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Missing Pay=No work???? - cindylouwho

Posted: Jan 14, 2010

I am missing a little over  $100 from my paycheck from 2 weeks ago.  Nobody is answering my calls or replying to my emails.  I did get one email saying they were busy doing this weeks payroll, and they would look into after they were finished, but still nothing.  I am getting really upset about this.  It wasn't my whole check, but enough that the impact was felt (and is still being felt).  This also happened about a month ago, and it took it them several days to correct it, but this has went on for almost 2 weeks now.  How inconsiderate that they can't even be concerned enough to call me back. 

I am really thinking about calling them today, and let them know that I will not work this weekend (my scheduled days Fri, Sat, and Sun) if they cannot pay me correctly.  I do have another job lined up.  Is this over the top?

I agree with you! - dsauverwald

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This is not over the top whatsoever. If they cannot pay you correctly now who is to say what would happen if you keep working, racking up lines and pay, and they continue not to pay properly? I would do the same thing; tell them you refuse to do any more work until they can rectify the issues.

Be careful if you want to keep this job. - Fingers

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I can't say that I blame you for the way you feel. I can see it happening maybe once - but twice? You best keep close tabs on this in the future.

Just my opinion, but I don't think I would be issuing ultimatums if you are going to need this job. However, I would find a way to very respectfully tell them that you do not appreciate this and that it is having a negative impact on your bills, etc. I would also stress that while they do not feel it is urgent that you certainly do. In other words - be nice and polite but kick up enough fuss so they will see to it that it does not happen again and if it does, it should be corrected ASAP.

It may be a good idea to line up another job - but until you do I would tread lightly, unless you really don't need the money. If you do get that other job - then that respect I was talking about goes out the window, mainly because they have not shown you any!

Cindy - Old MTSO

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I have done this waltz more than once in my long MT life. They may try to tell you it was an accident or error. My answer to that is if it was a simple error, how come the errors never occur in YOUR favor, but only theirs? I bet they have never given you TOO MUCH in your check by error have they? I would let them know politely that this is not acceptable (or legal, either, for that matter). You do not need to justify why you need the money. You earned it and if you were planning to buy a magnum of Dom Perignon and some caviar with it, that is your very own business. I would be very clear that you want your pay NOW. Monday is a bank holiday. Every day they keep your money, you are in essence making them an interest-free loan. That is ridiculous. Don't let them get away with it. Do you really want to work for such a company? When I had such things happen to me in the past I told the company that they got one chance and this was it. If it happened again I would leave.

How big a company is it? - go up chain of command

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Is this a little place or a big MTSO? I work for a big one and their payroll person is basically incompetent and has never once answered or returned a phone call. Since she came on board a couple years back, they've underpaid me at least a dozen times and overpaid me by thousands of dollars a couple of times. The only way I can get prompt attention and corrections to the mess is to figure out myself where the error is, explain it via email, and cc my supervisor. I've also gone so far as to cc payroll lady's supervisor, when she was really dragging her feet. The more noise you make to other people, the more likely payroll will take an interest in fixing it. I'm incredulous this person still has her job, but I guess she's a master at blaming the computer for her errors and passing the buck. I know I have to watch my paychecks like a hawk and always will as long as she works there.

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