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Cherrypickers are getting even better at their cherrypicking! - Supersweet cherrypickers

Posted: Mar 12, 2015

...hope they live happily ever after with their cherrypicked pits.

Cherrypickers are scum - ex-lead

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I'm glad the C-Phone/Meditech type platform didn't allow it back then.

Once a few years back on this board an MT criticized those MTs who were badmouthing cherrypickers, basically telling everyone to let them keep on cherrypicking and do their jobs. LOL! Didn't post but just sat back and watched it the board war until a moderator deleted the whole thread

Don't hate the player - Hate the company/TSM that ALLOWS this

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Just sayin'

The TSMs that allow it are the ones we should direct our anger at. But some TSMs (thankfully not mine so far) just don't give a crap so long as the work gets done.

Ha, I used to love messing with the resident cherrypicker - Evil MT

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I remember the last hospital job I had in-house. We had a cherrypicker who didn't like typing for an ESL radiologist. She would go on the Lanier and assign all the easy rad jobs to herself. Of course all of us would go in behind her and even it out. lol

I'm not gonna lie - Ex MT

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I use to cherry pick sometimes.................for those really horrible dictators, I'd sign out let the job and log back in when I thought the job would no longer be in my pool..............Not proud of it, but after doing a few of those horrible dictators that you have to leave more blanks that typed report..........I just didn't care to have line count suffer, those type of dictators really shoot down your lines per hour. But thank God I am NO longer an MT working under sweatshop conditions! Still in the medical field but no longer an MT, hourly pay, off on all the holidays that the docs are off, work in the administration building at a clinic! Its wonderful! I know you guys hate cherry pickers..........but I am more concerned with why you guys stick with these sweatshops (MTSOs)?

Cherrypickers - anon

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Of course, knew that was going to happen with the plan changes. Supposedly POCs will not be typing, but I notice many still have the ability to assign work and good reports are still being taken out of sequence/TAT,and lots, leaving all the nasty behind. Yet if no one is on duty then why is it no one can answer an important e-mail...for weeks? This company is so full .............

cherrypickers - anonmt

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And notice how when the work is low, we no longer keep 2 jobs downloaded at a time, it's only 1 at a time, unless of course the next job is nasty, then it magically downloads

Cherry Pickers - anon

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Now don't you know that they are only doing what's best for the company, and not for themselves???? lol

Cherrypickers - yeah

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And one has to wonder, why is it that they just don't keep things fair and honest, set up the pools and LEAVE them alone for all the MTs, and let work flow like it is supposed to? Too many irons, or should I say hands, in the fire! Why bother asking what our favorite worktype is? Why bother asking our weaknesses and strengths? I have rarely seen my favorite work type since they asked 5 years ago!!!

Cherrypicking and low work - MT

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The fact that there is no work in my pools, yet the job numbers climb in large amounts fast but never show in the job list tells me too that someone is getting those jobs

My guess is that former QC and TL people still have magic - access the rest of us do not have.

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...such a hostile work environment.

Blame the ESLs who cause cherry picking - Rose Scislowski

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Haven't you noticed how many dictators sound as if they got off the boat yesterday? There are too many IMGs (international medical graduates) who have no understanding of our language and culture and are taking jobs away from American born and raised doctors. My pet peeves are ESLs who call female patients "ladies." They are so disrespectful of our culture.

Spoken like a true bigot - nm

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Wow, if saying "ladies" is disrespectful to you... - sm

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you must be some crude, crass, low rent broad...

She's right. Calling a patient "lady" in a medical report - Anon

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is both unprofessional and condescending and is right up there with ESL doctors using "kids" in a medical report.
lady is condescending? wtf - sm
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Ladies and gentlemen, we have entered the Twilight Zone...
"Right up there with ESL - doctors using
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in a medical report" ?? WTF, part 2.

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