A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

What I just realized... - poorhouse

Posted: Jan 30, 2014

When the hospital I worked for in-house told me they were going with mm and there was a position with mm if I wanted it, they said at least I'd be guaranteed work.

I sure needed that laugh today.

Cry <--laughing so hard I'm crying!

Realized! - Your name says it all

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Don't believe a word anyone says to you, when it comes to buy outs, mergers, etc. MM is only out for itself and could care less about it's employees. Get away from this toxic place as fast as you can. To say you are in tears, is reason enough to find another line of work.

LOL...perfect name! - poorhouse

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It was actually the hospital I worked for that told me that. The boss said she was afraid the hospital work would run dry, and me and my sole co-worker wouldn't have anything to transcribe. Actually, I think mm lied to my boss, and she bought it. Eh, whatever. I couldn't stand the lady I worked with so I was ready to work from home. Also, my former co-worker didn't take the mm position (I was afraid I'd be stuck working with her until one of us retired).

In all honesty, I only took the position for the health insurance, which, coincidentally, is much better than the hospital insurance! At least that's a win! *snort*

Your co-worker - Well, if you disliked her,

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just wait until you work for MM. You haven't begun to know what real hate is until you mess with them. With that said, if you need the insurance and can put up with their BS and trust me your hospital will be gone before you know it, then you might do okay; but if you need a job and need to make a livable wage, then this is not the place to be. I hope you like voice recognition, because that is all you will be doing and probably for 3 or 4 cpl. Good luck. Your co-worker might have had the right idea.
am working for them, nearly 100% vr - nm-poorhouse
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not everybody hates it here - East MT

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I make up to $20/hour depending on the accounts dictating that day. My HSDM is really nice. I came over from JLG Medical when they were bought out about a couple of years back. I am happy as JLG didn't even offer direct deposit.

We could ALL - make that

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We could ALL make up to $20/hour and more, depending on accounts and work volume and I have, at times, made up to $30 in an hour, only to have little to no work for the rest of my shift. How often do we have those accounts and that kind of volume to support it for an entire pay period to say we are averaging $20/hour?? Speaking for myself (West region) that is slim to none these days and getting worse by the day. I find it hard to believe anyone in MT is averaging $20/hour for even an entire day! If you are, then good for you and that is great, but it is certainly not very common anymore and enjoy it while it lasts because it won't for very much longer.

IKR! When I was still making good money - here, I would see people

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complain about NJA and not making any money, and I admit I thought those people were "stretching the truth"...until it happened to me. If you are making $20/hr, good on ya, I hope it lasts, but I wouldn't count on it.

I used to - Make

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Over $20 an hour before ASR came along. If you are still making that much doing ASR congratulations, whats your secret?

I get lots of progress notes, turn the speed up to 2X - clock out for everything

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takes hard work but it can be done. Nothing else will pay me that amount where I live so I know that and make my job work for me, no whine about how things are terrible.
Are you doing VR or straight? nm - anon
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VR 0.04 cpl. I averaged over $14 an hour last pay period and over $16 this - East MT
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it can be done.
what's your line rate? - care to share? nm
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aren't you the one telling everyone to - get out?

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to make an exit plan?

yes! I am working on my exit plan. Back in school for a master's - East MT

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Start University this summer. 2 years and then after graduate work. This field is dying ladies. I will be surprised if I have this job long enough to make it through University.

Update!! - poorhouse

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My husband works at the same hospital that I did; a former co-worker from med rec saw him in the cafeteria and told him to pass along to me that the transition to mm has been much more difficult for the dept and the hospital than anyone anticipated. Music to my ears!!!

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