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MOT through SUNDAY? really?? on Mother's day?? - GTFO

Posted: May 07, 2015


I've about had enough. Nearly 2 months. - sm

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How have they not gotten this under control in 2 months?! I'm mentally and physically exhausted and to the point I'm doing fewer lines than I normally would. And popping in to basically say 'you guys are all still on mandatory overtime, but I'm on my way out for another few days!' while I'm near tears... Sigh, what a "team."

MOT through Sunday - nmm

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I haven't received an email regarding any MOT (yet). Just a friendly email stating OT is needed, but they're not demanding it like they used to... And, now we are to send our OT committments to PK, instead of BR, likely previously. I guess Mother's are not recognized by this company. Surprise, surprise. Sigh...

MOT or ANY OT - Homer

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DONT DO IT!! Unless you need the extra money, IF it actually works out to more extra money for you. My team has had OT and MOT since January. I did 4 days of it then and not a minute more since of either one.. I actually didn't make a penny more than I Usually do, AND I refuse to take anymore time away from my life...besides that, We are not highly paid professionals on call like a doctor, yet they expect us to jump and ask how high? I think not, and guess what to those of you who are afraid you will lose your precious underpaid job--- I'M STILL HERE! If they want to get rid of you, they will whether you work the OT or not....think about it... If there is THAT much work, they need people to do it.....

No way would I work MOT - on Sunday

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No Way! And I would write and tell her so, Consequences be damned. It's kind of like when they sold us to Cbay during MT week; just a psychological slap in the face.

MOT Mother's Day - - nm

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Don't do it. I know I'm now. In fact, I haven't done MOT in eons and so far no PM or even an email....

PLEASE DO NOT DO MANDATORY MOT - unless you absolutely have to

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have the money. I certainly do not want anyone to not be able to put food on the table or have their utilities shut off, but unless you are not in this dire of straits please let us all not do the MOT! We can take a stand together. DO IT FOR ALL THE MOMS!!!! We have been treated horribly for so long and now mother's day weekend.

MOT? - oldie but goodie

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We just have OT but no MOT in our POD...BR's...


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MC POD also - NM

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MC POD Noncompliers - WorkingMT

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No one has said what has happened to them if they have not done the mandatory 1-hour OT in the MC pod. Just curious if anyone has gotten a phone call, or been put on PM because of noncompliance of this. I at first tried to do it in the beginning, but now going on 3 months, I refuse. I have a life, it was a long, long winter and I understand they need extra time and have decided if I can give 15 to 1/2 hour a day that's all they are getting. I wrote to her last night and she said it was beyond her control, and then said it was flexible. Well flexible or not I am still not working on my day off if I could not give it on the I was scheduled. I have not done the complete 1-hour a scheduled day for 2 weeks, instead of 6 gave 3 and did not hear a word. Anyone else?

well certainly they cant fire you. Seems like people are quitting - like crazy so they even PM

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would be hard for them to do given the current understaffed condition. Maybe when they are more in the black they will have a list of of those who did not do MOT and will chose from those to lay off, but it is highly unlikely.

I struggle to meet my 8 hours - sm

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Ever since they implemented this "new schedule" months ago I can hardly meet my 8 hours and to ask for an extra hour is too much for some of us already attempting to comply. Having young kids AND parents to take care of it's just too much for me.

Struggling - WorkingMT

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Exactly. I do not believe anyone requesting 1 hour mandatory overtime for someone who was already scheduled 8 hours to have to go 9 hours in this sedentary job where we have to be 99.8% accurate can physically or mentally even possibly do this. Then they wonder why we did not meet the Company new QA quality standards? How is it fair for someone who already switched their schedule twice in the last 6 months to work odd hours into their needed "gaps" to even work 1/2 of a weekend day (which means 6 days for 40 hours), which means 6 hours of mandatory OT to someone who is working 40 hours in 5 days to only have to do 5 hours??? How about just asking for 3 hours or just 2 hours and people would readily comply. I feel for anyone with small children. Just don't do it, give what you can and see what happens. That is what I have decided. I am ready for the consequences so be it. Fire me if you can't take my 43 hours I am giving you instead of 46 hours. Then you will be 46 hours behind the 8-ball and putting more burden into the POD.

Burden put on full timers - part time cannot work more than 30

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So on top of the MOT email today we were reminded again that PT cannot work more than 30. So who does that leave to pick up the slack? The full time people who are already working 45+ a week and have been doing so for months. The term beating a dead horse comes to mind. The longer this MOT goes on, the more people quit, the longer MOT goes on. It is a merry go round of mental and physical exhaustion. And they wonder why the quality scores are dropping.

The thing that scares me is that we are not even at our summer peak and we are already at 1 hour MOT. What next? 2 hour? 3 hour?
I don't mind the MOT but will not grab shifts from the swap board - LDSMT
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I don't mind all the OT. I always work more OT than should physically be possible, but I am not going in and grabbing the made up shifts they have added to the swap board. I do not see how this helps them "see" and manage their OT needs any better than before. I will do OT in 10 or 15 minute increments or for 2 solid hours in a row, as I work around personal time, but I'm not going into the swap board and sign up for them. Stupidest idea I have ever seen.
Better read your email now - grab your shift!
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Makes me want to just stop checking email.
Oh, I read it but still not grabbing it. NM - LDSMT
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They can take the 30-40 hours of OT I put in per paycheck in the manner I choose to do it, which is not grabbing shifts from the swap board.
Swap Board for OT???? - WorkingMT
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What the heck??? Is every POD manager making their own rules??? Ours has not said anything about using the swap board but just demanding 1-hour OT anyway we can give it to her. If the Swap Board comes into play in any way, I'm done. Not giving them any at that point. I never know from day to day if I can give them extra or not, take what I can give or leave it.
Oh yes, they have added.... - lDSMT
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shifts in half-hour increments that you can grab off the swap board to work OT. These are different from shifts that can be grabbed to make up time. You can go in even just 1 minute before you work and grab a shift. Now tell me how that would show them what OT they can expect to be worked. Ridiculous. I don't like being tied down to certain times or lengths of times when I work OT. I will sign on and off at will, around other things going on at home. Since not all PODS are doing it, I know it is not a company policy and thus I will ignore it.
We were specifically told in one email - DO NOT use the swapboard for OT
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The Swapboard is to be used ONLY for makeup time or if you have to flex a shift.
I'm PT and on MOT and work more than 30 hours - sm
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since MOT. We were told everyone has to do 1 hour MOT every day they are scheduled to work. No cut-off at 30 hours for PTers. I believe in certain instances they waive the no more than 28 (or 30) hours/week for PTers.

working MT - phatty

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Before I went part-time, I always worked Overtime when asked. It gets really tiring though. This is a job, not our lives. We have responsibility to family and some simply cannot give 5 or 6 hours extra a week. Maybe a lot of people have quit.

Wonder if the doctors will be dictating or spending day with mom. - probably with mom.

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Based on past experience.

Guess I'm in a lucky POD - MT

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Our MOT was called off after the first week back in March, was asked for a day here and there, otherwise OT was voluntary if offered...nothing like the MOT other POD are asking for.

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