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They are never going to respect us... - sm

Posted: Dec 10, 2013

because they see us all as insignifcant females, just a bunch of housewives trying to make a little extra pocket money and not career-minded professionals. Hence, the low pay and poor treatment.  I've been with MM for a few years now since they bought my company, and I can't believe how horribly this company treats its employees.  It is because they see us as insignificant little worker ants who exist only to serve them.  This is never going to improve because MT has turned into this positively ridiculous "Avon lady" mentality of working to make a little extra money since it certainly is no longer a viable career.  As we all know, this is ludicrous since it takes a very special kind of person to do this type of work, as well as a lot of training and experience to do it well. I got into this field 16 years ago because I thought it was a respected profession, not because I wanted some lazy, work-at-home job, which is exactly why they treat us as poorly as they do. I am certain that because we work at home, which wasn't by choice for many of us, they think they can treat us however they want to.  When I worked in-house many years ago, we were treated with respect.  How I miss those days.  I plan to exit MT within the next year to year and a half once I finish school, but it is with a heavy heart since I mourn what MT has become.

The "excused absence no pay" thing is what - proves this.

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We are all little housewives making a little extra money so taking a day off with no pay should be fine since we all have husbands, right? No!! I will never ever be able to take time off without pay so I end up having to use PTO. I have no choice but to do this, and it sucks! I am not married. I'm a single parent with 2 kids depending on me, and this is my only income, which used to be a good one for that matter. Now I struggle just to make ends meet. Just pathetic.

I disliked this post because it's true. I agree with you. WAH stinks! - BOO

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I drank the Kool-Aid and wanted to stay at home to have a career and still make money but be home with my kids and not pay daycare. WELL, still no kids, can't afford IF treatments, hate being at home, can't get another out of home job no matter how hard I try. I want to kick the butt of my 8 years younger self and say RUN. DO NOT GO TO SCHOOL FOR MT AND CERTAINLY DO NOT WORK AS ONE.

Shoulda coulda woulda

It is very sad :-(

Then you're part of the problem - sm

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The whole mom can work at home thing derailed this industry.

Part of the problem - I was forced to work

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at home, when the hospital I worked for outsourced. I tried to find other MT jobs in offices, hospitals, clinics, per diem, you name it; eventually they all went the way of outsourcing. In the beginning it was actually working out pretty well, decent money, decent working conditions, benefits, then it all changed and I woke up one day in a jobless market. I looked into a lot of jobs; my age worked against me, my lack of experience worked against me, so I stuck with being an MT. Finally I found something decent, but it was a struggle, but I did get away from Spheris and Medquist, which was torture to say the least and my salary was cut in half due to their tactics which were beneath contempt. So don't rank on the "work at home moms." Do you know what childcare costs? Again, it is sad what this line of work has become, but for those of you working at these "sweat shops," get out. Like one post said, "flip burgers" if you have to, but find something else. There are some decent MT jobs out there, but it takes a while to find them and the one I have been with for over three years; I only know of one MT who left. Just goes to show you how it is out there. MM, Nuance, et.al are always hiring because of the way they treat their employees.
Got news for you - sm
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I have worked out of the home, and made more money by the way. And I have worked in the home, my choice, works for me for now. I work 5 times as hard from the home and make 10K less. Work at home is far from a goof off job. Unfortunately we are in the process of being replaced by technology, only a matter of time.

The work-at-home mom thing was STARTED by the - MTSOs, not the other way around.

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Moms didn't start the MTSOs, they didn't outsource and offshore the work...that was corporate greed at work. They (the MTSOs) figured they could use women and overseas workers as their worker ants, to use the reference given above, while they pocket the bulk of the money, and in doing so have made a joke out of this profession, an absolute farce.

Problem - Management

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Corporate greed is the problem. Management is the one who made the decision to send all MTs home to work to cut down business expenses. We, MTs have given this company everything and more that is why we are all still here.
Also look at who owned us - just saying
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How are you treated when you call tech support? Are you treated different from US techs versus ILP techs? I know I am. That is what we are fighting against, an entire culture who believes that women are second class citizens. This translates to low pay, no opportunities for career advancement and just not even being appreciated for a job well done. This started in 2007 when Kumar bought Medquist and only continues to get worse. Whether we are now owned by a US company or not the damage has been done.

I started right away with an MTSO... - BOO

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I was offered two in-house MT positions with a hospital/clinic system, one in 2007 and one in 2008, but I turned them both down because at the time I was making more per hour at my job at the time. I wanted to stay home from the beginning even with my MT instructor (and others) telling me not to. I didn't listen. AND if I did work in-house for either one of those offers, I would now be either at home with a crappy MTSO like now or unemployed. I'd still be in the same boat I am now, trying to get out of MT altogether. I even tried a few years ago to get back in-house with the original hospitals who offered it in the beginning but they were already in the stages of their MTs being outsourced. I don't appreciate being called "part of the problem" when I didn't cause it. If I knew 5-6 years ago I'd be in this mess AFTER dealing with infertility issues and running out of money for treatments, I would've stayed in my old job. I thought I'd be home with a baby, but that never happened. Don't judge a person until you've been in their situation. I can only imagine what the seasoned 20-30 plus year in-house MTs feel about all this. I don't blame them one bit if they're beyond

Let me clarify something... - OP

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I just read my post again and want to clarify something that could easily be misunderstood. I did not intend for that to sound like I think we are "lazy" for working at home, but simply that I believe that is how they view us. I know I, for one, seem to work harder now than when I was at the hospital due to making up because of NJA or technical issues, all the junk we do for free, reading emails, and so forth. Remember when we used to get paid for that kind of stuff?? Sheesh, it is just crazy how much we do for free simply because we are at home and paid on production.

I agree - sm

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They totally take advantage of us and we allow it, because we are stuck. By having us at home they save on electric, breaks, minimum wage requirements, the whole no work no pay thing. Which, I understand and accepted at one point right up till they told me I was no longer flexible and I will sign into that stupid time clock and work a set schedule.. I feel the flu coming on, we all need to get sick maybe for one week, save your PTO, get a doctor's note (can't deny you for say a back injury) just saying... But we won't do this little "strike" unlike the Indians, which is why they got better bennies than us.

And the ideal time would be over the next - Indian holiday

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working in-house was going downhill too - poorhouse

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I've worked in-house my entire career (2 yrs as a med rec clerk, 14 yrs as an MT). They just sold out to MM and lined up this job with MM for me "as a favor." Sigh. At one point, we were treated with respect at the hospital; in the past couple years, though, they realized that they couldn't afford us/our quality, thus the selling out. Oddly, I think the hospital /was/ paying us too much, which was their fault. I never asked for the raises; they handed them out like candy. Now, I've went from making too much money doing this to making too little money. It's crazy. Since going to MM, I've lost 50% of my pay. Yep. Bankruptcy...here I come!

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