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Accentus - companies out there that treat their MTs with respect? - 4432me

Posted: Jul 13, 2012

Just had the most demoralizing experience of my 20 year medical transcriptionist career with this company. QA score of 99.4% and got "let go" because I wasn't doing a good enough job, and my line counts were just getting up to the required range. I am seriously considering changing careers because of this. Just wanted to find out if this is just me or are there others out there that had the same experience with this company? Are there any companies out there that treat their MTs with respect??

Accentus - CTMT

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Same thing happened to me in January 2012 with the Ambulatory Division. Wonder where they are finding these robot MT that are doing 100% QA score and tons of lines (sarcasm)

Accentus - 4432me

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So glad to hear it is not just me, although I'm sorry to hear it happened to you, of course!!

Accentus - anon

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I am so sorry this happened to you. I have been here about 8 months and have felt nit picked over every little thing as well, and feel demoralized also. Rare communication from QRS except when something is wrong, then often a blast e-mail to everyone on the account for the errors. Seriously, I am afraid to open my e-mail. The problem is, it seems all of the companies are like this now, where to jump to? Best wishes in finding a new job!

Accentus - 4432me

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I'm sorry to hear about you too! Don't you think that if these companies are looking for 100% QA scores, they would change how they pay? If they want a totally perfect report, they need to pay an hourly wage, so we can proof the report three or four times.

QA Scores - curious

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AMEN to that...and expect you to spend 10 minutes per report looking up stuff...

Respect - anon

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I haven't run across any companies that treat MTs with respect lately. Sadly, I think those days are over.

No one can get 100% QA, it is impossible, especially with line count requirements. It does seem to be the direction all companies are headed though and yet at the same time their goal is to send it all offshore??? Those two things just do not compute.

I wish you luck in your search. I am at Nuance and I would give them the Gold Medal for treating their MTs with absolute disrespect.

Just out of curosity, was this for the - ambulatory division

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or the acute care? I work on the ambulatory side, and unless something has changed, 98% accuracy is what is required. I'm assuming if you work on that side of Accentus that QA is not why you were let go.

Accentus - 4432me

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It was acute care.

Were you let go over the line counts or over quality? - BTDT

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I was not meeting the required minimums in my first evaluation period, and I was put on a performance plan. On the flip side, I was running out of work and couldn't get a second account until I was up to the minimums. I accept that I could have hung around the computer longer to wait for work, but summers are busy for us with respect to my husband's company.

I'm just wondering if they are weeding people out who don't maintain hours as flexible as they would like - though with the complicated scheduling system, it's so much easier to stick to your shift than try to make anything up.

I'm not sure what my second evaluation period will bring, but it's definitely not just you.

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