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Kinda freaking out - TJ

Posted: Dec 16, 2011

I got a message from the boss asking me to call her. She never leaves a message like that.  She wants to talk to me about my work.  I am really anxious.  I know it will not be good news based on past conversations with her.  I hope I am not losing my job.

It will be OK â€Â¦ - anon

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I've felt like that before, it doesn̢۪t feel very good to dread a phone call with your boss so I can relate to what you must be feeling right now.

I'm not sure what the nature of your work issues have been with her in the past but I will tell you one thing that I've learned - most CCMs or team leaders really do want to help (before I get flamed by everyone - I said MOST). Their goal really isn't to let people go without trying to work with them to get them up to speed, or to help them understand the software, etc. My company is reeeeally good about offering additional training to help teach us keyboard shortcuts if that's what we need â€Â¦ or to find other ways to help us do better at our job. Yes I do know that not all companies are like that but keep an open mind about your conversation with her - it might be that she just wants to understand the problem better so that she can help.

And, you know the truth really is, that if you are let go, maybe it was just meant to be. It will be OK, either way.

maybe there is a chance for promotion? I hope you get good news ! - strawberry

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Please let us know!

freaking out - TJ

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no chance of a promotion, i'm 100% sure of that. I have been with this company for 6 years, so I don't think its' about getting up to speed on software, etc. Do you think I should call even though its a weekend? I will post when I find out something.

Yes I think you should still call - anon

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If you wait it could make your situation worse. CCMs and team leaders really don't get their weekends off so if she asked you to call I would go ahead and do it. Plus, you'll feel better for the rest of the weekend having it behind you, regardless of the news.

Yes, - get it over with.

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The longer you wait, the worse havoc your imagination will create. Since you have been with the company for a while, it could be anything from letting you go due to downsizing to critiquing your work to offering a QA position (the last one happened to me with 2 companies). Good luck and keep us posted.

Freaking out update - TJ

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I am out of a job. I love my job. Just trying to let it sink in.

I'm sorry to hear that. - Hugs!

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I was hoping it would have been something good.

Ohhhh noooo .... right before the holidays? - why oh why do they do this

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I'm soooo soooo sorry, TJ. I don̢۪t know your situation or why you were let go but whatever the reason, I just don't know why it couldn't have waited for just a few more days. I don't know why companies do this.

Well my advice to you is, don't let your fingers get cold - get on some of the company websites and get your resume out there and take some tests quick.

Some of us just don't do well with certain types of software - some might thing one platform is a dream and someone else might think it sucks. It takes just the right fit for the right person so even if you weren't that productive at your other company, it might just take that special fit to get you going again. Seriously, don't let it get you down - get yourself out there and try someplace new.

Keep the faith, TJ.

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