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They're calling for OT on a holiday weekend?! - omg... nm

Posted: Apr 02, 2015


OT on holiday weekend - fedup

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My regular day to work is Sunday and I didn't request it off. Can't wait to wake up early so I can look at my screen saying NJA all day long!

Easter's not a holiday? sm - Anon

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It is more of a holy day and is only observed by Christians. Everybody in the US is Christian. Sorry if you get NJA though.

Also - I agree with Anon

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If it makes you feel any better, you are not the only one who has to work. I also never knew that Easter was a national holiday. If the OP needed it off for religious reasons, they could have requested it. I worked Sundays for years and my manager used to let us leave to attend church as long as we made up the time. Maybe you could do something like that this Easter, but then you would have to find something else to complain about.
It's not about being off for Easter. It's about them - sm
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requesting everyone to work OT knowing we're going into a slow holiday weekend...

Nothing is open on Good Friday, so those of us with - sm

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clinic accounts will be NJA. This was a statement about workflow, OT and poor planning on their part. Nobody asked the statistics of Christians in the US...
I had plenty of hospital and clinic work on Good Friday - the banks were open
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so pretty much everything is open on Good Friday. I also live in the Bible belt.
Well yay for you, but all our doc offices, credit unions, etc. - sm
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were closed. And I ran out of work.

I'm in the US, and I am most definitely not a - narrow-minded self righteous

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