A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry
Posted: May 02, 2011
Doctor as Data Entry Clerk? - Bettie_Bgood
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Just picture it. They go to med school, but end up being their own medical secretary and transcriptionist to boot. Sounds like a great job.
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At my HMO they haven't dictated in about 8 years unless they want to negotiate it into their contracts and pay for it out of their salary. So they all input their own notes. I see one nephrologists who hunts and pecks and hates the whole thing. He keeps saying "I didn't go to med school for this!".....
I recently read an article by an ER physician - saying they were seeing a 12%
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decrease in number of patients seen because they were doing more of their own record entry, not all of it, just more. 12% decrease in people whose time is extremely valuable. That also amounts to a large decrease in billable services.
There's lots of stuff of interest to MTs to read on the web.
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I've worked with enough doctors to know that they will not read and proof all of these reports before they go out. Very bad for us, but worst of all, for the patients.
Specifics? - ViableMT
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We have all seen the trend ... Is this just a rumor you heard? Or are there hard facts to support it?
I can see it now - - LK
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The doctor with the patient opened up on the OR table, a scalpel in one hand and the other hand on his computer keyboard. There are some places where this just WON'T happen. I'm glad I do op notes!
What is your source? - HappyMT
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From what source did you hear this? Was it a professional publication? A professional blog even? Can you link this source or direct us to it?
There is no need to scream. I can hear you.
hitech act - anon
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I took a course on the HITECH act, which was deemed by my instructor as HIPAA on steroids!
We are not supposed to give specific links, but google HITECH act, EMR physician incentives. Part of the HITECH act included monetary awards to physicians using EHR or EMR. I believe it is in 5 years when this will stop, and at that point a physician who has NOT switched over will NOT be reimbursed by Medicare. So as my instructor put it, the carrot and the stick, the carrot being money being provided that partially offsets the cost, the stick being that if you do not comply, you will not be paid with government money for patients (Medicare). I am repeating most of this from memory, but anyone can google it and get the exact info who is interested.
HITECH - Alice
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A local physician told me that because of this requirement, he will stop accepting any new Medicare patients immediately and all of his current Medicare patients have been told to to find another doctor by the end of this year.
EHR/EMR - MTs need to be educated - mt
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Just because a physician has incentive to switch to EHR/EMR this does NOT in any way, shape, or form mean there will not or could not be an MT involved in the process.
EHR/EMR means the data can be ACCESSED electronically. It still needs to be input. Yes, a lot of practices will go the no need for an MT route, but there will be many who still use MTs to get their data INTO the EMR.
MANY DOCS ARE DOING THEIR OWN EMR - I dun seen it myself!
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I sat in my doctor's office while he used this absolutely incredible program to type my note. Told him I was having chest pain, he had a little person on his screen, clicked on that part of the anatomy and it gave him a list. He picked chest pain. It gave him another list. So forth and so on. Took him about 5 minutes while he was talking to me, and he had a 2-page H&P which he signed off on and it went directly into the EMR. All EMR means is an electronic medical record. If the doctor has a program that he can fill in himself with minimal effort, he is essentially doing his own EMR. IN FACT, (and this is the really cool part), he entered that I was allergic to a "sound-alike" of my real allergy, and the EMR prompted him immediately when he tried to sign off. In order to actually enter it into the EMR, he had to confirm that it was the correct allergy. Crazy stuff....
My docs have been using this type of program for 3 years now - Lilly
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It takes him a clicks on the symptoms, Meds, PE, etc., and a 2-page H and P was done within minutes. It stinks.
Absollutely correct! - MT
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You're absolutely right. I know some MTs now who are doing a course on the EHR. They're preparing themselves to take on those future roles and make it work. I really believe if we do that, we won't be so threatened by this stuff.
HITECH act - pumpernickel
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Under the HITECH act (an expansion of HIPAA)there are financial incentives that clinics and hospitals can get from the government to implement an electronic medical record system, which start to decrease in 2013 and end in 2015. Starting in 2015 if a provider does not have an EMR system they will start getting Medicare reimbursement penalties (starts at 1%, increases annually for a few years after that). There is no rule on whether the records are done all digital point-and-click through laptops or traditional transcription that is stored electronically. The record just has to be digital, not paper.
EMR does not mean it is typed by the doctor - Ms Penguin
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I work for a doctor dictates and I enter the reports into his EMR system. Just because it is an EMR does not mean it is typed by the doctor. I cant imagine using the highest paid person in the office to hunt and peck on the computer to type their own reports. Time is $$$ and that is just a waste of their time.
But my doctor's office does...sm - me
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use the highest paid person in the office. My doctor now has to enter ALL that info himself. He has seen a drastic drop in amount of patient's he can see, as well as a drop in his paycheck. He just hates it, and it's a real waste of talent since he could be treating patients instead of doing clerical work. Really sad!
HITECH Act - Kathy Nicholls
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The HITECH Act requires a little more than just a record being digital. Meeting the meaningful use criteria is what allows providers to get the government incentive. If you search for that, you can find a list and all of those things say "as structured data." That's not our transcribed reports. The information must be tagged so the information can be mined. If a doc just goes with an EMR but it doesn't have structured data, they aren't eligible for incentives. There are some things being done around medical transcriptionists and meaningful use that might make a difference. I think that will likely depend on how much we as a profession are willing to think outside the box with things.
Noticed recently - Just Me
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When my partner went for his preop the nurse input the information into the computer as she went on and checked him. Another took notes and said she was typing it herself. I recall, years ago when I worked in a psychiatrist's office, (1980's) we tried a program where you just fill in the individual info and it makes the report .. kind of like when we create macros. The reason for the electronic incentive is to get everyone into a system so health care providers can have access to the whole of a person's health history .. thus, saving money on tests, etc., that have already been done. Patient's can't always give a good history.
That is NOT the reason - Historian
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ObamaCare will be used to WIPE OUT the "useless eaters" (their term, not mine!) of the population. That's why those DEATH PANELS are in there..
First to go will be the seniors, who have a lot of health problems and are drawing on ("draining") the system.
The reason for the EMR is so the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT will have access to EVERYONE'S info -- allergies, diagnoses, etc. -- so will know EXACTLY how to kill each individual.
EMR - mnmt
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Whoa, must be pretty frightening to see conspiracy everywhere you look. Death panels? Really? Wonder how they'll decide to kill me----hahahahaha
noticed recently - jane
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you could be right, they will have access to the information. scary stuff, it is etting very close to "1984." gov has no business in certain things and this is one of them.
I work for a major medical center that is in the transition phase of pearl/cerner with the program that allows the physicians to pick from templates and pen based/touch screen to do their own reports as they are seeing the patient, which is phasing out transcription all together. We may have 30 days, may have a few more months, they cannot say for sure. The only thing they can say with certainty is that they will no longer need us and we need to be making plans for a career change in the form ...
Well, another job bites the dust! After working for the same MTSO for 5 years, she just notified us that our job will be ending at the end of the month. The hospital did not renew our contract and signed with M Modal instead. The same exact thing happened to me after working for another MTSO for four years prior to this one. All the little guys are getting swallowed up by the big nationals, it seems.
So, now I get to search for another job (sigh). I've got 8+ ...
Did I totally misunderstand or are we being grandfathered in for the bonuses of the 1st quarter to help with adjustment to the new rating system where an error in a short report is a KILLER? ...
Hi. Just wondering if anyone currently working for AllType has received their paycheck for the pay period ending August 15th? I am still waiting on this and am worried it has been lost in the mail or something. I'm assuming it would have been mailed on August 25th. Is this correct? Thanks for any help. I'm worried, and I have a ton of bills to pay and a family. ...
Any of you thought of switching to dental laboratory technician, you can work independently a lot of times and they make pretty decent money. Or do any of you know a dental lab tech and if they like their job, just looking around for something else to do besides MT ...
I have been enrolled in college for the last year while still working. Found out today about a whole new carrer that has just come out and being created because of EHR/EMR and now being offered and will become even more popular.
My teachers in college informed me of a meeting they had in the city where I live. This meeting was held with physicians, PA's, NP's, MT's, Medical Assistance, nurses, etc.
Because of EHR/EMR, most doctor's (about 78%) do not like ...
If you are a MT that actually enjoys your career choice please leave a post or send me an email. I would like to know how you make it work and stay happy with your career choice. All i see on this forum is people complaining about their career choice, low rates and no available work. So how do you handle this? How many jobs do you have, how do you schedule more than 1 job, materials & resources you use to assist you and any other info you can give me. Just like every other career there are ppl u ...
google "TAA petition" and read the website to start one against MQ for displaced workers since they are sending all the work to India, especially those displaced due to buyouts. This is an excellent way to get school paid for to change careers and to make MQ pay for their indiscretions. Finally, a way to gain from all of this. I think you can contact your department of labor in your state if you have any questions also. ...
I am considering going to school to get a certificate/AA type of training, possibly in MA, pharm tech, or massage therapy, that sort of thing. If you have experience with this, did you run into the "newbie" catch-22 thing where you have to have experience to get a job or can you usually find something right out of school? ...
I'm just wondering if anyone knows of any other honest work at home companies other than transcription? I recall a while back someone mentioning their son working for a company at home basically taking incoming calls for I think Direct TV, but didn't directly work for Direct TV, he worked through a different company. I've been doing MT work for 15 years and like many I'm tired, I'm bored. I don't want to search for days just to find a ton of scams or jobs that pa ...
Career Tools > Career Articles > Future Careers: What's Hot, What's Not
Future Careers: What's Hot, What's Not
by Gina Pogol, FindtheRightSchool.com
Preparing for a career is a serious business, and the wrong choice can be costly. You don't want to graduate after several years' work only to find that your industry has relocated to China. Technology has affected labor markets in two ways: First, companies jumped on labor-saving devices ...
Hi all
It seems alot of people on here are discouraging people from getting into the field. But, I've been wondering, what then would be some good alternative fields to get into?
I can type 90wpm and am good at organizing things. I haven't worked in like 2 years (due to agorophobia) and I need to get my life back on track. I need to go to school for something, but I'm just not sure what to get into if not medical editing. ...
What type of careers are any one of you who are leaving MT or who are former MTs are retraining for? I'm very undecided. I'm not too crazy about being in school a long time or least longer than 1-1/2 to 2 years. I thought about coding but heard that that field is changing too like MT. I would like to stay in the medical field but I'm not sure about the degree of direct patient contact I want. I thought about radiology technician but not really sure. Any ideas to at least all ...
Worked as an MT from 1994 until 2010. Starting have problems with my hands in 2003. Becoming an editor saved my life in 2005 and was able to work on broken hands a couple more years. The editing became even more painful with changing every other word, pay went down, and I found myself with a repetitive stress injury (tendinitis). Lost my workers comp case, although doctor said injury was caused by being an MT for 16 years, however, judge wasn't hearing it as workers comp had ...
Copied and pasted from YAHOO News just now. 01/17 at 10:55 p.m. just popped up.
Career #5: Medical Transcriptionist
When physicians and medical professionals need to communicate important information, they turn to medical transcriptionists who translate doctor's notes into medical reports and other files.
Why it's hot: A large percentage of medical transcriptionists work in hospitals, but there will be an increased need for their work in editing transcr ...
make a living being an MT? In addition to how low our pay has gotten, and the myriad other problems that we all deal with, if you can't focus, do you think that is cutting into your finances as well?
I've always had a suspicion that I have ADD. Was a totally hyper kid. Daydreamer in school. High IQ (148), labelled as "gifted" in 1st Grade, yet with each passing year did less and less well in school. Looked out the window and zoned out more than I paid att ...
M*Modal will call the shots. No doubt they'll start jacking up prices to the clients then. That's the way it usually works.
Should only take a few more years.
Save a bit now, spend a lot more down the road. Lol. Shortsighted fools. ...
That's what I found MQ advertising while I went searching for another job. Just what does it mean though? They certainly aren't listening to us. Are we supposed to be listening to their innuendos of salary cuts, unattainable demands, losing our jobs to India to understand and get inspired to find another career? Who comes up with this double-talk anyway? Probably the same person that writes our corporate e-mails. ...
I am curious what the thoughts are about this. Will is be mandatory in a few years that all doctors offices go to EMR? Will this be the end of the medical transcriptionist or is there something we can do now to prepare for the change and still be in this field? ...
I am training someone and I am now reminded how far I have come, how much I have learned, and the things I take for granted and assume others know. Basic things, just proper English, not even taking into consideration the medical terminology. Knowing whether a sentence makes sense or not. We really should be paid better. But it is nice to feel smart sometimes....and you know anyone who can do this job really does have to be pretty darn intelligent. Fello ...
If there are any MT's in the Shreveport/Bossier City, Louisiana area on this board, there are a few local employment agencies, in particular Jean Simpson and Career Adventures that are looking for transcriptionists for positions at physician's offices. I recently got an in-house position and just want to pass along the news to anyone in this area that may be looking for a position. ...
Go to this website. Transcriptionists will no longer be needed in the future for transcribing or editing. One of my friends told me the hospital she retired from is going to this system and their transcription department will eventually no longer exist.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KGMEf11GmBo ...
I am now down to 3 companies (from 4) trying to make a living at this, wondering what I should do next. I'd like to go get my coding diploma and move on from there as I cannot take this anymore. Four jobs and between all of them I got $700 last week and am still waiting for checks to arrive. I asked one of them why it wasn't DD and they said they would cut and mail the check. Lord knows when the other one will arrive. I don't know, don't YOU ...