A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

According to Monster we're doing it all wrong - yeah right

Posted: Jun 27, 2014

I got an email from Monster today that said what we are supposed to do is job hop, see? We stay with a company for about three years and then we go to another company where we can command a greater salary, see?  If we stay where we are we'll have to keep settling for these measly 3% raises (I'm laughing as I type this, haven't had a raise in many years), oh no, if we job hop, at the next company we can expect to start out at a much higher level than what we are making right now and expect more like 5% raises! I'm so glad I got that email, how informative!

I DIDN'T KNOW THAT WAS THE WAY TO DO IT - But it is exactly as I did it

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I started in the U.S. Army in 1972, five years later, I went to work at a national sporting goods firm (office), then I went back to MT at the Vetarans Administration, then I went to a local hospital, when they closed, I went to another local hospital, followed by a teaching hospital, and now I am at the other major teaching hospital where I have been for 22 years. Each time I changed jobs I started at a higher salary than the one I was leaving. Now the caveat is that I have only worked in Pathology, but I have been doing it for over 30 years. I plan to retire from here and have had continuous annual raises, the last one in June 2014. I'm sorry about the plight of MT and the negative experiences a lot of us have had. I have had nothing but positive experiences but I also have never worked from home or for an agency.

Dislikes? - Why......

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What is there to dislike about this response??????

Hormones - I guess

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Sexist...not funny - wheres_my_job
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could be humor like that helps maintain an atmosphere of unseriousness, and thus low pay, for women across the board.

because she does not understand - our situation

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Sure if there was an inhouse job in my area, I'd try to get it. Then I'd get decent pay and benefits too and have a chance to move up. But there isn't, and hasn't been in a long time, an inhouse job in my area, and I can't just up and move to NY to get one.

no offense to "I Didn't Know" - - beulah

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I'm truly glad it's worked out for you so well, but I just don't know anyone in that situation anymore. Most people I know are struggling. It is phenomenal that you have been able to work at several hospitals -- so then, are you in a big city? I wouldn't mind being in your shoes!

but this is a forum for MTs who - work from home

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Yes, we know all about your stellar career, but you simply cannot relate to our situation. There are no (I repeat NO) inhouse jobs in my area, and I do not have the luxury of picking up and moving to another state for one of the few remaining inhouse jobs left in the country. For us, it is a matter of trying to find a decent MTSO or changing careers completely. Comparing your situation to ours is like apples to oranges.

I did not know this was a forum for MTs who work from home ONLY - I am the original response to the post about monst

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I had the opportunity to work from home about 10 years ago and I decided it wasn't for me, so I never tried it. I always wanted to work inhouse and I did. I worked at various hospitals so I could see how it was done differently from one institution to another. I did stay at each one log enough to be vested in their retirement. I am not in the sam situation as you but I do understand and I wish yours was as positive as mine. I work in the St Louis MO area, it is considered a big city, I guess. We understand transcription has changed and can see that change will be coming here as well. One of my coworkers retired last month after workign here, in pathology exclusively for 45 years as a transcriptionist. I have 2 year left to work and I plan to retire as well. I have been blessed, I get it, but I do believe the practice of working from home, which so many of us WANTED to do, was our downfall. I won't apologize for my experience but if it makes you feel good to dislike mine and verbally put me down because of it, have at it.
we know - we know
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how successful you have been. I made 50K at my inhouse job before the hospital closed, and I'm telling you there ARE NO INHOUSE positions in my area. Am I supposed to tell my husband we should sell the farm and pull up stakes so I can take a $16 an hour job in White Plains NY? You cannot understand our situation.
What is so difficult to understand about this - I am not saying you should do anything
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I am simply stating what my current situation is. This is not a competition, nor should it be a beat up on someone who is not having the same experience as yourself. I do not understand why this has to be an adversarial discussion. I'm sure you know our current position is going to end and I bet yours did not end the same time as some of your peers here. Eventually I will be where you are, it is just a matter of time, is it wrong for me to enjoy it as long as I can. By the way on the page I see where it says "MT Stars - A Community of US Medical Transcriptionists," I'm taking that to me me as well.
the point of my original post - see message
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was that the Monster article says I should job hop to success, but as an MT, there is no place for me to hop to. Yes I suppose I could hop from one MTSO to the next, but they are virtually all the same and there is little to no potential for advancement in any of them. You telling us that is what you DID to get where you are is all well and good, but it is in the past. There's very little opportunity to do so now.
There was nothing at all difficult - to understand
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We understood your boasting and gloating perfectly well. Thank you for rubbing our faces in the wonderfulness that is you. You didn't really need to shout. We get it. You are sooooo much better than we are. Good for you.
SAD - Your feeling sorry for yourself is simply SAD
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Life is usually the result of the choices we have made. Keep feeling sorry for yourself and you will get the same results you have gotten. SAD!!!! (Really shouting this time)
there is no talking to you - original poster
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I didn't post the one about your boasting, but I will say this: You have no grasp of the situation, none whatsoever. I may as well try to talk to my friend the legal assistant or my friend the research associate; I think they understand the state of MT about as well as you do. And I'll say this too before I sign off: If I was an inhouse MT I wouldn't spend a minute hanging out here.
No, of course not - But you could try not
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being so bitter and hateful. There ARE still good transcription jobs available. Instead of being jealous the poster has one, maybe you can get off your behind and find one of your own?

Where does it say that? - This is for all MTs

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as far as I know.
it says it right up there on the tab - on your browser
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MTStars - Work at Home Medical Transcriptionists
No it doesn't. Nowhere on my screen says that. nm - clear reader
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yes it does - on the tab
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close out the message you are reading and click on the main board button. Up at the top, in the tab in your browser, it says MTStars - Work At Home Medical Transcriptionists.
Well if that isn't grasping at straws. - NM
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hahah if you want to call it that - but it does say that
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And I believe it was the original intent of this forum to be for work at home MTs.

agreed - anon

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I have been putting jobs together piecemeal like for years now. Right now I have one (just one) MD I transcribe for at home and the pay works out to less than min wage when he does send work (feast or famine type of thing we all know too well) and one PT in house job I found about six months ago. They hired two PT MTs to avoid benefits I'm sure. The other MT is in nursing school and left MM. The pay while good for this area is probably nothing like we were paid in years past for in house work, but I am so grateful for that job. Even with the two jobs I look for work every day. My husband recently asked me "how many jobs do you need?" I said just one good one. This forum helps me so much when I have a career question or just to vent. Thank you all for everything.

I bet they still think - beulah

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everybody can get a pension, too. And 3-week vacations. And a company car.

Have they actually set foot in this country in the past 10 years?

Well, I take that back -- their advice probably works for CEOs and upper-upper management types -- like about 1% of our population...

Oviously they do not know anything about producion pay. We're not - hourly - difference is onions and oranges.

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these companies are paying a percentage of what they get from the account which is locked in for the duration of the account contract with the MTSO. CPLs stay all around the same and keep going down because many MTSOs are in a bidding war to get that account signed on contract. If an MTSO wins their contract for say 10 cpl where all others bid 12 - you will be paid according to that 10 cpl and probably will end up with 6 cpl. How do you figure a raise out of this? We are not part of what the mtso takes in as a whole - like working hourly for a hospital or grocery store, etc. Quitting one job over a period of 3 years will make no difference. You are paid out of the income from the one account you work on.

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