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Is there cherrypicking going on? - sm

Posted: May 09, 2013

I will start my day in eBeyondText with list of jobs, many of them good. Only problem, I no sooner begin working, when the good jobs vanish, op reports and procedure notes, and then ESLs from heck pop up. One after the other. Could be the same guy. 

I was told there was no way to cherrypick and, I mean, I would not know how if I wanted do, but what is going on?  

Honestly, the good jobs just go poof, while the pieces of garbage stay and multiply. 

Here's what is happening - SM

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Various situations exist. First of all, they pool the work according to dictator (not according to time or work type). I have several screen shots I have taken of my pool that prove this. This was in EditScript. When asked why this was, I was ignored. If you get one bad doctor, you are going to be stuck with what is in there of that one bad doctor.

Second, they allow QA staff to pick what they want if they run out of QA work. If someone wants to dispute this, they can, but I was QA and I was told that I could cherry pick by my supervisor. FYI, I do not work there anymore, so maybe the policy has changed in the past few months. I doubt it.

The third reason I can think of is that the good work is going to India.

This is how it goes at Nuance. You lose all the good dictators to India and then you eventually lose all the work to India and then, as in my case, you find a better job and quit.

An open letter to Amy the HR honcho at Nuance - upbeatbutpoor

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Dear Amy;

I am likely no more than an employee number to you. Do you know what kind of employee I am? I could give you my quality scores; at least since the beginning of the year despite the incessant testing, I've stayed above 99%. I've now survived more supervisory turnovers than an entire corporation ought to undergo, let alone a single little 'ole transcription account. I have continued coming to work every day, diligently, even when sick, tired, stressed out, hurting, bankrupted, and borrowing money to stay afloat. I even did without a trip to see my granddaughter and stayed on the job last year when I couldn't decide whether purchasing medications or food was more important, so travel was out of the question. I've stayed on the job when it turns out the human resource manager I was supposed to trust for protection against workplace injustices was the very perpetrator of the most egregious of them. Shoot, I'm the kind of employee that will return to the job on Sunday at the start of her shift even though I'm the victim of systemwide discrimination (with that human resource person still in place as my only buffer)! Yep, I'll show up even though I'm the one that has been moved off an account in which I maintained the above-referenced quality scores while newer MTs, less experienced people, were placed directly and purposefully into MY time slot so that work was removed from my production capacity.
You likely never heard these things about me because you trusted a human resource person to tell you. We both have to live with the consequences of that. But you should also know that I am the type of employee that will cheerily wish (this last most recent supervisor) a happy retirement some day, for I know she has at least earned a goodly reward for finally following through with removing me from the account that I could conceivably earn a decent living on if allowed to remain typing it (last 3 weeks' production numbers prove that handily). Despite all that, I will welcome yet the 8th supervisor in as many months when she comes on board next week.
I am also the kind of employee that enjoys a good laugh. Imagine the chuckle I got upon reading this on the Nuance Corporate Citizenship page...

"Ask any Nuance employee what is the best part of the job, and more often than not, you’ll hear
'the people.' Our people are the foundation for our cutting-edge technology, our industry-leading
market position, our respect among customers. It’s only right that we compensate them not just
through competitive salaries and benefits, but also by providing the support needed to live a well-
rounded life."

So, anyway, hopefully this finds you well and getting really good sleep at night. Feel free to contact me for anything you ever need, for I am one employee who can indeed be counted on. I tell the truth too, just check my tax returns.

2010 $26,159 - $2,500 deductible = $23,659
2011 $22,574 - $2,500 deductible = $20,074
2012 $19,675 - 2 x $2,500 deductibles = $14,675*
*****Food stamp eligibility for single income earners in my county is $14,532.

Thanks for everything!

Your letter was a CLASSIC! Thanks for sharing! - -Meerkat

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Thanks for this. - It just confirms

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what I just figured out truly IS happening and so many have been saying about this company. This is SO UNFAIR. I know, I know, they don't give 2 rat's butts whether it's fair or not. Like you, I questioned it, was ignored by the TL, and then removed from the account. Just about had enough, took me a little over a year this time around. ::sigh::

I am not sure that it is cherry-picking but what I have noticed-- - anon

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is that not everybody pulls the same work types. I think that there are people who love op notes (duh, normally good lines) and that is all they are pooled for so they may get ops from several accounts. About two weeks to a month ago there was an e-mail from the TL that everybody would be pulling all the work types in the order they are due back. So far has not happened on my account. I still see op notes disappearing long before yellow H&P and consults do. I view it as a major incentive to get out of this field, as not everybody is playing the same game.

Absolutely. - Alicia

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I stayed on as an IC through two transitions w/one company then N, working with the MTs and TLs/QA who transitioned along with me. This account was not on any of their platforms. There is a mix of jobs - some very short (seconds long) and the longer ones 2-3 minutes and one guy 3-15 minutes and mumbly. Right after the transition, my quantity decreased because I no longer got the shorties. One of the MTs was promoted to QA, even though s/he barely knew the account. Then a friend of that person was hired, a relative newbie. During the hours she was on, entire banks of work would disappear. Having worked for the hospital for years, I knew something was up with the workflow even before she came on board so notified the hospital. The coordinators and admin at the hospital could watch the cherry-picking going on and were completely astounded at the extent of it. The newly promoted QA was caught giving reports to the friend. The new MT screwed up reports that were way out of order and then had to contact the hospital admin when her friend was off. They followed the audit trail and saw the pattern.

The hospital hired me back but I remained on N's email list for a long time. The TL or whatever her title is now sent emails to her team asking if anyone wanted coveted "shorties". The hospital is transitioning to VR and there is still some straight typing that needs to be done. Only a couple people remain from the original team as the volume of reports is much less. They're scrambling for work but they're STILL cherry-picking while complaining there isn't enough work. We can get an idea of how long the reports are by the # vs minutes of dictation. If it looks like there might be a long one in there, they wait until I do it. I don't care. It's $$$ in my pocket. But cherry-picking? Have done MT a long time and have not seen anything like it.

Cherrypicking - anon

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Cherrypicking does happen every day, but only by "certain" people that have their queue set up by their supervisor to be able to do so. I know it as a fact.

Unless it is you set up to cherry pick, you know nothing - as a fact. nm

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Okay, I will support the above poster in this, then. - SM
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I was one that was allowed to cherry pick. I was given that privilege because I was very experienced with the ESL dictators on my account and I preferred to straight type. I was allowed to assign myself whatever I wanted, within reason, and I am sure that someone was keeping an eye on that. What I mean is, it had to be work that was close to TAT, etc. I assigned myself plenty of straight typing jobs. It was a win win for them because the better the speech draft was, and I provided an excellent one, the better the final VR product would be. I liked the straight typing. They liked that I knew the dictators. However, when the work was trained for VR, and I'd say that took about a year to complete, it all went to India. That's when I quit.
So, there is your fact.
Really not surprised. If it is to N good, I am sure they bend the - rules that apply to everyone else. nm
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Support above poster - anon
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thanks for the support. I am the one that posted that some people are allowed to pick, but I am not one of them. I just know other people that work for N. I would not post something that I don't know for sure. So KNOW what you are talking about before you go saying I dont know unless it's me.

People on here get so mean about nothing. Chill out.

I don't think it's cherry-picking; I think it's - INDIA-SENDING.

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That's definitely not happening - Alicia

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on this account.

happens all the time - about sick of it

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Yep....me too. - Just realized

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that cherry-picking IS happening here FOR A FACT. I watched it, I saw it happening, I reported it, I got removed from the account. Happened to me. Not a rumor, and I'm getting really sick of trying to support this company but getting a knife in my back every time I do. Not happy anymore.

Wow Im sorry - MTgirl

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Why are they switching MTs accounts? Lack of work?

you bet there is... - cherrypicking

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I know that TLs have "free will" to select the reports they would like to do... it has been documented over and over. There is no way around it, but it is BEYOND FRUSTRATING!

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