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system hour requirements question - MamaSoreHands

Posted: Dec 10, 2011

What are the system hours requirements for Medquist (or anyone else on here) and do any of you find it hard to acheive target?  I'm at the point where emails, conf calls, computer updates, etc are all on my own time separate from typing time, and even at that, seems hard to acheive.  My boss is expecting me to be on the system typing for 7 hours and 40 minutes a day. so no breaks, and if jobs are slow to load or silly me need to get a drink or use the facilities....Appreciate the help on this. 

not sure what you are talking about - sm

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I never have conference calls or computer updates. You check e-mail once a day, so dont know why that is an issue for you. As far as expecing you to be typing for 7 hours and 40 minutes, well, YEAH... that is your job. To type. Full time is 8 hours a day. Take breaks on your own time, not work time. MQ does not have to pay for you to take a break. If you need a half hour break for lunch, then punch out and punch back in. I think you can even schedule those in with your CCM so it is the same every day.

If it is just a bathroom break, well, get up, go to the bathroom and get back to work. I am always surprised to hear people complain about actually having to work on their jobs.

Here are the system hour requirements:
If you are scheduled for 8 hours a day, then work 8 hours a day!

time on system - MamaSoreHands

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The platforms record how much time you are in there literally typing. I clock in for an 8 hour shift, and Spheris it used to be 7 hours of a day had to be actively typing, allowing for breaks, looking things up, etc...now I'm expected to be actively typing reports for 7 hours 40 minutes a day, and that seems crazy to me.

maybe that is the goal, however, - sm

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20 minutes of lookup time in 8 hours is not reasonable. That like 2-1/2 minutes an hour allowed to look up everything... IMPOSSIBLE with the accounts I have.

Getting Paid to Take a Break - SoreQuads

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This post must have been from someone in management. Last I checked, we were getting paid BY THE LINE and not by the hour. So, getting up and stretching one's legs, whether it is for 2 minutes an hour or 10 minutes an hour, should not be an issue, if all line requirements are being met. If I can type twice as fast as you, but I get up more than you, what harm is done? This is ridiculous, monitoring our breaks. I can certainly understand it in the case of someone that is not making a required line count. If we were working in an office and got up for coffee, stopped to chat to someone on the way, stopped by the bathroom andthen on the way back stopped by someone's desk to pick up our mail, we would not be told we were "not working our hours." And it is in THOSE jobs that people get paid by the hour! Why is this suddenly an issue with everybody? Even people that are not in the medical profession know that you have to stretch your legs at least 5 minutes per hour !!!

system time/lines per hour - MamaSoreHands

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I worked for Spheris, and then we got bought out by MedQuist and could definately meet the minimums of system time and LPH for both companies. Working now for Precyse for over a year. Never an issue except recently when management changed. Now I've got 9 accounts, and new boss expects 95% of clocked time to be logged by computer as time typing. Prior to new boss it was 87.5%.

And you have to have no blanks, nothing to QA - and

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99% accuracy :(

I'm former Spheris too - MT Gone

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Glad you were at least able to cut your ties with the sQuid. I too am former Spheris, only I got out of the MT profession, since I couldn't deal with the possibility of someday the sQuid reaching out its tentacles and swallowing any company I was working at. I miss being an MT, but I wish all of those who had the strength to move on in the field the best. It's just too bad the sQuid is now setting the bar, I'm just waiting for the lawsuits to start.... it''s called Karma!!!!

karma's gonna bite my manager in the glutes - MamaSoreHands

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You are right about the lawsuits. Thinking about filing complaint with labor board. The first minute of every job doesn't count as my typing time either, and now I can't hit the LPH after 15 years because the speech rec is so bad, doc's don't speak English, and I'm working on more accounts than some of the editors. My boss has really kept the overtime down with this whip cracking though! They had staff attend a conf call and then docked their pay for it. I've got enough documentation saved that I think I'll get unemployment when they can me. my boss even told me she expects me to work an extra hour a day off the clock. trying to get her to send me a confirmation of that in an email. ; )
Time working - Alias
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I was told by my CCM and it is a Labor law, you get 2, 15-minute breaks on the clock. If your CCM or anyone else is telling you something different and trying to get you to work off the clock, she needs to be reported. Go to MQ Central and file a complaint with Ethics or call DOL.
Two things - sm
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First, if I was going to take an actual break, other than going to the bathroom or grabbing something to drink, I would punch out, otherwise my line counts go down. Agree that it is legal, but I just punch out if I am going to take an actual break because that really cuts into my line counts.

Secondly, Agree, I would never work while not on the clock. She does need to be reported if she is asking you to do this.
Time - Alias
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To each his/her own, but one thing is consistent in all states...it is illegal to tell someone they have to work off the clock, and that needs to be reported. The one consistency I see on this board is the fact that the CCMs are not consistent with what they tell their MTs. MQ needs to train their CCMs a lot better than they do on Labor Laws. That could be the one thing in the end that really gets this company in trouble with DOL, because sooner or later someone is going to do more than just complain on this board, and actually report what is going on.
That is only for certain states - cannot remember
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but the state I live in gets no paid breaks. :(
I think mandatory breaks are a federal law making it every state.. - minwagemt
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no, for certin there are no paid - breaks in my state
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I can schedule a break and punch out, but I do not get paid for a 15 minute break.

Some states get both two 15 minute breaks and a 1/2 hour paid lunch. Some states get nothing. My state is nothing.

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