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Does your company offer advancement opportunity? - Curious MT

Posted: Feb 06, 2013

I am curious as to ways transcriptonists (of employee status, not ICs) might be advancing in their transcription careers other than being paid incentive line rates. I am thinking long-term.

Do any of you get raises? If so, what kind? Are you paid per the line or hourly?

Are there different levels of transcription in your place of employment with different pay scales?

Do you make different rates for different dictators or work types?

Are there any other kinds of advancement opportunities available to you as an employee status MT?

Any information relative to how your company keeps you motivated long-term would be greatly appreciated.

Your answers - sm

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Do any of you get raises? If so, what kind? Are you paid per the line or hourly? I HAVE NOT HAD A RAISE SINCE 2000, HOWEVER, I HAVE HAD 4 PAY CUTS. I AM PAID PER LINE.

Are there different levels of transcription in your place of employment with different pay scales? THERE ARE 3 DIFFERENT TIER LEVELS, BUT I HAVE BEEN AT THE TOP SINCE I WAS HIRED IN THE 90S.

Do you make different rates for different dictators or work types? I MAKE THE EXACT SAME PAY FOR EASY TO IMPOSSIBLE DICTATORS, OR EASY TO HARD WORK TYPES.

Are there any other kinds of advancement opportunities available to you as an employee status MT? THERE ARE NO OPPORTUNITIES FOR ME AS AN EMPLOYEE STATUS MT.

Any information relative to how your company keeps you motivated long-term would be greatly appreciated. I AM NO LONGER MOTIVED LONG TERM AS AN MT, I AM ACTIVELY LOOKING TO MOVE ON.

I haven't been able to find any companies offering anything but de-vancement - anymore.

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Ever since Nuance bought my company and decided that everyone is worth the same from new graduates to their top producers with loads of experience, and took away all of the advancements I had earned over the years, it seems everyone else I following suit. Advancement may exist, but it's rare now and a golden find.

No advancement here - Ayn

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Do any of you get raises? If so, what kind? Are you paid per the line or hourly? We get "raises," but they are not true raises IMO.  Our PTO rate has been raised (same amount for everyone) each year, but not line rate.  We are paid by the line -- all the same amount.

Are there different levels of transcription in your place of employment with different pay scales?  No, everyone is hired at the same lph rate and that rate never changes, ever.  There are no different levels of MT.

Do you make different rates for different dictators or work types?  Nope.

Are there any other kinds of advancement opportunities available to you as an employee status MT?  Only "advancement" would be out of MT into a QA position or another position entirely within the hospital.

Any information relative to how your company keeps you motivated long-term would be greatly appreciated  My company has not kept me motivated at all.  I sent out 5 resumes yesterday - all for jobs outside MT.  Laughing  I have stayed with this employer for 5+ years because I LOVE transcribing and I'm good at it.  I have worked at MTSOs in the past and swore never to do that again.  It is awful.  Despite the lack of advancement, I am still very well treated as an employee of a hospital with better pay than an MTSO, full benefits, working from home, equipment provided, so I stayed.  But, speech wreck and this very lack of advancement/lack of raises/lack of recognition for those doing a good job and is why I'm getting out. 

At Mmodal - One can

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be "advanced" into the title of master medical editor, apparently filling in blanks and double checking Indian and less skilled ME reports for a whopping 3 cpl, but hey, you get that nifty sounding title, right? *pathetic*

Same here - Curious MT

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I am also only getting the same line rate as I was when I first started, platforms have changed meaning I make less money, and little perks from the past have been taken away. I guess I haven't given up that slight glimmer of hope that maybe I can promote change.

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