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Whoa Whoa Whoa, Enough with the RadMT bashing already - Sick of being singled out

Posted: Jul 12, 2011

75 cents to a dollar may be good for BEGINNING RadMTs, but it is hardly fair for a RadMT who has been doing it for 10 years or more!  When they offer an acute care MT 5 or 6 cents a line, people lose their minds!  Actually, I have seen mobs lose their minds when offered 7 or 8 cents!  So why should we settle? 

$1.20 is hardly fair when you have been making more than $1.50!  Literally, some of us lost thousands of dollars a year!  Personally I started out making $1.15 and worked my butt off to get to $1.57.  Now they just put me back to where I started.  Where is the gratitude for all the hard work I have done, the quality reports I produce, keeping my accounts in good TAT, showing up when I was sick, volunteering to help when I was dog tired, etc. 

Come on people, we are turning on each other when we should be turning on the Q.  If we all stopped typing for 1 week, heck 1 day, we would get their attention.  But instead of doing something proactive for our own benefit, we just put each other down.  RadMT or Acute Care MT, we are all MTs and in this mess together.  I am beginning to see why they "frown" on MT communication in this company.  If we all talked, and could possibly get a strike formed, we would be dangerous!  I would do it in a heart beat! 

Whoa, whoa - kittykat

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I agree. The MT's who work 2nd shift do not get the gravy job. Some jobs at $1.50 take one-half hour to finish, but it works out in the end. I have so often envied the MT's who could do acute care stuff. I should have started out on that, but I started on rad and that is all I know now. I don't see how some of you MT's do it, the ones I have worked with inhouse seem to know everything and not only that, know when something isn't quite right (drug dosages, lab values). My hat off to you, but don't bash us rad MT's. It isn't always that easy.

did rad mts take cuts with ASR or - are you paid per report only?

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I have always known radiology is a lot easier, but dont understand why it is paid higher than Acute Care. Just my opinion.

See? That's what I mean - What makes you think Radiology is easier?

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Whatever. Some of you will just continue to set yourself apart from us, but in the end, we will all be going Bankrupt, losing more and more benefits, getting crappy dictators, and expected to work with a smile. Shaking my head......
well, at least you only get 1 account - I have 18!
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Unless, of course, the work runs out on those 18 and then I get bumped to another regions 15-20 accounts.

Shake your head all day... My pay has been cut in half with ASR! Maybe they called it a 40% cut, but it takes longer, and I went from making 1200 every 2 weeks to 550-600 every 2 weeks, and I hear Radiology was making in the 40.00 an hour range???

well, at least you - kittykat
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We have more than one account. I may make $40 for a couple of hours, then it drops down when the reports get longer and the residents dictate. Then you have more than one CP and I still get dinged because I did not do something right that is not even in the CP, it is something the docs want, well PUT IT IN THE CP, THEN. I cannot read minds and all dictators are not that clear, we have mumblers and fast-talking docs, too.
you are complaining about having 1 CP to deal with? - boo flippin hoo
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I am so glad that they cut the pay of radiology.

It is unbelievable that you would complain of 1 CP and that you got dinged for not putting something in it. I would DIE for 1 CP... Try the 15 I do where nothing is up to date and you get 10 e-mails a day from all of the accounts stating this doctor wants this done, this doctor wants that done! If you get it wrong, QA sends you a note, "I put it in an e-mail!"

I make 8.00 an hour and you are complaining over $40 for a few hours? Shoot, I could work a few hours and be done for the day. I work all damn day on 15 accounts and make less than you do in a few hours and THIS IS ACUTE CARE.

Hope the EASY RADIOLOGY WORK is the next batch overseas!
you are complaining - kittykat
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I did not make myself clear. I have more than 1 account and more than 1 CP to go through. I did have one account that said vebatum, then a lot of exceptions, one doc said he did not want the heading FINDINGS and it was in the mandatory headings. One does not want ANY commas unless he dictates them and then you have a series and cannot put commas in. One wants different words spelled the way he dictates them and they are not correct and on and on and on. No, I do not have only 1 account, I got many.
awe, your right... you deserve so much more - wahhhhhh
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Hope they cut your pay right down to where I am. Then I will pass you a tissue.
awe, your right - kittykat
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I guess I should add 3 out my 5 days I run out of work, sometimes I am lucky to get 20 reports. Once in a while they ask for make up hours on my days off, but I have a life. Those days are the only ones I can spend with my family, not during the week when I start at 3 p.m. and work till 6, then my day is done.
Don't forget also... - RadMT also
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Even though we hear a lot about the cesspool, we don't get that. If we don't have work on the accounts they allow us, that's it. We move time around constantly or use PTO. I hear a lot about the cesspool and I feel for you, but at least its a few bucks more than I would have had sitting and waiting for NJA to disappear. (And losing PTO that could've been used not for vacation but for days my little ones were sick, etc...because there really isn't anytime to move to that actually has enough work).

Like I said before, turning on our own is not going to help anything. The more divided we become, the more the big guys can take advantage.
Done both -- Rad is easier for the most part once - you are familiar with it.
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It is more boring, and there are no openings usually.
Rad work - left and right - Details and glazed eyes
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Rad work tends to be monotonous and you can't relax because of the need to pay attention. Radiologists of late tend to make a ton of errors with regard to left and right, scanning wrong patient, dictating the wrong exam. In a rush to meet quota, you could miss these. In a word, it is rather boring.
WHAT - sm
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I want to work where rad mt is making 40 an hour!!!!! I am a rad trans and I can work 8-10 accounts a day????
I do believe the poster said $40 for 2 hours and - Kiki
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that's for 2 GOOD hours.
As an acute care MT, I tried Radiology a while - Kiki
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It most definitely is NOT easier, just different. In fact, I had to go back to acute care. One isn't "easier" than the other. Something only seems easy if you've been doing it for a while.
Thank you! - They are called specialties because they are just
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We are ALL "specialists".

Unless your pay is dropped 50% like regular acute - care MT, you get no

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sympathy here. Be happy and quit whining.

Wow... - RadMT also

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You are right. I just read all of the posts under your original post, and we are turning on one another. What difference does it make who does what type? We are all losing money, period. Yes some rad jobs are like 8-10 lines and that person would make $1.20...but when that job is an MRI or CT or one of the other interventional radiology procedures, it could be 2-3 pages long. That $1.20 could turn into maybe making 2-3 cents a line for straight typing. MQ and other places do it that way so that somehow it "ALL EVENS OUT" so that all MTs on average are making the same. That same amount, however, is definitely unfair to those who have been working in this field for a long time...of course. (I am not saying I agree with that). But still...everyone is getting hurt and everyone is losing money. And someone else on here is right as well...to those of us that started in Rad, the jobs aren't there. Many of us wish we had more acute care experience to throw into the mix...but companies would rather pay training costs to new people than their own people who are hurting for work.

I guess I am just surprised that some people feel they can vent, but when others are feeling that same way, well, you better have the same situation or you can't vent? Doesn't make sense to me.

I am just going to have to do the best I can with what I have while at the same time keep job hunting, sending out resumes and networking.

Whoa Whoa Whoa - sm

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I know some rad transcription with 20 our more years experience who got their pay cut to 1 dollar a report. Does not matter experience. They were told take it or leave it. With this being their only skill they had to bite the bullet or not be able to eat and have shelter. Unfortunately, these companies have some transcriptionists by the balls so to speak. All we can do is either retrain for something else or hope economy gets better.

LOL Still shaking my head.... - My point is proven

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There will always be "transcription prejudice".....So stupid....Notice we Rad MTs are talking so nice to you guys and you are still barking like dogs? There is no talking to any of you. You're just clueless, miserable human beings. We are not the enemies. Sigh....shaking my head....I'm done going back and forth with you brick walls.

youve done shook that head too much in your life - you got marbles loose

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Now go back to your 40.00 fantasy life. The rest of us have have to work 4:1 to catch up.

wow..this is so sad...while I am envious of any MT still making $$ at this job - I certainly would not eviscerate them for it!

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So..yes..if Rad MTs are able to do 100 to 300 reports a day and earn accordingly..I am envious. But a pay cut is a pay cut. I am surprised, though Radiology tends to be repetitive with a lot of normals..that it is not the FIRST type of transcription to be sent to ILPs. That is surprising.

whoa - me?

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then why don't you get off this board and go back to work

LOL still shaking - kittykat

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For those that assume we make $40 every hour, we do not. We are lucky once in a while. The other times it is not so good. Don't begrude us for those couple of hours every few days we feel on top of the world!!!

Oh I WOULD so participate with you in that strike..... - Kiki

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At this point, what have we really got to lose?

Also, out of curiosity, can you tell me why Rad is paid per report? Doesn't seem fair unless every report is the same length. Still don't understand why it just isn't paid by the line. Is there some reasoning for this? TIA

Was curious about per line vs per report, too - sm

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The only reason I'm wondering has zero to do w/ blame or hardheadedness. In the last several months, I've been asked to help w/ some of the rad notes on my primary. Thing is, we have to change the work type to consult as they're usually done in-house and the hosp has to handle them differently from us. I'm not being paid per report this way and would actually make more on most of them (if I did the math right) if it were per report.

On the subject of a rad versus acute care, I'm not experienced in rad reports and struggle through them, so you guys who do them day in/out are envied when I get stuck w/ them. We are definitely all in the same sinking ship, no matter which end of the boat we're on.

Thank you so much for saying that - I would never put down an Acute Care MT

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Not sure why some Acute Care MTs insist on putting us down. The hate on this board today is mind boggling.
Just being honest...hate is ugly no matter where - nm
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Most hateful post - anon
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This is the most hateful post above where the poster writes "There will always be "transcription prejudice".....So stupid....Notice we Rad MTs are talking so nice to you guys and you are still barking like dogs? There is no talking to any of you. You're just clueless, miserable human beings. We are not the enemies. Sigh....shaking my head....I'm done going back and forth with you brick walls."

That is from a radiology transcriptionist. I realize you are not that poster, but I think it is a bit late to be taking the moral high road.

Not all are paid per report, just some - My accounts now are paid per line

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Actually it came out to be the same being paid per line as it was being paid per report, of course that was before the pay dropped to $1.20. Now I make more than I would if I were paid per report.

every job has its problems - anonyn

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I have done both acute care and radiology. Both have their problems and good points. I never got proficient in O.R. reports. I have a great respect for those who do them. I would love to get paid by the line. I get lots of long MRIs, special procedures that take 30 minutes or longer to do just one. Making $1.20 to $2.40 an hour sux. But I still make it okay. It is hard to get the required 96 reports per day in radiology with all the long reports, but you just have to work hard. I wish everyone in the world would have to work production just for one week and see how hard it is.

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