A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

I can cut it very well and am still unhappy - old and burned out

Posted: Jun 01, 2013

I've been doing this over 40 years, working only 16 hours a week now and can cut it very well but am still not happy.  I have a skill and would like to continue to use it but am I supposed to be happy earning half of what I made 20 years ago?  Am I supposed to be happy with a policy of 5 unpaid days off a year after working 40 years?  Am I supposed to be happy being told I will never get a raise?  Am I supposed to be happy being held to a ridiculous standard of 99.5% accuracy on dictation that is inaudible, spoken so fast that only every 5th syllable is pronounced and having my pay docked if I send more than 5% of this garbage to QA for a second opinion?  Am I supposed to be happy typing demographic information and cc information without being compensated? This company's policies are despicable but people need to work and many cannot find anything else.  If you are happy with all of this, good for you but you should be able to understand those who are not.

None said a competent MT HAS to be happy here. If you - arent, that is your decision. SM

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DOesnt matter how long you have been MT. DOesnt matter what the *good ole days* were like. THis is our reality. You are *allowed* to be unhappy now, you are the only one that affects,

happiness comes from within, not from without - OP has a mindset to not be happy

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nothing will change it :(

Reality check - Old School

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would you say this if the OP was male? Would you say this if the OP was a male, let's say for example, soldier? Would you tell a soldier who was working for minimum wage with absolutely no potential for advancement or increase in pay, and only 5 days off per year, that happiness comes from within? Suck it up there, soldier.
Pulleeeze. Comparing a soldier to an MT? Apples - and oranges, no comparison. nm
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all right any profession you choose then - Reality Check
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would you tell any other American that they need to find happiness within themselves if they had no chance of advancement or raises ever in their entire careers? and particularly, if that person was male?
I would tell any in any type job, if not happy, find - something that DOES make you SM
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happy. And why just 5 days off a year? I get PTO, way more than 5 days.
If not happy - Love MM
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No need to tell anyone anything. Just mind your own business. If you are happy with your job and your life, then thank the All Mighty for that.
so right on - :)
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love this post!
yes, I would say the exact same thing. We all choose our own paths in life whether or not we accept - Law of Attraction
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Just like gravity, you can believe it or not, it's still there.
well why would anyone choose a job - with no chance of pay increase?
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did you realize going in that you would never even get a cost of living increase?
you can climb the ranks, though. Apply for MME or QA postion. that DOES require you to be a compet - smdh
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Those who say they can't can advance in this company are just making excuses.
I have seen the light - MM is Americas greatest employer
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I'm so happy now! Thank you so much!
you are so welcome! - Glad to help
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I think I'll tell all my friends to go into transcription - and go to work for MM! nm
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Make sure you get your referral bonus - dont wanna miss out!
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I hope they wind up at the right MM! - not the other one
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I hope they wind up at the MM that has lots of work and people make tons of money and hear from their TSMs all the time, and not that other one!
I hope they have the right attitude. - nm
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and that would be the - I love slave wages attitude? nm
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wanting to make it work... - schlamazel
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When I applied for this job over a decade ago, I had plans to retire from the same company. I still want to do that. I'm a great employee and, consequently, a terribly inexperienced job-seeker. I'd love to hear that as an MME I would make at least what I am now, but I've heard it's difficult to produce in that position. I really need to know if this is true.

I think I would be great in QA but how do you get there? My CCM, who is brand new to me, which is nearly always the case, is too busy to answer such non-acute questions. I've never in all this time had a supervisor long enough to really feel I had a professional relationship with even one.

I do want to make it work for me; I really really do, but if I am ever dropped to minimum wage because of being OOW, I'm applying at the local Subway or a grocery store. At least I'll be out of the house and amid the community.
I agree with you - Old School
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If I was only making minimum wage, which thank god I'm not at least yet, I wouldn't do this anymore. I don't like it THAT much. There would be no reason for me not to start over in some other field, even if it was something menial. From small things, big things one day come! The other 2 things that would make me quit this, I have decided, are being dumped into the cesspool, or being totally out of work for days on end. I'm fortunate that none of this has happened.

To anyone here who is slamming people for being unhappy at MModal, please try to show a little sympathy. You may have a nice situation, but not everyone does. Work flow, TSMs and accounts at MM are not all the same. And it's easy to SAY well get out! change your situation! but not always so easy to DO.
Of course changing your life is not easy. But if situation - is bad, what other choice do SM
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you have. And I have little sympathy for those that say MM has ruined my life, because of MM I lost my house, I cant pay rent. Who can change that for those MTs, but the MTs themselves. Too much sympathy does nothing good for the MT. Just makes it seem like others agree, it is MM fault all bad things happen to the MT.

Reminding MTs this is not the only option in just one way of encouraging them to stand up for themselves, get charge of their lives.

People that stay in a job that does not pay their bills, I dont understand. ANd it isnt easy to get out, but each day such an MT stays, is just one more dalay stopping that MT from changing her situation and getting a good life. It is just one more day wasted.
QA/MME - schlamazel
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Where do you apply for a QA position? The only link I've found to non-transcription jobs is defunct. I honestly believe I'd be an asset in QA.

As for MME: Is it easier, harder, or relatively the same as producing as an MT mostly on SR? Realistically, how much can one make? Is it necessary to pass through this position to get to QA?

I'd like to advance, and I'd be very grateful to you for sharing any advice and/or insight on how to do that "smdh."

I'm a long-term Tier 3 MT who finds herself recently NJA and facing imminent minimum wage :( Perhaps, if you will, you might stop shaking your head for a moment and offer some help, yes? TIA
QA position - Old School
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Keep an eye on the MModal website at the link below. That is where QA positions will be posted.

I like being an MME. I have not seen a pay reduction since I became one.

I applied for a QA position once but didn't get it even though I am an MME, because I don't have any actual QA experience.
Thank You! - schlamazel
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I appreciate a lot of your posts :)
Wasnt that way when I chose MT. But as 2 income - household, I am doing just fine. SM
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I have seen posted MT is not a single mom supporting a family occupation anymore, but it is a great second income for a family.
Count your blessings. That 2nd income can disappear - in a heartbeat. (Both figuratively & literally). (
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But just imagine how much better having two incomes would be if BOTH incomes paid a fair wage, not just ONE?

One income or two, medical transcription is still pure **** when it comes to professions.

Hookers get more respect, and the pay's better, too.
And house could burn down or get in MVA. So what? - I am happy. Too bad you arent. nm
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Must be nice to go thru life thinking you're so special - that nothing bad will ever happen to YOU.
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Come to think of it, lots of people with that mindset are the ones who cause some of the worst accidents.
Why would I want to go through life expecting tragedy at - every turn?? Again, completely
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different mind sets. You can be unhapppy, expecting every bad thing. Or you can be happy expecting only good things. I choose the latter.
Well then by all means, you just go right on believing - that you are one of the Chosen.
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And others can continue thinking the sky is falling. - nm
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LOL! Blind faith knows no bounds.... - n/m
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Ummm, for me, FAITH knows no bounds. Expect good and - good will come to you. Easy Peasy. nm
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Most "faith" IS blind. That's what's wrong with it. - But thats a whole nother story.
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I am on your team and I am sure there are.. - none
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more! Have a great day!
I chose the latter, too - why would anyone expect life to be negative?
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Yes, this is my situation too....nm - none
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but it is now - how can you consider that fair?
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My friends who don't do MT are always amazed to find out how little I make, and that I don't get annual reviews and raises.
What fair? This is business. You want fair, open your own - MTSO and treat MTs better SM
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Though I doubt an MTSO could continue to do business if MTs paid what they think they are worth and are treated how they think they should be treated.
all I'm saying is - other businesses give raises
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I'm not asking for the moon. I'm not asking to make 50K. I'm asking for an annual pay increase or maybe even a cost of living increase.
Of course, it would be nice. But not gonna spend any time dwelling on it when that - alone wont change it. That wont SM
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upset MM or Vern, or Princess Amy. The only one that would make miserable is me and I prefer to not spend my time making myself miserable.
must be nice to be so perfect - have a nice day nm
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Geesh, never said perfect. But if you think - I am, thanks. nm
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What fair? - This is business
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No!!! This is not business. This organization, before changing the name to MM, was investigated by the Security and Exchange Commission, had lawsuits by their own clients for over-billing, and were kicked off the NASDAQ for unethical and illegal business practices. Under a new name, they are doing it all over again.
choose a job - Love MM
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At the time I was hired by MM, I was told that there was plenty of work for everyone, you can work all hours and earn up to $40,000 or more a year, get a raise for tier advancement and MT certification, bonuses based on production, incentives, differential pay, employer matched 401.

As time has gone on, MM decided to due away with bonuses, incentives, differential pay, and no raise for tier advancement, very little incentive for QA and MME not even worth it, and MM also weaseled their way out of paying into the employer-matched 401. Also at one of our meetings recently, we were told that we would never get a raise. Next thing to go will be all benefits.

However, I am not putting up with this from MM and am presently in school training for another career to move on from here.

Gotta love MM.
Exact same thing - Love MM
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No need to say anything. Mind your own business.

So no matter how poorly you are treated - old and burned out

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you are going to be happy?
That would be, IF I thought I was treated poorly. I am - making MT work for me. You can, too. nm
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I am amazed - old and burned out
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I don't know how any MT can look at the First Time Right policy and not think that it is despicable to penalize the MT monetarily for submitting work to QA. The accounts I work on now are, with one exception, the worst I have ever encountered. The dictators are bad, the audio is poor, the SR is awful but nothing ever changes except that the MT pays the price. How is that not being treated poorly?
Deducting for qa submission is rare. Just something to gripe - bout even if it rarely happens. nm
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QA submission, less cents per line - BH
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This is the first paycheck I have had separate lines for QA submission. It happens when you submit more than 5% of your lines to QA. Well, I have to submit a lot to QA depending on dictator. Now they are assigning new accounts because of OOW. This last dictator whispered throughout the entire operative report, and he had a foreign accent. Torture! I had to submit with 38 blanks. 1.5 cents per line for QA submission on ASR reports.
Thank you for your words of encouragement! - sm
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Great attitude! I love seeing that kind of post as opposed to a lot of very unhappy people, about everything.
Yep, medical transcription is all - sunshine and lollipops.
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Does being rude help you feel better ... - none
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about the one-sided garbage you write on here? Being a smart alek only makes you look ridiculous, not the poster.
all the nasty posts here and - you pick this one to call rude? nm
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apparently happiness comes from within - so say the posters nm
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Happiness.... - New

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I totally agree with Old and Burned Out.
"Happiness comes from within..." is just a trite, trying-to-make-you-fell-better statement someone made up a long time ago, like "the grass is greener.." (well sometimes IT IS greener...). Why do people jump on people when they say something negative? I think the "positive" thinkers are just in denial or can't handle feeling a little upset. EVERYTHING she wrote was true about this company, EVERYTHING. It is BECAUSE we don't speak out that they keep doing what they do. If we worked in an office and banded together they would have to make things better.

See - Message

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I hate it when people are accused of being "suits" when it's apparent they're not, but you certainly are. All companies are cutting costs to make a profit, but the employees don't have to like it.

Upper level management certainly does come look at this board. They would be crazy not to. Usually they just "review" notes. Now they seem to be getting a little more proactive and insulting.

You, Ms. Sad Face, are management.

Oh, by the way, many in management are also fearing for their jobs.

Correct - old and burned out

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This is our reality now but that does not mean I have to like it, accept it or believe that it constitutes decent policy. I have never believed this is a profession but it is certainly a highly skilled occupation and should be treated as such. We deserve better.

Shoulda, woulda, coulda. This is business. They dont - care fair or not.. Our reality. nm

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Do you think all businesses are run this way? - old and burned out
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The most successful companies are the ones with happy employees and low turnover. Treating employees well results in greater productivity.
Those companies are few and far between. Most dont - hold with that method of operation. SM
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NO place I have ever worked paid my what I thought I should be paid or treated me how I would have wanted to be treated. That didnt mean I wasnt happy or coldnt make a good living.
That, in large part, is why this country is in its - current state of steep decline.
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Throw-away society.
Money above all else.

It's unsustainable, and will eventuall backfire in a far worse way than most of us seem to be able to imagine.

Better add that to the list, too:

Lack of imagination.
I completel agree. This house of cards cannot stand forever. - But I will do what I can to make MY
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situation better, like taking on the challenge of the MT order and making it work for me.
Nothing wrong with that. However, you have to - remember that just making things - S/M
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work for YOURSELF is not sustainable, either. You are part of a society. What will ultimately work best for you, in the long-run, is what is best for society as a whole. And it's painfully clear that what is happening now in MT, in all businesses in general, and in our country as a whole, is not what is best for all the human beings that make up its society. If you are one of the 3% at the very top, then things are hunky-dory. However, for the rest of humanity, not so much.
Certainly not top 3% here but things still hunky-dory for me - I expect it and work towards it. SM
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I am expecting the house of cards to still be their for me and I cannot worry about the rest of humanity. And if house falls soon, I will accept that challenge, like I accept challenge of MT and I will be fine.
At least the rest of us know whose hand NOT to - reach for, should we find ourselves drowning.
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Well, at some point, you have to be responsible for - yourself. You will be lost if you wait
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for someone else to make your situation better.
Of course we all have to be responsible for ourselves. - And I am. But I also feel that - S/M
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as a human being, I also hold a certain amount of responsibility for the well-being of those around me. My chances of being treated fairly are far greater, when those around me are being treated fairly, as well.
Well, maybe so but good luck finding MTSO that operates - in what you would consider fair fashion. nm
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Who said anything about looking for any MTSO, let - alone a fair one? Gettin out - theyre all scumbags
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Leave her alone. She is giving 100% of her - SM

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ability to this company and she is entitled to her opinion. I really believe mngt is coming on here to calm us all down and it's doing a lousy job of it. Certainly not 99.9%!

you make excellent points - Old School

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and I don't think it is too much to ask that an employer treat you fairly. I don't think you are asking too much at all. Bring on the haters; I stand by what I say.

As an ex-MTSO, I can tell you that many MTs with 30+ years experience were not sm - ex-MTSO

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great or even good or even OK transcriptionists. Some were downright lowsy with poor quality, poor grammar and little to no regard for account specs. Experience does not equal excellence if bad habits are formed early and allowed to continue.

then those MTs should be counseled appropriately - Old School

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but if the MTSO has no complaint with the MT, why not reward in kind? Raises. Working people should get raises once in awhile.
As MME, I can vouch counseling MTs is often - useless. nm
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Most ridiculous "reasoning" in this thread. - Sheesh! (s/m)

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That's always your excuse. Tell the more-experienced MTs they "can't cut it anymore." They've learned "bad habits". (Yeah, some of those habits are NASTY, too! Like correct spelling (BTW - it's 'lousy' - not 'lowsy'), cleaning up dictated mistakes (left vs right, 'he' vs 'she', incorrect meds, etc.) And by the way, a vast majority of the time, the "account specs" are wrong, medically and legally speaking. And of course there's the WORST bad habit of all - expecting to be fairly compensated for an honest day's work. I've got news for all you management types out there: We're all onto you. We know your scam. We know the drill: Force out the more experienced (and therefore WORTH more) worker by holding them to impossible standards of speed vs low pay that are dangerous for the patient. Find fault with everything they do. Tell them getting older is THEIR fault. Stoop as low as you want, and say what you want, but we're all wise to the SCAM and the SCOURGE that is the modern medical transcription service organization business model.
What ex-MTSO posted is not an excuse. It is reality. - nm
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It's a very unfortunate "reality" for all those MTs - being discriminated against due to age/experience.
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IMO, saying discriminated against for age/experience is - just something said by one who Sm
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is a *less than* MT. Better to tell yourself it is not your fault you dont cut it, it is everybody elses fault.
Tell ya what. Get back to us in say, 20 years, and - fill us in on how it all turned out for you.
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What is a reality today, will just be a memory 20 years down the road. There's no way to prepare for it, either, because when we're young, we all believe that somehow growing older is not inevitable, but one's own fault, and that there's something wrong with it. I used to think I'd be 25 forever. When I discovered MT, after bouncing from job to job to job for the first 6 or 8 years of my working life, I thought (and rightly so, for a good many years) that I had finally come across a way to make a living that was foolproof, indestructible. Just like I thought I was, myself. Come to find out, the joke was on me, and is currently on everyone else who found out that time stops for no one. And, someday in the seemingly, but not actually, distant future, the joke will be on you, as well.

Back then, had somebody said, "Don't put all your eggs in one basket. Learn more than one skill, in more than one line of work", I most likely would've been to young and naive to listen. But no one ever said that to me back in the day. Back then, if you found one good company, put in your time, worked diligently and hard, and saved your money, you'd be fine.

But 20 years later, that "reality" has changed. Now, when people are saying to not expect MT (or ANY livelihood) to support you entirely, all one can hope is that people will have the foresight to believe that. But, if the person hearing that advice is young, and maybe this is their first job, then you can't blame them for believing the good times will go on forever.

So fast forward. You work hard, you do everything "right", and you save your money. By the time you're in the same boat most of us Boomers are in today, something ELSE will happen. Some other rug will get pulled out from under YOU, as it did for many of us. Yeah, I had that 401K, and that little personal money market account, AND a personl savings account. The latter two have been burned through from monthly supplementation of my ever-shrinking MT paychecks. Now I'm bleeding out the 401K early, and in 2 years I plan to do what all the financial advisors say NOT to do, and will start taking my social security early, to try to supplement my income as best I can. Am I back in school? You betcha. But I have no rose-colored glasses in that respect, either, because I already know that for me, anyway, it's too little, too late.

Have a nice life, while you still can.
Back then... who cares. I will be retired way before 20 more - years. And I am happy, happy, happy. nm
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Why would experience be used against an MT? Pay is by line. - Not faster you go the more you SM
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are paid. It is not as if experienced MT makes more just by virtue of experience. Pay is the same, no discrimination.
To clarify, Your CPL rate does not go up just because you - are fast. CPL same for all. nm
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All I can say to that is, you've got a lot to learn. - s/m
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There are more reasons than I care to go into, for why a 1970's pay scale doesn't cut it in 2013 and beyond.

But if you like it, then hey - I guess somebody's got to, in order to keep these wonderful, upstanding MTSOs raking in the dough.
Cant go into all reasons? There arent that many. Just - cause all cannot be happy SM
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as MT doesnt mean we all have to be unhappy. My experience with angry and bitter ppl is they tend to be that way in all aspects of their lives, which is sad. A job is such a small part of life, sad that unhappiness in it can color everything else and that such a sufferer wont change the situation.

please go work in fast food for a week and let me know how that goes - Loving the MT life

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I have worked backbreaking jobs. This one is by far the lesser evil. I will be an MT until no one will have me anymore.

I feel sorry for anyone who thinks MT is in any - way, shape or form, a "life". (S/M)

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" I will be an MT until no one will have me anymore."

I think lots of us are in that position, though more likely from circumstance, rather than by choice.

However, I would suggest you not go through your MT "life" with blinders on. Get a plan-B in place, and start implementing it, because regardless of how much of a talented, workaholic, whiz-bang of an MT you (or any of us) are, the part about "no one having me anymore" is going to come about a lot sooner than you think.

I love my MT life, Working at home, not having to deal with - doom and gloom co-workers SM

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unless I come to this board, of course, lol. Working my employee shift and then done and off to do whatever I want.
MT life - NY MT
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Totally agree! Worked at a local hospital for 6 years as the lead transcriptionist. Have been working from home full time for the past 5 years as an MT. I don't miss all the drama, backstabbing, competition between employees, etc. I couldn't be happier working from home. Love my TSM and QC.
MT life or EMPTY life? - Both are one and the same.
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Empty life? - NY MT
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Empty life - Not me!
me either! - Former JLG MT
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agree to a point - anon
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I do agree about working at home for the reasons you said and I recently got transferred to a great TSM and QC too, I am happy with certain aspects of my job; I just wish my income had not gone down by half in the six years I've worked for Medquist/MModal though my production and quality have always been good. That I'm not happy with. Working at home, I love. That's one of the reasons its hard to think about getting out in the "world" again.
I feel sorry for people you come in contact. - You must not work with others
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well at all for wanting to be at home.

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If You Are Unhappy With Your Company And Pay, Contact CNN To Get Your Story Out
Nov 05, 2010

If you want to get the word out, start with CNN.  Below is a small part of an article about declining income in the United States.  They asked for people to give their stories.  Any Takers?  http://finance.yahoo.com/news/Washington-DC-posts-highest-cnnm-1741487299.html?x=0   Nationally, income dropped by 2.1% to $50,221 in 2009.  Accounting for some of that decline was shorter work weeks: The median time at the job fell by 36 minutes to 38.4 hours from 39. The ...