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I made a StupidStupid error - probably will get fired

Posted: Apr 12, 2013

Thankfully it was caught before it went to the client. But I've had a few borderline audits lately so this might be all she wrote. I had nightmares all night about it. I'm sick about it

It happens to all of us - I have done it countless times

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I just call the QA person, tell them what the error I made was, and ask that they fix it. We are human. Just own up to your mistake, say you are sorry, and move on.

been there - see inside

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How do you know it got caught before it went to the client? did they already talk to you about it? if so, that may be the last you hear of it. I've been in your shoes, that sick feeling, and one thing I've found is that usually, the thing I am worried about I never hear anything about.

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