no can - do
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We are not allowed to contact the MTs directly, at least not in my BOB.
i guess thats just more Qs BS - love to know why not -nm
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I disagree with you - NJA Queen

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Feedback is not necessary if I have to pay 3 cpl to get it. Why should I pay 66% of my pay to get feedback? It should be free like it used to. Honestly, MQ has always been in the business of quantity over quality. If they truly cared about quality they would have never started FTR and let the MTs have a second listen for free.
Not only that - CA-MT
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We shouldn't be paid by the line anyway. This forces us to go as fast as we can without affecting out quality. In fact, anything that affects our pay will make us resent having to work faster, which inevitably affects quality. MQ is the master at pay slashes, so what do they expect will happen to the quality?

hopefully some day they will figure out the math!! - sick of it 2

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