A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

Is everyone unhappy being MT's? - tlynn

Posted: Aug 23, 2010

I'm just about to finish my course with CareerStep and started looking at the boards here so I'm wondering.....is it really this bad?   Is everyone in the MT profession that unhappy?   I'm 50 years old and the company I'd worked at for many many years closed down due to the economy.  I thought this would be a good job that would let me work from home and my efforts would determine my pay....Am I completely wrong????

Many of us are happy - LK

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MT has advantages and disadvantages, like any other career, but certainly not everyone is unhappy. It is a tough field to break into right now, though, and that's just reality. You need to be VERY persistent and realize it may take you a while to find a job. I've been in MT for 5 years and am doing quite well. And it's true what you say- your efforts WILL determine your pay. That's one of the things I really like about MT.

thank you for the optimism - tlynn

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Thanks for you input it does help. I understand that jobs are hard to come by...I just lost a long time position recently due to downsizing and thats when I started classes for MT. Jobs are difficult in any field your trying to get into right now so its good to know that I'm not totally wasting my time and this like anything else can be done if you put in the effort it requires :D

Not entirely - Happy MT Robin

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There are a lot of us that are still happy in the profession and still make a decent living, but it's harder and harder to come by any more.

The MedQuist board will open your eyes about how a huge MTSO treats their employees.

VR is the wave of the future, and most companies don't manage it properly so you spend your days editing garbage for very little money.

Making a living is possible, though, it is harder than it was a number of years ago according to MTs who have been doing this a lot longer than I have.

Look for the smaller companies that still do typing. Stay away from the big guns like MedQuist, et al, as you'll only get VR work and make very little money.

Good luck. Good jobs are hard to come by right now, but with some perseverence, you will be able to find one.

I work for MQ - doing VR and make same money

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that I made doing regular transcription.

My pay is the same as before and I actually like VR...it's much easier on my hands, less tiring.

I wasn't until 3 months ago (sm) - Long time MT

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I made the decision to leave the MTSOs and look for a hospital that still employs MTs (but remotely). Found it and could not be happier. Great job, great co-workers, really good pay and benefits.

would love to find - tlynn

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This is something that I'm hoping for as well. I've not begun checking with the local hospitals yet. I'm thinking I should have my classwork complete, but I am hopeful! Do you find that many smaller hospitals will consider remote employees?

How did you find them? Cold calls? If theyre out - there, they sure dont advertise! nm

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Not cold calls (sm) - Long time MT

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You would be surprised what you find when you check the on line job board!
Where exactly is the "on-line job board"? - NM - Looking Too
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I have searched local hospitals, Indeed.com, mtstars, mtdaily, the internet in general for the past 6 years and have absolutely nothing like this. Would love to know exactly where the "on-line job board" is (or any other specific tips). Thanks in advance!
Most hospitals - mt2long
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have online job postings on their websites.
I check those, too. N. Cali. is a friggin BLACK HOLE - of no MT jobs. Time to leave! N/m
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N. Cali - Viva
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I thought I saw some MT jobs posted for Daly City and San Francisco recently. I can't apply since I'm way down south and can't relocate up there, but sometimes the jobs do appear. It takes a while to track them down online.
Yes, I saw them too. Its tempting, but Im way on - the other side of the bay, and -sm
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can't afford the commute, either in mileage and bridge fares, or time spent. Can't afford to live on that side of the bay, either. Unfortunately, it seems like whenever you find an affordable, pleasant town to live in, it's partly because there's no work there. There seems to be a lot of in-house work in the San Diego area, though.
A lot of the hospitals in my area... - earlymusicus
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are using outside hiring companies to fill their positions. When you go to the hospital's website and click on the jobs link, you are then taken to the website of a separate company. Has anyone else experienced that?

Most are unhappy with Trends... - Searching

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I would say that most people who have been doing this for any length of time are VERY unhappy, as the changes that have been made in the "industry" HURT US GREATLY. Back in the late 1980s and even into the 1990s, when everyone was still paid hourly, things were GREAT! And I made some damned good money with my small transcription service. Ever since going on line count, there have been constant "tweaking" of what a line is, what you're paid per line, etc. That is VERY DEMEANING and DEMORALIZING. Couple that with hospital workers who have to sit and watch EVERYONE ELSE get a raise, but oh no -- MTs are "special" 3rd-class citizens, the unwashed masses, who get NO raise in their checks, only increases in PTO (to cover sick time and vacations). It SUCKS.

Curious - tlynn

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I guess my thing is I keep thinking that in the 80's,90s especially, and even up until the last 2-3 years, the whole job situation for everyone was totally different. You didn't have to be in the medical field to have a great paying job and many of those great paying jobs aren't so great anymore. In fact many of those are no longer jobs at all and its not the companies to blame it's the state of our economy. I worked at the same job for 20 years and was VP of operations for a company that just went belly up... and so at 50 years old I'm looking unemployment dead in the eye and it ain't pretty at any age. I'm now hoping for a job where I can work from home and I'm just wondering if its the MT profession specifically due to offshore or if the MT profession is just being hit the same way so many others seem to be and its hard to take?

The recession has little to nothing to do with it. - Just you watch.. when the economy

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improves, will our job prospects and income in MT improve? Sadly, NO.

Things were already going downhill long before the current recession hit. The recession just gave them one more "excuse" for giving MTs the shaft.

And of course, then there was AHDI. Don't even get me started on that bunch of shysters.
I think the recession IS a factor - LK
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I work acute care and elective procedures in the hospital I transcribe for are WAY down. Less people have insurance, and even if you do have insurance and money is tight, you're going to put off things like elective total knees and the like. I do believe the recession has affected work volume. In a poor economy, fewer people can afford to go to the doctor. There are many other forces already mentioned that are even more significant, though.
Ive worked thru several recessions in the past, - and still had plenty of work. The only -
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difference is, back then little, if any, of our work was going offshore. THAT has been the biggest factor in our wage loss. Oh, and of course, MTSO dishonesty.
so your paid the same? - tlynn
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So your paid the same but the work is going offshore so your production is down?
No, Im NOT paid the same. Thx to offshoring, Ive gone - from $23/hr down to 8 cpl.
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hrly-cpl - tlynn
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so when it went offshore it also went to pay on production like factory work?
Not exactly. More MT was being done by MT companies - and more hospitals were outsourcing
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to those companies. Back in the day, you could actually make more working on production than in-house and hourly. But back then, MTs got around 12+ cpl, and computer programs were pretty simple and straight-forward. I've worked on-site at MTSOs in the past on everything from IBM Selectric typewriters, to Mag-Cards, to Lexitron (first good word-processing computers), to all different types of computer setups. By the time I started working remotely from home for an MTSO, it was already done via Internet, and the transcription programs were already pretty complex. By then, offshoring was already happening, as well. I've been on the MTStars boards for many years, and watched the production wage go steadily down. The easier it got to send work offshore, where they'll work for what amounts to next-to-nothing in the States, the lower our pay got. When it began to reach the point where it was equal to below minimum wage, and MTs were becoming increasingly unhappy, it became increasingly clear that MTSOs no longer even want US MTs. In order to justify offshoring, they claim "there aren't enough MTs in the US to do the work". When in actuality, there just aren't enough MTs inthe US who can eke out a living on $6-7 per hour.
Piece work- always has been - mt2long
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for most at-home MTs. Some hospitals would pay hourly.

Offshore had NOTHING to do with that.

And I agree this recession (which IMO is really a depression) is unlike any of the others we've had, so I don't think you can truly compare.
But offshore, MTSO greed, and AHDI had a LOT to - do with the current low pay, which is -
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about half what is used to be just a few years ago.

We've been forced to compete with the low wage Indian MTs get, without a decline in the cost of living in America. Anyway you look at it, or try to rationalize it, that is WRONG.
my issue with this - mind set
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is that as someone who had the pleasure of hiring US MTs, 80% of what I saw did subpar work. I've talked to lots of other MTSOs who also share that number. So I *do* hold US MTs accountable for some of the push offshore. If you're going to get crap, you might as well get cheaper crap.

Plus, you then had MT schools popping up all over the place and Suzy MT thinking, well I know Donna MT gets paid 11 cpl from her MTSO, so I'll start charging 9 cpl. Doctors soon caught on that if they were going to pay, paying 9 was better than paying 11. Of course, then I refer you back to the first comment I made and we're back to cheaper for same quality.

MTSOs are in this business to make money. Yes, some of them are unscrupulous and I can only wish there's a special place for them in the afterlife where they are chained to a keyboard and forced to hammer keys for all eternity. But not all MTSOs are dishonest. There *IS* overhead for many MTSOs and many do share as much as they can with MTs.

While nothing is absolute, I think the good ol' US MT mind-set (and quality) had as much to do with pushing our work offshore as MTSOs who are greedy.
You get crap is you PAY crap. They say there are no - decent MTs, but sm
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what it really is, is there are no decent MTs who readily work for cents. Pay decent and I can guarantee you will have excellent MTs coming out of the woodwork.
Opps, Typo is = IF - nm
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I agree. The other thing lowering the bar on quality - is the production thing. - sm
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I have no beef with production most of the time. But there IS a line one must cross once the production demanded exceeds the ability to make a living on what is paid AND go slow enough to proofread, research, and fill in mangled demographics.

The tighter the time constraints get, and the more work they want, and faster (for lower pay), the MTSOs should be busting their humps to make it so those of us who get paid to transcribe, do just that - TRANSCRIBE. Not look through 50 pages per client of account-specifics every time you pull up a different kind of report for that client, or a different client. Not spend so much time trying to decipher what SHOULD have been a run-of-the-mill, fairly easy dictator's words because the sound files are so crappy. Not have to wade through pages of demographics (demographics that are neither alphabetized nor listed numerically) to find patient info. because the doc or the nurse that dictated the report was too sloppy to at least key in the right MR number.

So, the MTSO keeps saying, "Faster! Faster! Gotta make that TAT!" And we keep trying go to faster and faster while transcribing because our pay has been lowered to the point of less than minimum wage unless we're going flat-out, balls to the wall to try to make up for the lowered pay. AND the "NJA" we've all been seeing so much of this summer.

Most of us have hit the wall speed-wise, and many are at the breaking-point when it comes to quality.

If MTSOs want top-quality work, they're going to have to give us the opportunity to slow down enough to do that. They could improve their report quality tenfold by:

- Simplifying their transcription software and demographics. Right now, most of them are a nightmare to work on, even if we were paid by the hour and time wasn't a factor. They suck. They're horrid. Most transcription platforms appear to be designed by garbage-men, cowboys, hairdressers, bankers, town drunks, ANYbody but those who know anything about typing medical records for a living.

- Grow a pair, and stop saying "yes" to all the clients' nitpicky little "personalization" demands for their account. Why on earth should anyone have to waste their time worrying about Hospital A, that wants paragraphs separated by 4 spaces, not 2; Dr. X, who insists on his own, private version of the BOS ("I know I spelle them wrong", he says, "but I LIKE it, so that's how I'm going to do it.") Hospital B wants hanging indents on everything. Hospital C wants them only on op reports, but nothing else. (Except whenever there is a full moon, in which case they want the OPPOSITE of hanging indents on EVERYTHING. And they want red and green font colors during the month of December for the holidays.) Hospital C wants each paragraph in a different font. Because, well, they just DO.

Grow some, MTSOs - come up with a simple, generic, ONE-SIZE-FITS-ALL report format, and tell your clients that is the "ABC Transcription Co. format", and it's the only one you use. Will they gripe? Of course. But will the work get done faster without all those account-specifics to look through every day. You better believe it. And the client will eventually come to realize that what really matters is the medical record itself, NOT the indent style, or the color of the font.

- Pay your MTs. NOT rupees. And NOT at .05 cpl, but an actual, respectable, living WAGE. MTs work to LIVE. No matter how much they "love working at home", or "love MT", the bottom line is, we don't do this as a hobby. We do it to put food on our tables and a roof over our heads. It's 2010, for godssake! Do you REALLY think you can run a successful business, and retain both clients and employees, by paying 1970s wages?
EXCELLENT POST! Thank you - MTPockets
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The MTSOs are the ones calling all the shots, slowing us down to a crawl and then they complain because we are slowed down to a crawl? They don't sem to know what they really want. Oh wait yes they do - $$$$$
Agree! This is an awesome post! - no1joe
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Wouldn't you just love to fire off a copy of this to management in any company? Thank you for taking the time to write this.
Thanks. I got all caught up in the emotions, and forgot - to sign it! - Rocky Raccoon
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Either that, or I had a brain-fart and forgot who I was for a few moments!

Feel free to copy & send the post. - Rocky R.
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Every little bit helps, and if it makes even just one management person stop issuing more company rules and edicts, and think for a few moments about what REALLY constitutes accurate medical reports, and more of them, then maybe my post wasn't in vain.

My, arent you full of yourself. FYI, nothing is going - to change, at least, not for the better. nm
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Your opinion isnt wanted or needed. - RR
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Buzz off, Suit.
But it is mine and I can post it. nm - Suitless
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And you say she is full of HERSELF. That is rich! - Pot calling kettle
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. Of course you just get your jollies any way you can. Even if it means posting nasty things just so somebody, anybody will talk to you. I learned in Psychology class that attention is attention - good or bad, you obviously are starved for positive attention, so you'll take it any way you can. We're on to you. Buh-bye.
I just said I can post my opinion. Didnt imply it is so great - it should be sent to whoever. nm
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Geez - dont you have an AHDI meeting to attend? - Or a seminar on "fuzzy math"?
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Posts look like poetry right justified at this stage of - the argument. I like it.
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Me, too. I wonder.. if we keep going, just how far - to the right it will go? nm
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She was responding to me. - no1joe
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DUH! And, no, she isn't full of herself. I told her that I would love to copy and paste what she had to say and send it to management. What's wrong with you???
I think I know what her problem is --- - R.R.
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She sold her soul to get a management job (like they ALL do, you know...), and now nobody will talk to her.

"Success" at the price of stepping on others usually has a pretty steep price to pay for the *successful*, as well.

Kharma, and all that fun stuff.
Lowering the bar on quality post - smf
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I'm only an occasional lurker but have to comment on this post. It should be the "poster child" for medical transcriptionists and be sent to every transcription company out there as an all out protest.
AMEN! nm - MTPockets
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I think it is your mindset (that 80 percent of US MTs are lousy) - Is the problem!
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Any excuse to offshore right? I find your argument void. I have been in QA for years - yes, there are some bad MTs out there, but 80% NO WAY!! I have also been an MTSO so don't say I don't know what I am talking about. I think you're just latching on to a handy excuse to further undermine MT pay to line your pockets.
80% of those who APPLIED - not ALL MTs
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And I gain nothing off the backs of MTs any longer. I'm a grunt. Do the work, take the pennies.

And I agree with "it's a production thing" above here. Good post!
If MTSOs want more quality applicants, then theyll - have to start offering better pay. Period. nm
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as an FYI - when I was hiring
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I always paid well, usually 12-13 cpl.

Most MTs don't know what pay is being offered when they test/apply. So you'd think you'd get their BEST quality then, right? Wrong. Or maybe it was their best quality, which is sort of my point :)
I think unless they live under a rock, most of them know - theyll be lucky to get 8 cpl, tops.
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This recession is different - LK
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This recession is deeper and longer than any in recent history, and has hit white-collar workers hard. These are people that are used to good insurance coverage and would use their medical benefits extensively in better times. People are losing their homes at a rate not seen since the Great Depression, and I doubt that you were transcribing then. I have talked to a number of medical professionals who claim that their patient load is way, way down because of this. This most definitely has an effect on our work loads.
definitely different - tlynn
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The job I just lost was in the housing/real estate industry and yes people are in foreclosure like never seen before...lenders have dug a hole deeper than any seen before and our government is bailing them out by cutting our throats. The number of people losing jobs today is not even slowing down no matter what the government is saying and no one can possibly afford medical insurance without a job. Emergency rooms are full of those that can't afford to go to their regular doctor and a lot of hospitals are turning them away. I can't see how it would not affect this industry.
The recession IS affecting our industry. But our lousy - pay-scale was this way long before that.
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This recession is like no other that we've had in the past - Reality Check
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Just keep up with the financial news. There is more talk of still more banks going under and possible runs on banks. That's just one example. This recession isn't like all the others.
Disagree with you. MT employers are hit by the recession just like everyone else - nm
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But "most" employers arent using it as an excuse to - rip off their employees, like MTSOs do.
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Things are better for MTs than when I started, but lots more griping - Looking Back Not Always Nostalgically

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Those good old days that MTs love to talk about were never that good for me. MTs make much more now than I did back then. There are some trends that are troublesome and still more that are due to the horrible, awful economy. What I don't understand is why people don't do better in something else if they can. If this is the best they can do, then go out there and make the best of it.

Demoralizing is right! My company has been whittling - away at our income by constantly -

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changing what is a paid line and what is an unpaid line. All without informing us, of course. Every month, I'm working harder and longer, and making less. I'm becoming suicidal.

Hospitals across the US are broke and failing - anon.

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due to a broken health care delivery "system." Yes, the recession has increased the numbers who can't pay, but if there were no recession many public service health care providers would still be in big trouble. Of course, they're trying to cut transcription expenses!! As they should. This is the healthcare field, not casinos and golf courses. Hopefully, pay will stabilize at a workable rate before too long, but the gravy days will never come back. As they should not.

Thanks to the health insurance industry. - Yet another greedy buncha snakes.

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And forced freebies to illegal aliens - no address to bill

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Not to mention Medicare and Medicaid forcing them to discount every charge down to nearly nothing and write off the rest. Why are we giving free/nearly free healthcare to people who give the least back to society? Why do we value them MOST?

re: tlynn - Kiki

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I am not unhappy. For me (I am also 50) this job is wonderful. I work from home (check), don't have to drive (check), have good, steady work (check) and before my husband leaves to work he makes me a cup of coffee and brings it to my office (double check!).

I work 7 hours a day, 5 days a week. I've been here for 10 years now and have established a routine. I believe that sticking to routine saved me. It was hard at first, making the transition from an actual office to a home office, but now I don't think I'd like a "real job". I would slack off a lot and then try to "catch up" the last couple of days of the pay period. MISTAKE!

I have a good rapport with some virtual co-workers and speak to my CCM and RTL often. They are wonderful and very helpful. I make it a point to get my quotas in each and every day that I work.

I read a lot of MTs on this board without work and with poor support from their supervisory teams. I guess it's a crap shoot in the MT world and I feel fortunate to be among those that are blessed and happy here. Good luck to you.

Aha! The magic word - "husband". How "happy" would - you be in MT if you were your sole support?

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All types of jobs are not right for all people, as has always been the case - Your circumstances not our fault

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The idea that people are entitled to do a certain kind of work is flawed. Not everyone has the skills to do one kind of work or the personal circumstances to do another. That's the way it is.

Yes, it really is that bad. Im 62 and wish I could get - out. Can never afford to retire, either. nm

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I feel ya - t

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I feel ya! Right now I have no job and just struggling to get by so retirement is a laugh! But that is because the GREAT job that I did have went south when the company had to close.....so here I am.

If I were still 25, I would get into trucking. Or learn - to become a welder or plumber. Good money.

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And yes, I'm a female.
booze - tlynn
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LOL my dad was a plumber so knowing his job I think I would pick something else. My ex-husband was a trucker and I would pass on that as well since fuel has gone so high and mileage has gone way down :D Maybe if I was younger bartending would be good...seems like booze is always gonna sell and drunks will always tip!
I dunno... I wouldnt want to sell a product (booze) - that contributes to so much highway carnage.
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guess there is no good job anymore~ - tlynn
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Thats why I started this...at least I can be with and here for my family. Basically there are no GOOD jobs in todays world unless maybe your in a political office and that is definitely not something I'd want to do.
I always wished I could be a geologist - but Im "math - challenged". So, no scientific fields for me. :
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I'd have loved being an astronomer or astrophysicist, too. Unfortunately, even more math involved, there!

Architecture was interesting, too.. but I'm old enough that when I was in highschool, girls weren't allowed to take drafting, auto shop, metal shop, wood shop, etc. No, they stuck us with the "lucrative" career preparation of Shorthand, Sewing, Cooking, or Art.
no math for me either - tlynn
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I blow at math too and originally was going to be a physical therapist but back then was young and dumb and thought it was too much science....look at me now LOL
Forget about being with your family... - Hayseed
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I'm finding that I have less time to spend with family and friends than ever before.

I need this job, have to work it for all it's worth, and that means putting in retarded days/nights/hours.

I have NO social life, as the times when work is available are the times when the rest of the world is having fun or doing things together...Holidays, weekends, nights. That's when you'll find the majority of us MTs working who need to work.

If all you need is a part-time gig and you're not reliant upon just your paycheck, this can be a great career. If you don't mind not having work for a day or two here and there, or sometimes a week or two in a row, this can be a great career.

I love my job, I really do. When the work is there. When it's not there, I freak out...especially when it's there the following week, so much so you can keep working 22 hours a day if you wanted...and that wears body, mind, and spirit right down after a while.
So true. Its one thing if your family lives in the same house, - Rocky Raccoon - sm
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but if they don't (mine are scattered all over country), and you have to work 6.5 to 7 days a week just to pay the bills, there's nothing left over for luxuries like travel to go visit them, or a few days off. (Not when you're using what little PTO you have to eat on, right?) Nothing at home gets done, either. Laundry piled up everywhere. Carpet un-vacuumed and turning white with cat-hair. (Shoulda' bought a white one.) Even with the little bit of crappy health ins. I have, who has time to go to the doctor, or money to pay the ever-increasing deductibles? Dishes in the sink only get washed when finally the only other option is to buy some more clean ones, which of course isn't an option.

Family members don't want to come visit me because they think they'll be interfering with my work. Which, in all honesty, they would. (And also, probably because of all the cat hair...)

I had always hoped that when I reached my 60s, I could slow down a bit, maybe work part-time once the SS kicked in. No hope of that, now. I used to be in top physical shape. Now, I'm lucky to even get outside more than twice a week for an hour or two. I seem to spend 99.9% of my life in my bedroom, either asleep, or typing. Marrying my way out of this mess is no longer an option, either. I keep hoping some new type of job, or way of making a living will come along or be invented, that I'll have all the right skills for, and where it won't matter that I'm 60, and where maybe my non-youth would even be considered an assess instead of a liability. I've been waiting for 10 years, and so far nothing new has come over the horizon. Unless, of course, some day I set my sights on being a Walmart Greeter.
Truer words were never spoken. Have to work double sm - websta
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the hours to make the same money I made 10 years ago, only there isn't enough work! I used to be able to walk around outside for 15 minutes a couple of times in 8 hours, now I'm sitting here trying to keep from peeing for the next 15 minutes in case a job comes in before I get off.
It's still better than pounding the pavement looking for anything to earn food and shelter - It could be worse
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But anyone in that situation doesn't have a computer, so they can't tell that story.
At least we"d be getting some exercise....... - ......other than just our fingers.
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I'm in a different kind of work and I can't afford to retire either - The new economy is not good for anyone

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I can't think of anyone who is doing well.

Happy ones aren't - here complaining

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I've been doing MT for 15 years and still love every minute of it.

Generally, the happy ones don't come to boards to complain, since they aren't unhappy, so on the boards, you see more complaining than anything else.

But, yes, there are happy MTs.

I am one of the happy - ones

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Love it all.

thank you! - tlynn

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Thank you! I am feeling better by the minute! I know that jobs are hard to come by...its that way any any field your trying to get into so I'm glad to know if I put in the effort needed I can find a job in this industry that I can be happy in :)

Not completely wrong - mt2long

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It seems the "work from home" attracts a lot of people to MT, but that is both a curse and a blessing most times.

Finding work has become more challenging, especially for new graduates.

Your expectations of "pay" may be your biggest hurdle because the reality may not match up with the hype.

Good luck!!

BTW- I'm a happy MT :) Burned out around 20 years and took some time off, been back now for 5 and it's great.

nice to know - tlynn

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Well the "work from home" aspect is definitely appealing since I live in a very small town and can't afford to move closer to the nearest hospitals thus saving a ton on auto costs and also I like being in my jammies LOL. As for the pay..I'm not trying to make a fortune just want to be able to pay my bills so the idea that I get paid for what I produce is the most appealing aspect to me. I am also a computer geek so any job that lets me live on my computer is a plus as well :D

Just stay aware - mt2long

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that you might not earn enough to pay your bills for some time, well unless you only have one or two bills :)
UGH - tlynn
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Oh come on I haven't even gotten started yet and I can't pay my bills??? How can you not earn money if you put in the effort needed? I understand that mistakes cost you but dammit I'm good LOL
Ive been in MT for 35 years, and although it paid the - bills in the past, it sure doesnt any more!
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Reality bites :) - mt2long
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VR on average pays 3 to 4 cents per line. The SUPPOSITION is that you can do it FASTER than you can transcribe. With lots of practice and a good program, that *MIGHT* happen.

So if you average the 150 lines per hour, and using the high end at 4 cpl, that's what? $6.00?

As a newbie breaking into the field, you will look at offers of 5-7 cpl to TYPE. Taking that same 150 lines and the high end of 7, you're now at $10.50 an hour.

Logic would say- fine, I'll type 10 hours a day so I can make $100.

Well, that's good IN THEORY, if you have 10 hours worth of work AVAILABLE.
If you're an employee, you'll be told you can't work overtime, so at 8 hours you must stop. If you're a contractor (where you are responsible for all SS and Medicare and withholding your own taxes), you might be able to work those 10 hours IF work is available but then don't forget to deduct your "taxes" too.

I love my job. I'm lucky in that I have a good position right now. But you should know ahead of time that the biggest BENEFIT you might see is WORKING AT HOME. It won't be paying the bills, again, unless you just don't have many, without some big changes.
I need those *big changes* so badly, Id be willing to - go to extremes to see them implemented. nm
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you're not wrong, but you should be prepared for the reality - sm

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I love doing MT, personally, but it's the state of the industry that is a problem. My experience is that big companies are all about profit, small privately owned companies are usually run ineffectively, and both types of companies often think MTs are the lowest of the low.

Work is sporadic. If you work VA accounts, for example, companies bid for contracts and can all of a sudden lose several contracts after 6-12 months, leaving people without work. If you get a small private clinic with a few doctors, you'll have days where the doctors are gone.

Work is also very difficult. Bad audio, dictators who don't know English (and some of them are native English speakers!), doctors who can't pronounce any polysyllabic word properly, etc. What we got at M-TEC was nothing compared to what I hear on even my easiest accounts.

And the pay is low. I strive for $45/day after 8 hours' work. As a newbie a year ago, I made maybe $20/day. It will be at least one more year before I can get up to $65 or more per day, and that's if the work holds out.

I know I'm one of the people who grouse because MTSOs, MT organizations, and schools are all about profits rather than helping the MT, but I don't honestly wish a bad career on anyone. Like I said, I love the work. I'm really suited for it and it suits me pretty well, and after seeing my own medical records, I know that GOOD medical records are VERY important.

Good luck!

We joke about McD jobs, but I would even feel bad there. - Contributing to overweight, high cholesterol. LOL.

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Good Lord when did you originally research this job? sm - websta

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or maybe the question is how long did it take you to get through your course.

This job has been utterly miserable for at least the past 3 years. Prior to that, it was tolerable and we were paid more.

I'm happy to be an MT (I think)! - jeannieb

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I just completed Career-Step in May. I was told I have a job in July. I am finally starting training on Thursday. Once thing -- work VERY hard to finish with honors. That really helped me. Also I managed to get 100% on the testing for the position. Accuracy is everything.

Hate to burst your bubble. They do not care about accuracy - It is about who they can pay the least amount to.

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Sorry, but that is the reality of this field now.

hahaha jeannieb-- they LOVE to burst bubbles, - just try not to put your bubbles out there. nm

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I am living in the poor house after 35+ years - tiredofbeinganMT

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Went from a 45K a year job to less than $10 an hour; can't hardly stand to sign on each morning; turned 55 over weekend; have no idea what else I could but did apply today to work at a toll booth which pays almost twice what I am making transcribing...very depressing

Is everyone tired of being MT's? - 27-year-MT

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I have found medical transcription has gone steadily downhill over my 27 years. I never wanted to be an MT but the situation demanded I make money immediately. I think it is a lousy career and tell anyone who asks me they should not waste their time and money becoming an MT because they will never make any money at it. I wish I could go back and have another chance as to whether I ever entered this business. It is just legalized sweatshop to me.

just tired of being spat upon. NM - anonanin

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Might as well post my tale of woe then sm - hoo boy

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With the trend of cpl going down over the past few years, I am now working twice the amount of hours and still can't make what I made 4 years ago. As a result, all the financial obligations I made prior to that (assuming like everyone does that we will make more money as years go by) were unable to be met.

I filed bankruptcy in 2009, kept my house and a vehicle.

Now it is 2010 and I find I can't even make my mortgage payment. I have tried to refinance, I am being jerked around by the mortgage company going on 9 months now. So I am in foreclosure.

Really, I've lost everything I worked so hard for. I've been applying for non-MT jobs for months now and my area is so depressed nobody is hiring. Even Wendy's said they had no open positions.

Unhappy MTs - 27-year-MT

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I am presently working for FutureNet Tech because they contacted me and offered me more money. I was working for less and decided to go with them. I am now in such financial distress I cannot meet my bills. I am in desperate need of another job. Do not believe what they tell you. Get on the boards and ask around before you accept any position and see what other MTs can tell you about the company you are thinking of working for; it will save you a lot of heartache.

I like it! - halfdozen

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While I think the pay hasn't gotten any better, I enjoy being an MT. I started 12 years ago when my oldest was an infant. I do enjoy the flexibility it offers, BUT - there is always a but - *some* companies are VERY difficult to work for. They do not seem to care about the person behind the keyboard - they are out for the almighty buck and WE suffer for it. I recently started my own business and am SOOO glad I did! I was tired of begging for work. While it's hard work to get it going, it's moving in the right direction. I would like to think I am a small dot in the mix that can help change the industry - one keystroke at a time. Corny huh?

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