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paycut - bj

Posted: Jul 11, 2011

Would someone please explain what the new paycut is?  All this discussion but no one is saying exactly what they are cutting our pay for.  I haven't gotten the email either and I am in the north region. 

if you didnt get letter, your pay probably - was not affected... are you new?

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There have been posts that outline exactly what the pay is changed to, but my guess is that you fall within that range, so you will not be affected.

Otherwise, call your CCM and tell her that you read it on MT Stars that there was a pay cut and you did not get e-mail.

not new - anon

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I haven't gotten the letter either and I'm definitely not new nor do I fall into the scale already. Maybe some more will be sent out today.

not new - bj

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Not new at all, 12 years here. Thought I read all the posts below and didn't see what the paycut was for. No email thus far this morning either so still in the dark.

what region are you? - wondering if

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They notified 1 region at a time or something?

Does your pay fall within those amounts for your tier?

What it is - Anon

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If you didn't get the email, your cents per line is already within the new range for your tier level.


Tier 1 = 4 cents for ASR, 8 cents for transcription

Tier 2 = 5 cents for ASR and 9 for trans.

Tier 3 = 6 cents and 10 cents.

You'd think that MQ would have the sense (ha-ha) - sm

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to let EVERYONE know about this pay change - not just the people whose pay will be changed immediately. So anyone who doesn't come on MTStars and their pay is not changed won't have a clue that MQ has changed the pay levels for tiers since it seems MQ is not sending an email to all MTs. This company is a joke!

They may be a joke BUT sm - Nickname/Alias

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They are laughing all the way to the bank with our money. It is truly about the most annoying and aggravating thing I have ever experienced, that being dealing with this company.

What goes around comes around. It just won't happen soon enough for me.
Thank you! Found someone who believes with me about the goes around comes around. sm - anon
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All of corporate America is going to get it because the $ is their only view of the world. They do not care about the people who "make" those $$$$$!

I thought it was illegal to - bj

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I thought it was illegal to just up and change your pay without changing at least your job title and then justify it. I would definitely check with the Dept of Labor on that one. I did fall within those ranges so I guess that is why I didn't get the letter.
Not illegal. - LK
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If you're not covered by an employment contract, then your employer can cut your pay, let you go, whatever, for any reason or no reason (other than discriminatory reasons, for age, race, sex, disability). My husband is a top level manager at his company and just had to take a second pay cut. His solution is the only one that makes sense - find a new job (he's interviewing for another position as I type this). You can accept it or leave, and that's about it, unfortunately.

thanks - bj

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thanks for the info

Paycut - BJ - Stella

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The memo I got was that the per-report pay would be decreased from $1.35/report to $1.20/report as of 7/24/11. Wonder if the administration is also taking a pay cut???

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