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Never realized how bad cherrypicking is - Furious

Posted: Jan 14, 2014

Just the other day I was given better access to Fluency Manager.  I used to only see US work in my region.  Now, I can see it all.  Anyway, I saw a stat job in the backlog that was almost going late and with the low amount of work, it really should have been typed by then.  Out of curiosity, I checked the Job Audit on it through manager.  This job was discarded a total of 6 times by 3 different MTs.  Two of them did it once, and one did it 4 times.  These were all tier 3 MTs, so it shouldn't have been beyond any of their capabilities.  That job obviously went late.  After seeing this, I randomly started picking jobs that I would get that I knew were horrible dictators and looking them up.  50% of them were thrown back by MTs before me, some more than once.  Now, granted some of those MTs may have had emergencies or it was the end of their shift, but there were multiple instances where it was the same MT dumping multiple differents jobs within an hour, so they were obviously still working.  I was going to let my TSM know, but I hate being a narc, and from what I have heard, they easily know who does this anyway.  My question is, do they do anything about it?  

What I find ridiculous is that there are MTs who whine and complain about NJA or not getting their line counts, and then I see this happening, and I sure hope they're not the same people.  

Just do the job that comes to you.  Not only will you actually learn something and get better at doing your job and that particular dictator, but you have no right over any other MT to pick and choose your work.  I sincerely hope the cherrypickers get fired.  If you can't do this type of work, you shouldn't be doing it at all.

on THAT I narc,,,screw them we are supposed - to be a team

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and IF you narc then the TSM is forced to look,,From what I see they do very little work as it is, make them do something for a change

how do you "throw back" a job on Fluency? - abandon?

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Just wondering . . . - anon

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Going to catch &*%$ for this comment, but here goes.
Why do YOU have access? Why worry about people abandoning jobs? I just stick my nose to the grindstone and type it. Those people eventually get their dues. I try to not worry about what others are doing (and trust me it is hard for me) and just worry about my work. There will ALWAYS be people that do this and for what ever reason they feel it is justified. Too mind boggling.

When you can tell one has been tossed back - sm

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i.e. partly done and gets really hard, I check..Why should I have to do it if they don't. And on the strange instance where say I lose a report (it happens) because of electric or internet going bonkers, I email the boss and let her know. TEAMs work TOGETHER..
Then aren't you the same as them? - anon
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Two wrongs (or more) do not make it right. I am telling you Karma will get them.
I do the report and narc them to the TSM - Have NEVER picked
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I can't help the electric flickering or my - internet problems
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I sign back on as soon as humanly possible, sometimes it is only a flicker and I lose the report..and usually it is after I have done a lot of work on it..I WANT it back, I don't stick anyone with anything.

OOPS - anon

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Guess I did not worry enough about my work. HA. Meant to say, just worry about your own work product. Beginning of the work week and my brain and hands are not functioning at the same capacity. YIKES.
I dont abandon anything but you are darn right I log out - when i see something I dont like
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good time to take a break!
Wow - anon
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wow yourself I have kids and a mortgage. I cant afford not to - n/m
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WE all have needs - sm
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find it very sad when you jack someone else to help yourself..You do find by struggling through those reports you actually learn..and the reason I narc is just that...attitudes like, I sign out on break cause I don't like the next report. Can't stand people like you thats just a sneakier way to cherry pick, unfortunately you will never get caught..But thanks for caring about your fellow MTs what goes around comes around
Well said sister/brother - anon
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Thank you.
I dont like straight typing jobs. But the next person might - i like the short notes most dont
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so how do you know i'm not helping someone else?
That is NOT your decision to make stop justifying - nm
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oh but you see, it is. thats why I do it - ;)
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and if you were smart you would too.
Like I say - sm
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Your useless, what goes around comes around..If you can't do the job, go elsewhere
You are selfish - and
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and I'm a trust fund baby - such fine coworkers
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again, what makes your mortgage more important than mine?
then do the same. nobody is stopping you. - n/m
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I will not - some of us are honest
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some of us have a work ethic. Some of us don't cheat. You wouldn't know what that's like though.
Not cheating. Survival of the fittest - ;)
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yes, cheating - wink or no wink
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it's cheating. You are a cheater.
somebody call the whammbulance - boo hoo
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hey you went to my high school didn't you? - I heard you never graduated nm
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Do you think the rest of us are here for the - atmosphere?
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Perhaps you think we are just killing time until our next tennis lesson at the country club. Wake up! We all have people we need to feed, cloth and house!
no i thought you were here for the paycheck which is why - you should be doing it too
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yeah we love people like you - such fine coworkers
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what makes you so special?

Not cherry picking - Not furious like you

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Perhaps you need to quit worrying about cherry picking and let the management take care of this. Taking time to look at a job audit takes a few minutes off the keyboard. I read your email here, I went into DQM and looked at a job audit on a few jobs where "I literally took 8 minute bathroom breaks, coffee breaks etc". It looks like cherry picking because there were jobs in my que, but instead of leaving them hanging, thus making them perhaps late, it is better to log off. Cherry picking is when one abandons or breaks a job. Stopping and signing out for a break is not cherry picking at all. There is nothing management can do unless they want to furnish potty chairs and portable coffee pots to stop us from taking a break, I was told to log out when I did not. Luckily I get my crappy jobs back. When I sign out I do not even look to see what is coming in, when I have to go, I go, but I come back to the same junk as you do. So know your differences, when one abandons and breaks a job they management does know it, the top managers get reports every AM of those 2 type jobs and believe me I have been in the higher up shoes, and they pay attention, but they cannot audit patrol because those of us who need a break, need a break and do it the correct way. Just sayin, I work nights so I had time to get on here an voice my opinion on this.

but when one person does it 3 times - I see a pattern

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that most definitely is cherry picking.

Let it go - anony

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Why waste all the time and energy worrying about everyone else? Just do your job. It will be a lot less stressful worrying about yourself than what you perceive others doing. Not everyone cherry picks. Some of us do the "crap" that others choose not to do for whatever reason. It is sometimes just easier to do it than complain about it. I have found reporting usually does not change the situation. I believe the "bosses" know who kicks back reports and let them do the worrying. That's what they get paid for.
No more rant from me.
exactly. When you become a TSM then you can worry about it - not your place
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they are stealing from you - you know that right?
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but you're okay with it?
no they are not stealing from me. How preposterous. - what is wrong with you
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what is wrong with me? - well
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this is absolutely the one thing I can't stand, that's all. People thinking they are so much more important that they can take all the easy work and leave the crap for me. That and managers who won't do anything about it. Your turn. What's wrong with you?
self preservation is human nature. you might want to try it - instead of complaining
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hate the game not the player
not complaining just telling you - you are a cheater
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and yes, I can indeed hate the player. I quit a job over this once.
cant get your way so take your toys and go home. - mature
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well we could keep arguing but what's the point? - like you are so mature ms cherrypicker
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I see it my way and you see it yours. I'll never convince you that what you are doing is wrong. If that's taking my toys and going home, so be it.

OMG STOP!! Why are you buying in?? - anon

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This is *OBVIOUSLY* someone who is TRYING to bait you into an argument, why on earth are you buying in? You guys sound like kids bickering in a kindergarten class, just stop buying in and this person will have NO REASON to keep trying to draw you into an argument. It happens on this board ALL THE TIME.

Sheesh ...

I dont sign out for bathroom breaks etc - sm

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and I eat at my computer..No I don't have an iron bladder, I just want this torture over as fast as possible..but I still pull 200-250+ lines depending on how hard I work..I NEVER cherry pick and have no use for those that do..

I don't "cherry-pick" ever. I type whatever comes up, - whodat

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but I can deal with "cherry-pickers" better than I can deal with a snitch! My personal opinion. Okay, let the dislikes begin!!!!

girl you and me both! hate a goody 2 shoes snitch! - ;)

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you triflin - GMAB

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"I be hatin' on the snitches! bad grrls klub 4evah!"

So if you know a wrong has been committed, you are willing to cover it up to subvert justice?

The crime just hasn't happened to *you* yet...cause u too busy perpetratin.

U too skerred to do the hard jobs, so you jes be playin.
Whaaat? You speakin Engrish? ....no message - none
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you trilin - GMAB - anon
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You most definitely are an educated person who graduated from college because it takes skill to speak in that manner. Wish I could see your resume.

Children ... you're all just children - NM

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just a real sore subject with me - so be it nm

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I do occasionally throw a job back, BUT I KNOW - L&L

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it will come back later, and usually I am better prepared for it then. I have never been able to completely avoid a job unless it was at the end of my shift and I was logging out at 5am.

On my shift there is usually only myself and 2 or 3 other people working, and I think I'm the only tier 3 so I'm stuck with all the bad (and good).

Cherrypicking is horrible and I can only hope all the MTs who get fired are the ones doing it.

Bad - Cherrypicking

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I agree with you on that. I transcribe/edit all jobs given to me, and it is true that you do learn how to do those difficult dictators eventually if you practice.

For instance, just the other day I received 7 lengthy jobs from a doctor who is ESL. I had to send the first 5 jobs to QA for help, but by the time I got through the 7th job, I could understand him better and now I can transcribe/edit this MD's reports with no problem. I am so proud of myself!

They know who does this, they get a report - anon

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How are you able to see any of this?

Cherry picking - anon

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Since you have so much time on your hands during your shift to be the cherry-picking police patrol and watch who is or is not doing their reports that come to their queue in Fluency, just wanted to let you know I logged off for a 15 minute break so don't nark on me.

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