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New productivity email with audio replay count - Ignorant suits

Posted: Sep 12, 2012

To think that they have such a clueless idea of what editing is that they count how many times you replay the audio and count it against you.  The ASR that they test this crud on must be perfect and the dictators must be perfect also.  They have no idea what the reality of their ASR is.  

Use of highlighter is now figured in also!?  That thing is annoying and slows me way down, very distracting.  

All the suits need to be fired and replaced with MTs with business degrees because these tech-head suits have no clue how things work in our world.

Yeah, - see message

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"This is a measurement of the amount of audio that is replayed, keeping the highlighter and cursor together and moving smoothly throughout the report. If you keep the highlighter and cursor moving steadily throughout the report with less stopping, then there is less audio that is replayed, allowing you to complete the job in less time." WTH?

Would be fine if you didn't have to correct every other word - and now

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see below where apparently we are all going to be tossed into the cesspool because of those readily available client profiles. They really are clueless.

I think they better rething making us use these - keystrokes... sm

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We dont get PAID to hit the Ctrl G to turn it on and off. If they are expecting us to use this, and then turn it on and off 4 or 5 times a line, then we better get paid for those keystrokes!!!

I smell lawsuit... work required but not paid. These are keystrokes and are monitored and tracked, so they should have NO PROBLEM PAYING US FOR THEM!

This sounds like they're.... - (see message)

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...just asking for people to soar through the reports, listening to the playback nonstop without making the necessary corrections. That's what they're going to end up with if that's what they're asking for (and all they're paying for, truth be told). Good luck with the client being satisfied with THOSE reports! A monkey could let the playback go without stopping and slap that report on through, for goodness sake!

This is what trainer told us they want. Get through report - as quickly as possible with minimal SM

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editing, certainly not to over-edit. She said the little grammar errors that affected nothing, dont worry about. Concentrate on important pt information, meds, diagnoses, allergies but not to worry about the nonmedical stuff as long as it didnt change report or impact patient care. She said MM wanted us to do good, process many reports accurately, not spend unnecessary time in a report and get on to the next one. Really, I think they are happy to get the jobs processed as quick as possible. The facilities that this wont work for, will be vocal and those accts will get some closer monitoring. But we all know, majority of these reports go in a folder somewhever, never to see the light of day again. And that is what MTSO is counting on.
Until you get an audit and dont pass because you did - not edit VERBATIM
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That happened to me, so now I edit every blessed word.
I agree. Then we end up overediting which is counter - productive to ASR, just making it worse.
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That was just what we were told. ASR the way it is now cannot work the way MM wants it to. Maybe they are going to realize that before long. We who have been actually in the trenches using it have realized that years ago and it is not getting better.
This all puts the MT.... - (see message)
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....between a rock and a hard place. It's so unfair that they tell you to crank, crank, crank the work out but then they can take away some of your pay if your quality suffers as a result.

I worked for a large teaching hospital for about 18 years, and I was a top-notch MT....almost always had 100% quality scores and received an award for highest quality score in the department. I took immense pride in putting out a beautiful, accurate report. I had many people tell me they looked at my reports to try to decipher what the doctor was saying on theirs because they knew my precision in making sure the words were right...not just guessing. In a way, I did a lot of other people's work for them! That's O.K., though; my work ethic wouldn't have allowed me to do lesser quality.

Then, our jobs got outsourced to an MTSO. Because the work was for all the doctors whose reports I'd typed for years and years and knew like the back of my hand, I continued to produce the same darn quality but, of course, at about half the pay. At first, we were still doing straight typing. Then, a few weeks in, they "introduced" us to ASR (funny how they didn't mention we'd eventually be going to ASR at less than half the CPL when they offered us the jobs). You all know the rest of that story. Our pay fell to waaaaay below half what we used to make. My QA scores continued to be mostly 100% (and the few where they found minor "errors" oftentimes weren't actual errors but the typical difference of opinion; some of their "corrections" were actually errors, but it wasn't worth wasting my breath over tiny dings. Being totally versed on how the client (the hospital where I had worked all those years) wanted things, I knew that the way I did things was in the CP; but after trying to get things corrected a couple times with zero response from the QA lead, I decided it wasn't worth the aggravation. As long as my score didn't fall to where my pay would be penalized, I let it slide.

By the end of my time with this MTSO, I finally realized that the only way to earn enough to cover my employee-plus-dependent health ins. premium AND still have a little take-home pay was if I started to let a lot of small ASR corrections slide...not inserting punctuation where it would help with clarity, leaving "ED" instead of changing to "Emergency Department" (the way I knew my client wanted it), not worrying if it typed Wound VAC, wound vac, or Wound Vac, etc. As much as it pained me to leave small grammatical glitches (not correcting the doctor's grammar, for instance, but leaving it verbatim, since that's how QA would mark it), I finally decided that if THEY (meaning the MTSO management, the QA people, and the client) didn't care, why was I beating myself up to produce a perfect document? I wasn't getting paid anywhere NEAR the amount necessary to produce a nearly perfect document, the way I used to be.

It's a sad place to come to if you're a traditionally trained MT like I was, but I realized that I didn't do this job as "volunteer work," which is what it was almost amounting to at times! I donated so much free time to this job, it was literally making me sick--losing sleep, losing hair, eczema flaring like crazy, stressed to the max.

I finally quit all together when I couldn't bring myself to do such poor quality work, and I'm trying to find a new job--preferably outside of MT. I'll admit that it's not been easy since I have so much MT experience, and my other job experience was roughly 2 decades ago. With so many people job hunting who have more recent experience in whatever I apply for, it's been rough. If you want to leave the MT field but can't afford to be totally without an income, I would advise that you do the best you can for now without killing yourself for the MTSO while you continue looking elsewhere.
I'd like to add... - Des
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The "guessing" is what our hospitals and doctors were sick of seeing in their reports. If all MTs were like you, we'd all likely still be hospital employees and earning good wages. Lazy MTs gave the MTSOs their "in," and we're all paying the price for it.
No, it was the hospital suits who only look at what is cheapest. - dnr
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That's why the hospital I used to work at went with an ILP for half our work, and the ILP work did not even approach the accuracy of our "worst/laziest" MT.

That is why the small service I used to work for had to close their doors. ILP underbid us repeatedly to the point where it would not even cover the electricity and phone bills, etc. That hospital could have chosen quality over pennies, but they didn't. Medical Records didn't want to lose us, but the suits didn't care.


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I only scored good on 2 items. I got a 5 on the replay and 2.5 on editing ahead of the dictation. I do not use the highlighter or the other things scored. I want to know why we are sent 2 of these reports that are exactly the same?

What bother me is the amount of millions spent - Productivity.

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on their STUPID computers and and trying to upgrade them and make them better for what?? ALL OF US to type faster. Really???

ASR sucks and instead of giving us raises and treating us like we are people and the millions that could have been spent to treat us employees fairly, they spent it on computers that do not work properly and we have to fix it for them.

It sounds as if they have too many software/techie - L&L

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people on the payroll with nothing better to do than come up with new ways to manipulate their data by tracking us different ways. Contributing NOTHING to the company but looking like a good idea on paper to no-nothing suits.

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