A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

Possible 3 cent a line paycut but WHOA I get AHDI and - REFERENCE MATERIAL.

Posted: Mar 02, 2010

After sleeping on this.  I am so mad that my hands are shaking. 

I have WONDERFUL reference material of my own - printed, online and software.  What are they GIVING me? 

So to those of us who have a certain client who is KNOWN for poor audio CONSTANTLY, popping, hissing, squealing, fading in and out -- not to mention the over abundance of ESL dictators who not only cannot speak English but eat, yawn and whistle while they are dictating -- we have been told for all our troubles for trying to complete these reports that we are going to be rewarded with a PAYCUT?  Oh -- but it's okay because they are going to give us benchmark and AHDI membership - woweeee. 

I have been MT for years and years then QA, then at gunpoint forced to be MME and I have seen it all.  I know what we are facing.  I know what the MTs have been going through in my service.  It is a shame.  A SHAME. 

These con artists stole money out of our pay in the shadows before, now they will do it right out in the open. 

For those of you who have great clients, few ESL and clear dictators, you don't have a clue what this team has been through.  Not a clue.  I have stood up for so many MTs, defending them because our dictators are CRAP.  The audio is CRAP.  MQ and the client will do nothing about this situation and it has been going on for a long time.  So this is their solution? 

You get three lashes if you go over the limit.  It doesn't matter that the report had only 2 audible words out of 2000 seconds.  It doesn't matter.  So, I guess the MMEs, if we cannot understand all of your blanks, we get all of yours plus ours.  NICE . . . .

I THOUGHT I had seen it all from MQ.  But then again, that was long before Indian owners.  This is not acceptable. 

Yes, there are those out there who abuse the system, but in my service area, even the EXCELLENT MTs struggle hard with the clients that we have.  They are tough.  And now it is going to be tougher to make money with MQ.  You might as well go get a minimum wage job. 

I am not excited about this at all.  Like I said if you have a great client with clear static free lines and clear dictators, MAYBE you don't have to worry, but even you will work with that whip hanging right over your back.  I have NEVER worked for a place doing transcription thay threatened you with a paycut if the dictators were GARBAGE. 

So, AHDI stands behind this practice of shortening one's pay even the MT has no other choice because of horrible dictation so much that they offer up free membership?  Hurting for members some AHDI?  Why don't you back up the MTs who pay you dues and pay for your joke of a certification?  Where are you demanding that we do not get punished.  Oh?  You are in bed with MQ THAT'S RIGHT!

AHDI should stand for ASSOCIATION for HEALTHCARE DOCUMENTATION in INDIA!  Where did "America" go in your name AHDI?  Holding too many foreign cheap labor hands are ya?

What happened to the good old days of firing those who are not doing their jobs and rewarding the ones that are? 

MOST IMPORTANT -- Where in this whole scheme is there a reward program?  Bust your rump, but not to make a bonus, just to make sure your pay doesn't get cut. 



I agree. What next? An email that they'll be paying us in gum? - violetsky

[ In Reply To ..]
You watch. That email is next. They'll tell us they're paying us in gum and expect us to be happy it has layers.

next we will owe MQ $$ just to work there - NE MT

[ In Reply To ..]
Because I am FT and carry the benefits I might end up getting a $0 paycheck and in fact owing MQ money at 1.5 cents a line. Pathetic!

good ol' days - Tweetie

[ In Reply To ..]
You said the most important thing to me in your 3rd from last paragraph - "what happened to firing those who are not doing their jobs and rewarding the ones that are?" That is what it is all about!!!!

The whole shebang will be in India one day. - ADHI will cease to exist.

[ In Reply To ..]
The CEOs in America medical transcriptin industry soon will be replaced along with every level of management by Indians who want half the pay or less. Why would businessmen in Bangalore not want to own all of it if he could? It is a great investment. The entire industry is being suck out of the US. We can thank the AAMT for this.

I hope India sucks AHDI right out of the country, along - with our jobs. sm

[ In Reply To ..]
(And they can suck something else, too.)

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