A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

Very unhappy - confused

Posted: Feb 28, 2013

I had worked for a company who was taken over by MModal.  I had been doing straight typing until this last Tuesday.  I had gone through the Fluency training etc.  I am not an English Major and if I was, I wouldn't be doing this.  However, today I get a phone call from my previous TCM and she informs me that they are sending me back to her.  I am not ignorant, they sent me back because QC thought they were getting too many errors from me, they were small, petty, minor errors.  I am just learning the system and everything else with it and they give me 2 days and I am gone.  I am so uphappy right now.  I have been in tears for 3 hours and can hardly work on my other accounts.  What do I do, somebody please help me. 

Well... - see msg

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...not sure what you mean. Two days and you're gone from the company? Or gone from the newer TSM?

Anyway, if it makes you feel better, I cried enough times at this place to finally just get out of MT completely. Just got sooo tired of the threats about performance management for low line count. It's just way too much for me.

very unhappy - confused

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They had sent me to a new TSM and now I am back to my old TSM which is straight transcription. I can't get an email, a phone call from anyone except my old TSM. She just told me that they sent 2 of us back to her because there were too many on that account. I know that is bull because I have been typing on that account for 6 years. It had to be something else, my quality, etc

maybe it isn't that - and anyway

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wouldn't you rather be back with your old TSM and doing straight typing? we all would. So maybe it wasn't your quality but maybe they just needed you back at the other account.

if it was your quality they'd say so - nm

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Don't assume it was something you did. - dnr

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If it was, they have to put you through a process - verbal warning, written warning, then termination.

Maybe your old TSM wants you back because fo your work.

confused - anon

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I know other MTs who have been transferred to other TSMs, and it was exactly for that reason, too many MTs on the account and not enough MTs elsewhere. I wouldn't worry about it.

One of the companies that was taken over is - swamped with work. sm

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A big account was suddenly brought back from India due to major quality issues so it's possible they are sending you back because they actually need you back over there.

I would ask before I got too upset about it.

Very unhappy - Inquisitive

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Same thing here hun, i was hired by TCI, who sold ME to QMedET, so gave me three days, said i had errors and just locked me out of the system...i had four companies in a row not pay me, and I used to make .14 a line, now i'm lucky to make .06 and .02 editing. I dont know what we are all going to do but I am open for suggestions. I've been in transcription 28 years and had accounts 20+ years, I know i'm not inept. I'm trying to hang in here, but I cant take much more, been out of work 3 weeks now and cant find anything!

Sorry... that is horrible - try Nuance maybe

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They have an ad up and I know they pay more than 2 cpl to edit.

Don't try Nuance! - JessicaL

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The stress levels are almost unbearable!

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