A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry


Posted: Mar 12, 2014

Since the announcement of MModal bankruptcy, I have had such mixed feelings.  First of all, I have just begun my 17th year with this company.  I have been through many TSMs or whatever they are now.  I have only had 1 that was totally unreasonable which I guess is pretty fortunate.  Like everyone else, I make about half the money I used to with this company.  I am a tier 3 MT and have been since the beginning.  I have 30 years of MT experience, have a degree in health information, and did coding for the first 2 years out of college.  I still need to work about 6 years until our house is paid for.  I left a no weekend, no holiday, all dayshift job to come to MQ and then about a year ago, I was forced to go to 3-11 Sunday through Thursday.  I think seniority should count for something, but there is no way to prove that I have worked longer than someone else.  I have no clue as to who is working the dayshifts and I am stuck with what I got.  Now, with these ridiculous aduits and accuracy rate that is just going to be unobtainable for me plain and simple.  I have always taken a great deal of pride in my work, but now I am so nervous I have had to resort to seeing my doctor and getting a prescription to help me get through so I don't have a panic attack.  I am semi-agoraphobic, especially now since I have been working from home for 17 years. I also have 2 rare diseases and 2 rheumatologic conditions that give me a great deal of pain.   MModal has done so many mean and underhanded things to me, that I absolutely do not trust them with the coding offer.  For the ones of you that are going to enter into this agreement with MModal, I really wish you the very best of luck and only good things.  I am hoping for God's Grace and blessings on the rest of us too.  Am I the only one who feels this way?  I just do not see a very viable future for this company.  Definitely not in the MT arena.  If you have 750 million in debt, I don't think there will be a lot of creditors wanting to take stock to cover the debts.  Also, with no ability to get credit, I don't see how MModal will survive MT or coding.  I hope  they do and I pray I can make it for 6 more years in MT, but with the audits, they are setting me up to fail.  I have given all I have to give.  I can do no more.  Good luck to all that continue to trust and want to enter into an agreement with MModal.  God bless you.

Corporations survive restructuring all the time - and if they do not, they do not

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I guess, we will all have to figure it out when and if that day comes.

I have worked for many other MTSOs and worked in-house too over the last 20 years. I have been called naive numerous times today and it just makes me laugh. The naive ones are the ones who actually think any employer is going to be generous and kind. It's business ladies, nothing personal. Their goal is profit, as is yours.

The coding thing in my opinion is a potential bright spot for at least 60 MTs. If MModal is going to head in the medical billing direction, then that is where you as an employee should want to go as well.

Personally, I quit a company when I think they have treated me horribly but then again I understand the world, it's dog eat dog. Makes it easier to maneuver when you get that.

I hear you, Lost in Paradise - anon

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I totally get your point and hear the concern you feel in your post. I don't have the answers and I have a lot of the same questions myself but one thing I know for SURE is that there is no way I will allow ANY job under the sun to threaten my peace of mind or push me into taking medication to keep my stress level down.

Whatever is going to happen ... with our Audits, with our production, with our company, with our income ... it's going to happen, whether I worry about it or not. Worrying about tomorrow is not going to change what comes ... it will come anyway. I had to make peace with that and it sounds like you should too. Deepak Chopra calls it "letting go of the outcome" ... what that means is, to accept that we can't control a given event that we know is very possible. Trust me when I say there is a LOT of relief and peace that comes from acceptance of a situation. I'm a typical classic Virgo worrier so this was the hardest part for me but once I finally let go of my stress and obsession about this job, it was as if a thousand pound weight was lifted. I hope you can do this too.

God bless you too ... I will say a little prayer for you, as I do every night for us all. :)


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Thanks for your understanding. I know I need to let go and let God. Some days I feel that way, but not today. Jobs are not very plentiful in my area. My next door neighbor lost her job of 14 years last week. My house to some people would be a joke, but it is my safe haven and I don't want to lose it. I had to give up my car the last time MQ cut my pay due to ASR. Luckily my dear husband's job is fairly safe, but it is not enough to keep us entirely afloat. I have to tell you I am scared, but no one cares. Whoever said it is dog eat dog is correct I know, just a little hard for me to accept. God help my grandchildren when they grow up.

I think we're all scared ... - anon

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I actually believe that's the reason why so many people on this board are nasty to each other, why there is such suspicion for MModal and other companies, so much negativity, because there is fear behind it all. We're all scared of losing our job, losing our company, some people here (maybe you too) are scared of losing their health and even their homes because of lost income. I'm afraid of a lot of those things too. It's OK to be scared, it's a human emotion that is useful to warn us when there is danger.

I live in a small, blue-collar town myself. There is no big industry here and no big companies or opportunities, just a big military base, a missile defense company and a big university which are my town's top 3 employers. No big hospitals, clinics and not a lot of doctor's offices. The majority of the people I know have lost their jobs too. I know some 40-year-olds who have had to move back in with their parents because their unemployment check won't pay their bills. I look at them, and feel so fortunate to have this crappy little job. I don't earn that much money as an MME but I earn enough to pay rent and feed my kids and that's all I need. But like you, I'm afraid too, of losing my job. I don't have any family so it bothers me daily where I would go if MModal had a big layoff.

Just know that we can't control it ... if it's going to happen, we won't be able to stop it, it's going to happen no matter what. The best that you and I and everyone else can do, is to have a plan in mind to put in place when and if that day comes and to be prepared as much as possible. This year, I put $1000 of my tax refund in a savings account for the very first time. There are things that I need, but I need the savings more. It's not very much but I HAVE to have a safety net in case I don't meet that 99.7% requirement or they decided today was the day to let me go. I hope you have a plan in place too.

Just try to put your mind at rest as best you can and keep reminding yourself to let go of the outcome. We're all in this together, and you have support here. You're not alone ... I think there is a lot of fear on this board that shows itself in funny ways, but just know I understand your fear and at least one person cares. :)

encourage your grandchildren to get REAL degrees, hands on - a bachelors or even better a masters

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with something tangible like business or medical professional. then they won't have to worry. The biggest mistake we made was limiting our education. and I speak from experience. i am working on my bachelor's now and once I am done I will be employable anywhere. I hope this job lasts me until I am done with my masters.

Good luck!

back and forth - Felinelover

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Don't feel bad. I'm in the same boat. Mmodal used to be fairly decent to work for. When my husband died 5-1/2 years ago, they were very considerate. I have been fortunate in that my TSMs have been reasonable and pleasant to deal with. However, I am so sick and tired of these stupid foreign doctors who snort snot in the back of their throats, chew gum like a cow, belch and who knows what else, that I really don't care anymore. I dread going to work and I have been so close to just packing it in. But I don't have anything to fall back on so I struggle. I have just a little under 2 years until I can take early retirement and believe my butt is out the door!

I used to take pride in my work but no more. Not with these docs who don't care either. If I had to pick a doctor like the ones I have transcribed, I wouldn't go to any of them and I would tell them why. They are rude, crude and socially unacceptable.

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