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Cherrypicking! - CuriousMT

Posted: Mar 31, 2014

I love it when I'm working and the job ID's keep going backwards, but only for the worst doctors on the account. 

How does my TSM not notice this?  Of course, even if she did, I bet she'd only say, "Hey guys, remember, cherry picking is not allowed" and add in some clip art she found on the internet of a smiley faced cherry. 

We are all in the same boat.  Type the flippin' jobs!

I'm in the same boat as you - SM

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I often wonder whether I should say something. I go back and forth. Pros and cons. In a non-MT job many moons ago, I once pointed out to my manager that people on my shift were taking long breaks. That resulted in retaliation against me. I learned that managers don't like to have it pointed out that they are not doing their jobs or be told how to do their jobs, or that they give special treatment (letting this go on, favoring the cherrypickers). So for now, I just hold my tongue, lest I feel the wrath from FIESA. Sorry this is happening, you are not alone, my line count is in the crapper from these awful jobs.

Thank you for sharing! - CuriousMT

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Thank you for replying. I know we're not alone, but just hearing someone else saying it and giving their point of view really helps!

I totally agree on notifying the manager. I had done that once a long long time ago and nothing got done, but actually the manager had the gall to suggest that it wasn't cherry picking. No, it's only happening to the worst dictators, and especially at times when the manager wasn't working. No, it couldn't possibly be cherry picking. Our systems are set up where it would be so easy to catch the culprit, and it I were manager, I'd give them a taste of their own medicine and assign them specifically those doctors they were throwing back!

Yes, had that at iMedX. Kept mentioning to - TSM then realized it was

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her that was doing the cherrypicking. All of a sudden I started getting audits and bad QA. Left there quick. Couldn't stand another nuance-type of retaliation. Maybe Nuance TSMs are also transcribing?

Cherry pickers - Disgusted

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Don't know if the TSMs are transcribing, but the team leads sure are and they definitely do cherry pick. Funny how when you ask them a question regarding the account they are "lead" on, they don't know the answer!

It's encouraged for QC to cherry pick - SM

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When they have no work. They are told to go in and take what they want and transcribe it. Sorry, but there is not a thing you can do about this. Don't bother saying anything, unless you don't care about retaliation. I used to be a QC at Nuisance, for those who doubt. Maybe they don't allow it anymore, as it has been about 1-1/2 years since I quit... But I doubt it.

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