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WT* Received the personalized email about blanks to customer. - just shoot me now!

Posted: Nov 15, 2010

I got the email informing me that I am sending an average of too many blanks to the customer. I do my best job, use my 20+ years of experience, use every possible resource, do not type in a doctor's name in the body of a report that I cannot find in the database and the doctor does not spell and is not a run-of-the-mill name, leave a blank for anything that could get me in trouble with HIPPA if I am mistaken or could compromise patient care, QA can't get 90% of what I submit. I wonder if the blanks that could not be filled in by QA are counting as my blanks to the customer - IMO, blanks from QA should be counted as a their blank, not mine. I can't help it if the doctor is an impossible ESL with an accent who can barely speak English, the doctor can't dictate into the phone along with sound issues. Ah yes, just as predicted, FTR is a farce and only has a remote relationship to what is correct and is merely a way to send a report with no blanks no matter what you have to do, ie guess, enter something that you feel compromises patient care. IMO, blanks are FTR when entering something for the sake of no blank is wrong information. Ah yes, am in between a rock and a hard place - submit all reports with 1 blank or more to QA and work for, literally, a penny a line. They have finally found the last straw to break me out of here. Hopefully I will be turning in my "I'm walking paper" by the end of January. At this moment, if I had any savings left, I would be leaving today. Guess I'm going to have to keep records of what I send and why now.

blanks not mine - dreamer

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I was given the same information...too high of a percentage of blanks. I told them the same things you mention and they did not care. As far as they are concerned, they are my mistakes. They told me I had to keep records of what blanks I send in and I informed them I already have those records. They were trying to intimidate me. I constantly get NJA every day and currently make less than 5.00 per hour....went from $50+K per year down to about $15K. I am looking for other work. They keep piling on more things to learn but provide less work and less pay.

How this company even manages to attrack new - MTs and stay afloat is BEYOND ME! (n/m)

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PS: Long day! Meant to say "attract", not - "attrack". LOL

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Attack is more like it, LOL. - mom2huskies
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they probably feel attacked, I know I would - NJA Queen
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When I was a newbie (with 3 years in house experience) at that time I only had 1 account and a wonderful QA staff that took the time to provide excellent feedback. I honestly don't know if I could have handled 20+ accounts, being penalized for asking for help and constantly worrying about minimums and being performance managed. Not to mention not being able to get a hold of anyone or have emails returned. I probably would quit the first day.


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Believe me, I discourage anyone who asks about becoming an MT to even think about getting into this profession. I have already talked a newly graduated high school student out of it - told her if she wasn't going on to college to just get an office job and she would be much better off. Go work at a grocery store, Wal-Mart, Dollar General, Target, etc. you name it, anywhere but here she would be better off. She opted to take online colleges courses. Good for her! Another person who asked me about it was a 39-year-old lady with a teenage son who "wanted something to do from home." After we talked I heard no more from her about becoming an MT.

Setting up to fire you - KJWhisper

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When they start nitpicking your work and they are setting you up to get fired. They are getting rid of people who make too much money and have too much experience because Spheris says we are not adapting to the new Spheris regime. I got fired Thursday with trumped-up excuses. They gave the offical stance of performance management. There are several steps in this process and they jumped over all those steps to firing. I have an excellent lawyer. They awoke a sleeping giant.

I wish all through luck. - mom2huskies

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Good for you. I hope everything works in your favor. I guess they think if you make over miminum wage you are moking too much.

ah, so there was more to the story... - sm

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of your firing than the alleged whistle-blowing. Figured so. If they gave the "offical" excuse of performance management, chances are they have some stats to back it up. Don't waste money on the excellent lawyer... oh wait, your SO can afford a frivolous law suit. Well, best of luck then!

why are you so mean or spiteful? - just want to work

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No performance management - KJWhisper

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I have more than 2000 pages of proof. The only brought this up to me on Friday a week ago and fired me the next Thursday. Oh they got some po-dunk attorney to offer me 2 weeks severance pay and the ability to get unemployment. I told him I would settle for 12 weeks and the ability to draw unemployment. There are many factors going on here. In my position, I had topped out at $52,000. They can hire some new grad to take my place for half that. Trust me, I have more documentation. Anything they have is manufactured. I'll keep my attorney,
help me understand - nony
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Your case is fascinating. You stated elsewhere that you were fired for voicing concerns over HIPAA, then shared the official reason as performance management, and also speculated that it may be in part because they could hire a newby for half of what you earn. For whatever reason, they apparently wanted to cut you loose.

You mention PM having several steps which they skipped in firing you. Having never experienced PM, is this a required protocol or optional? i.e., can the CCM/supervisor decide NOT to do full PM (all the steps) and base a poor-performance termination on a single failed audit? (If so, YIKES!)

Having read elsewhere that MQ can terminate at will with a simple "services no longer required" mantra, how can a wrongful termination law suit be successful regardless how much documentation you have? (assumes with official reason given being performance that there was at least 1 failed audit) Further, how can a wrongful-termination law suit be successful since you freely admit you were willing to "settle" for 12 weeks' severance and unemployment benefits (apparently regardless of reason given for termination)?

Color me baffled - just trying to understand.
Wrongful termination - KJ Whisper
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You do not need a job in transcription because you can hardly read. I am not going to explain anything to you. I don't need to work because my husband is a multi-millionaire in his own right. Where do you think the money came from for my high profile lawyer? Not only that, but we are bringing the suit against MQ, my supervisor, my manager and two people in HR. I believe I know who you are. I almost feel sorry for you all. They fired me for a number of reasons but only put work performance. That is going to make them look like absolute redneck uneducated fools when they realize that they violated my civil rights, the American's With Disability Act, discrimination, and I am also covered under the Whistleblower's Act. I can't wait until the lawsuit is released to the public. Then everybody can find out who my attorney to the star's really is. I'm really enjoying this fight. I have set back long enough and watch MQ treat it's employees like second class citizens. They just don't know what a sleeping giant they have awoken. None of the ignorant people on my termination call will have a clue. As for you, don't write anything to me again. If you are who I think you are, better be making some plans for a plane ride. Better start saving up those pennies in a jar. Poor pathetic people.
You go girl! - NJA Queen
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I truly wish you the best with your lawsuit as do I am sure many on this board. We all wish we had the money to take on MQ. Because MQ is the biggest company the other companies follow behind like sheep- when MQ cut ASR pay, so did the other companies, when MQ started requiring a schedule so did the other companies, all because MQ had the power. Sad that it takes a lawsuit for them to change their ways, but so be it. Please keep us posted, some of us here actually are cheering for you to succeed.
that was rather harsh - just an observation - n/m
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it was rather harsh - but funny in that
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she rips someone else's skills and abilities and then types "attorney to the STAR'S" Cracked me up that did. LOL
uh, wouldn't count chickens before they hatch and all that - sm
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If they have ANY documentation of subpar work from you, their reason for firing you is legit and certainly not a violation of civil rights. A suit claiming a myriad of other perceived reasons for being fired is a longshot at best.
LOL Let us know how it goes for you. - Gotta love Miss Ridiculous
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Well, here goes more blanks! And not my fault. - just shoot me now

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The sound for this 10-minute dictation is so so bad, and I can't even decipher whether the resident is dictating who the d/f is or if this is a person to send a copy too as he starts the dictation with "It was a pleasure to see your patient, Ms. ...". I'm ready to shout some explicatives, but I know I better not on the forum ;)

Four blanks - sent to QA, and although it is - just shoot me now

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less blanks than every document by this dictator that I checked in DQM, none of my effort matters to the Q, the fact that I will not fake information and compromise patient care to send a blank-free document means nothing to the Q. Integrity means more to me than it does the Q.

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