A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

Raise for Tier Level advancement - hopeso

Posted: Oct 25, 2010

Are we supposed to get a raise when we advance to a higher tier level?  TIA

I have never gotten a raise -- just steadier, crappier work - anon

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Hmmm - hopeso

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That's what I was afraid of...CCM said I would get a pay raise, but it has been 3 months and nothing yet....so, guess I will give up on hoping for that...thanks....

raise - crappier work

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I took on so called training for tier 2, which I already know the stuff and have been doing it previously with other companies for years, but noticed my paychecks going down and more ASR, so I just stayed tier 1 and make more money. I was getting really, really crappy work. I rarely run out of work and have regular accounts on tier 1.

Wonder if I can go back to Tier 1 from Tier 2..NM - hopeso

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I was promised a raise when I tiered up to Tier 3 AND changed my schedule for them with the promise of a raise for that too...a sufficient raise.

Keep bugging your CCM or ask who their boss is and tell them you were promised a raise.

That is what I did. It took about 5 months of calling and calling, but I finally got it. I was speaking with the regional director and she got me my raise; however, it was not as sufficient as I thought it was going to be as I had gotten a bigger raise than this one some years before and was ticked off, but I won and I got my raise.


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