A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry


Posted: Feb 24, 2010

I just spent the last 40 minutes on the phone trying to update my husband's old Net 10 cell phone to a newer model for his birthday.  All I wanted to do was to keep his current cell phone number and have both it and his remaining almost 500 minutes switched to the new phone.  Should be a problem, right?  WRONG!!!  Obviously the CS person was overseas, most likely India. She kept having computer problems and kept putting me on hold.  Finally after much frustration and about 35 minutes, she finally admitted that she could not transfer my husband's old cell phone number to his current phone because the SIM card was not compatible!  So ridiculous. He has been using that phone without any problems up until today.  Finally I blew.  I told her that if she was going to work in CS at least she should know how to pronounce the states, she butched saying Kentucky, and that she should really learn how to do her job, and then I hung up.  I AM SO FRUSTRATED!  No wonder America is going to hell in a handbasket and we are in so much national debt.  We are supporting foreign countries and their families instead of taking care of our own! 

I hear ya - anon

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had to call Blockbuster the other day. I found out I was calling the Phillipines and talking to a "Brittany."....sure...lol It seems they try their hardest to Americanize them, but it's not working. Very frustrating! Did you also know that HP actually has a program where you can pay to talk to a US tech support person? Why should we as Americans have to pay to talk to Americans? So SAD!

Getting an American on a service call these days, is - like finding a 20 dollar bill on the ground.

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It don't happen too darn often.

Blame our government for giving corporations tax breaks for taking our jobs offshore

I said this for a couple of decades now that we will live to regret the offshoring of America.

Welcome to 2010.

Same thing with my router. The first person - was in the SM

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Phillipines. They just disconnected the call when we were not getting anywhere, called back, got India. I ended up buying a new DLS box, new router box, still had problem. It is very frustrating, and scary when it is something really important like being able to connect so we can work.

I constantly rant and rave about all of this stuff. My family sometimes wishes I would just shut up. :). I am SO MAD.

customer service - PT MT

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that's why I love Netflix so much! Great AMERICAN customer service.

Down with Blockbuster! They're going bankrupt anyway.

Whenever I call customer service and someone answers - Kiki

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who is obviously going to be difficult to understand, I immediately demand to be transferred to someone else I can understand. They know what I mean and soon enough I get someone, prob a supervisor, who speaks perfect English. Not sure whether I get transferred back to US or what. Not being a bitoch, it's just I've had TOO many experiences of trying to explain something, not being understood, not being able to understand THEM. It's so annoying.

I do the same thing. sm - Tired of it too

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When I was living in Florida, I was consistently having problems with Bellsouth internet service. I would call and get someone named Bill who very obviously was from India. They would have me unhook my modem from the router, hook it directly to the computer, and then reboot. When that didn't work, they would transfer me to someone else with a thick Indian accent named Jim who would proceed to have me unhook my modem, hardwire to the computer, and reboot. Then they would have me shut down the router and reboot. When that didn't work they referred me to another department with an Indian guy named Charles who wanted me to start the whole procedure all over again.

It was obvious they were reading steps from a manual and didn't know what they were doing. I asked to speak to a supervisor who also had a very heavy Indian accent and when I asked his name, he said Biff. No lie...Biff. What were they doing? Picking English-sounding names out of a hat?? Bottom line, none of them knew what they were doing and after 45 minutes on the phone they decided to send someone out to my house to investigate the problem.

All to save a buck. They probably pay them less, but in the long run by the time it gets repaired they've gone through 3 guys from India just to send an American to fix it. Doesn't sound too cost effective to me.

True - luvzminis

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I agree--beware of anyone promoting anything "global" in the name of "diversity"--this is what you get, and it doesn't help Americans one bit.

Late reply, but... - Sims

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I recently called Best Buy to dispute a charge and got God knows where. When I asked to speak to an American, I was told I would have to hang up and re-call the same number as all calls were answered in rotation. I tried this for about half an hour and kept getting someone overseas. I finally gave up and talked with the last person answering. I then told Best Buy to cancel my account as I don't do business with companies that offshore work. I had done the same thing several years ago when I had an account with American Eagle and ended up with some CS rep who knows where.

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