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Are you freaking kidding me?! Mandatory OT ANOTHER WEEK?! - sm

Posted: Apr 13, 2015

I'm about to snap, I'm so stressed & drained.  My arms and hands are killing me.  I just can't keep doing this crap, for God's sake.  Maybe it's a good week to call in sick.

Here is what really gets my goat - MOT

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We are completely short staffed already in this grouping, and yet they say "we've also been asked to take on more work a couple of our clients and mandatory OT will ensure we stay on top of incoming volumes." HELLO?

Yeah - I loved that comment - we can't handle - what we have so say yes to more

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All that means is pretty soon they will be mandating 2 hours of OT a day. It doesn't take a genius to figure out if you can't handle what you have don't take on more. My advice to everyone is DON'T do it. If everyone keeps working the OT, how is that going to push them to change the situation. It takes them 2 minutes to send out an e-mail mandating it. If we do it, they will not try to find another solution to this problem. I haven't worked 1 minute of any of this mandatory OT.

Me either MOT no OT for me and I think - sm

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I feel sick..

I also like how she is on PTO for an entire week while we are doing mandatory - are on mandatory OT

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and now she is leaving in the middle of her shift for a doc appointment but we are asked to make our appointments outside of working hours - and we're supposed to feel like a TEAM right

and... - sm

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While she is away, the scheduler sends out 5 backlogs a day, while the supervisor can only send out 1 a day. Who monitors their jobs?

Why cant they edit these dang reports? Put them on Mandatory OT. If India can do it, I am pretty well certain a highly educated supervisor can handle it.

Additionally, if they are going to keep forcing me to do more than 28 hours per week, they better start covering my insurance! They forced me to go below 28 hours so they didn't have to cover my insurance but then demand I work over 28?

You should definitely find out how to turn them in - for that The law is very

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clear about having to offer insurance for 29 hours.

30 hours? - ti

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I think it's 30 hrs.

I think this law is unpopular. Maybe it is going to change.

Sounds like time to file a workers comp claim. - sm

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If they knew anything about what we do, they'd know 8 hours is way too much and causes CTS, RSI, lateral epicondylitis, not to mention obesity, blood clots, etc., yet they want us to do even more lines & even longer hours. They know nothing about MTing.

Just dont do IT!!! - problem solved

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My doc has already told me to find another job this is literally killing me with pain..Almost gone, may tighten my belt and go sooner, depends if I get any flack about not doing the OT.

Just don't do it - I agree

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This company has gotten itself into a mess and expects the MTs to bail them out. Don't do it, is the best thing you can do; let them figure it out or let them do the work themselves. Again, they treat us like garbage and then come crying to us for help. State you cannot do MOT, due to health issues, other commitments, etc., or just ignore it. If I do find myself having to do an hour of OT, I do one or two reports at my leisure and that's it. Again, the pay isn't worth it the aggravation and the QA jumps on you like vultures.

I hope MM finally sees the light; they are getting what they truly deserve and that is nothing from their loyal employees who have endured the worst of the worst working conditions.

Common sense MModal - sm
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I made 5 K less last year. Hum, I wonder, let me think REALLY hard here. Could it be because of your assinine quality requirements? Your out of control inconsistent QA people? The way you write the CPs? ASRs daily game? Hurting my head here scratching and trying to figure this out..You Mmodal are a bunch of idiots!!! You have set yourself up for failure, you are running off the good MTs. The ones that stay don't care anymore just do the bare minimum. I WILL NOT bail you out with mandatory ANYTHING. You switched my schedule so I have less family time and less ability to conduct my personal business (yes Mmodal, I do have a life beyond this place), and then you call for mandatory OT...Really makes me chuckle, and what makes me really sad is, people comply, because they have to, because they have to feed their families. This place SUCKS!!!
Not to mention horrible sound quality - sm
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failure to make doctor's follow the rules and expect us to remember every single one of their little idiosyncrasies. This doc always punches in the wrong number for his reports, so please be aware and fix it. On this account they say Dr. S but that is really short for Dr. shutthehell up you talk to fast, please remember to change that also. This one wants cc and this one wants mL. Put us on a hundred different doctors, each one with different formatting, and then gig us and fail us for adding a word or a comma? All this for between 7 and 10 cents a line, darn I feel like a fool for putting up with this till retirement.

I used to really like her because she never demanded mandatory - sm

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OT and would ask for volunteers. Then, the VP or whoever demanded mandatory OT for that week or two, and since then, she doesn't seem to have any problem herself demanding we work mandatory OT. Guess she's not one of the good ones after all.

she's just doing what she has to do I'm sure - anon

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In defense of her, she's just doing what she has to do to probably keep herself out of hot water too. It might be hard for her to demand this and maybe that's why she's not sending out the back log notices like she used to. Personally, I try to stay under the radar, clock in when I'm supposed to, clock out when I'm supposed to, work the mandatory overtime, etc., it works for me, everyone has to decide what they are going to do; I'm just not ready to leave and I don't want the hassle right now of looking for another job, but that's just me. We'll all do what we think is best for us. Down there, I still think she's a good one; maybe just struggling along with the rest of us with few options on where to go.

I agree she is doing what she has to do - sm

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to keep the food on the table so to speak. But, I am still not doing mandatory OT. It is nothing against my TSH, I actually like her, it is absolutely against Mmodal, I HATE them..

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