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I just got one of those "F11 abuse" emails. - dnr

Posted: Apr 18, 2011

Of course, there is the threat of corrective action. They say it is a performance issue??? With me!!???????????!!!  I say it is performance issue with their ASR.  Who performance manages the IT people who designed this??   I actually sent a short somewhat nasty email back to my CCM.  The number of F11 I did averaged out to 1 a day.  On an ironic side - it is "F" (fill in the F word) 11.  Gotta get some kind of chuckle out of this piece of irony.

Heck, even if I meet the production number the ASR production reports say I could, I would still be at minimum wage.  I actually increased my ASR output according to the production report, but...... the production number it says I am capable of went up. 

Gotta find someway to get a chuckle, twisted or not, to stay out of the depths of depression.  If I treated my dog they way they treat us, he would slink off into a small dark place and never come out - it's called learned helplessness.

how many are we allowed per day? - wondering

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I thought we were allowed 10 per pay period, which would equal 1 a day if you worked 5 days a week.

I dont understand why you would be in trouble with that then.

F11 is clearing the ASR job and transcribing it yourself - sab

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It does not mean sending to QA.

I know what it is, I asked how many times we are - allowed to use F11 per day.

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sorry for not making myself clear.
F11 use - CyberlandMT
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You really need to check with your CCM. Don't quote me on this, but I've been told by 2 different ones (CCMs) that it is 12 times per pay period, not per day, but if you're averaging, that would be less 1 per day. And, as always, everything at MQ is subject to change without much, if any, notice.

F11 - sm

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I F11 as many as necessary while having the doctors removed from the ASR. They put all the doctors on ASR, even the bad ones. It is up to us to make a QCare request to get the bad ones removed. There is a percentage rate that they have to be over and if they do not meet that, they will remove them. If I get a bad doctor, I put in a request and F11 as many times as I need to until that doctor is removed. Of course they want you to keep doing them in ASR, that way they make money off you and the hospital because many of them pay the same rate whether ASR or not. I don't just keep doing the doctors in ASR that shouldn't be in there. I have them removed. Simple.

We know -- you tell us every day. - anon

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Apparently not, people ask every day! - nm
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I was told that others are doing the same doctors - dnr

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and not using F11 like they are. Apparently they are more willing just to accept the ASR quality. Although, while looking at another report for the patient I was working on, it looked like an ASR report that had merely been formatted with a minimum of corrections. Sad part was that the doctor I was doing the report for was apparently using that document for his information as he was dictating the meds as transcribed, one of which was not a drug but something that appeared ASR had gotten wrong. That doctor also dictated other erroneous information typical of ASR errors from the document I was looking at.

MQ is afraid that, if we F11 "too much", they will end up paying more. Although, the number of F11 I did did not get me above my pitiful minimum wage.
no wonder nothing gets corrected - ticked off MT
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Well now I know why nothing ever gets corrected in SR, people are just abandoning it instead of highlighting and correcting. That just makes all our lives miserable. I cannot believe the lengths MTs will go to not do the job right, to do their best. There are no ethics left in employment any more, no compassion, no understanding, just do anything I can for me, me, me, me. Screw the rest. Its pitiful and shameful.
ticked off MT - OTT
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Why are you not "ticked off" that you are making half what you should be making for the extremely difficult work that we do daily? There should be utter outrage, but there is not and I do not understand that. I like you finish everything to the best of my ability to get it right, but this company outright cheats employees every way they can and no one is concerned about it.....I see both sides of this coin and understand why people do what they do given the circumstances with this industry. I think it won't matter in a year or so anyway. The industry is quickly going down the tubes.
LOL - sm
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You really think that is the reason. You really don't know what you're talking about. I transcribed the same doctor for a few years, before I knew I could have him removed, and corrected the same things over and over and over again and the ASR did not learn. You really have no clue what you are talking about. If I F11 a doctor and you are doing the same doctor and doing it ASR, how come it isn't learning from you? Don't go around judging people who are trying to do their jobs but refuse to get ripped off by half the pay for doing doctors that are only 35-40 percent accurate on the ASR and refuse to do them and have them removed. How am I screwing you? You can continue to do ASR if you want and make peanuts. I choose to remove the ones that are not acceptable on ASR. Many of them talk just fine, it is the ASR that can't understand them or they have a style to where the ASR cannot put things in the right place. You really need to get your facts straight before you start judging the people who are trying to make fair living. The Q does have an 85% accuracy rate for them and if they are 30% they should be removed. If your CCM is not allowing you to, I would go over their head and complain or tell them they can do the report.
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Whoa, where did that come from? I really believe we are on the same side and you misinterpreted what I was trying to say. I too have docs removed from ASR, but I am still irritated that our pay has been so drastically cut. The time that we have to spend sending tickets through Q-care is all time we are giving away! It is nonproductive time. If we correct a header, it is nonproductive time. If you do not correct a header, QA will ding you. Are you not concerned about all the time you give away to this company? Believe it or not I agree with your post and was not trying to judge you in any way!
Sorry - sm
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I was responding to "ticked off MT" above you.

Just in response to your post, I would rather take the few minutes to send a ticket than to keep doing the crappy ASR. I lose more money by doing the same crappy ASR all the time than requesting removal through QCare. Actually, I am getting pretty quick at that since I do it a lot and have never had one not removed. LOL I'm glad you are having them removed too.
I have had the exact same situation - Just Sayin
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where I looked at an old report because I knew the dictator was dictating incorrect information, after doing oncology reports for years, and low and behold they were dictating straight from another report which was transcribed/edited incorrectly. My immediate thought was it was a new MT or an MT new to oncology and didn't take the time to look up a new term or verify the information they were transcribing. I actually had to relisten to the report in archives to correct the new report I was doing so this patient would have correct info in their record. I was really wondering if I got audited on that, if I would have gotten dinged because I corrected what the dictator was saying. Some of those reports in archives are scary and I can see how some customers are not happy with the quality they are getting.

I have nothing against new MTs, as we were all new at one point, but I know there are a lot of new MTs on the accounts I do and I'm sure that is the reason for a lot of the errors I see.

Then we get emails from the QA manager stating how horrible the quality is and what EVERYBODY is doing wrong. Why can't they just single out the people making the mistakes instead of putting us all into one category and reprimanding everyone. They don't take the time to tell the people doing a good job that they are appreciated!
I doubt it was due to a MT who was new or inexperienced in - dnr
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that specialty. It was probably a minimally edited ASR report (if at all - possibly just formatted). The accounts I do are 99% ASR, and I can be at least 95% I was looking at an ASR report.
That is possible, but the report - Just Sayin
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I was looking at was actually better than what ASR would have done, so I assumed it was an inexperienced MT.

You are lucky to have a CCM who will allow - dnr

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those dictators to be taken off ASR because you submit tickets for them. The CCM and QA must sign off to allow a dictator taken off.

Learned helplessness - sab

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Interesting that you posted this today. I am feeling quite helpless now. Over the 20+ year span of my career as an MT, QA, ME and volunteer mentor for AHDI and having passed my CMT, I felt confident in what I knew and was always looking forward to learning more. Medquist has always been my 'home-base' so to speak. I have worked for other companies only to find myself back at Medquist; but I soon found out that it isnt the same company. One of the "catch-22" issue is I am a tier 3 MT with years of experience and I am being paid very very well per line for transcription; but, there is NO transcription except for those dictators who are totally unintelligible for ASR (and that would mean if the computer can't figure them out... no one can). I am being paid the basic ASR rate. My CMT did NOT give me an increase in pay in ASR. Then, there is the QA issue. I only get 10 reports per month to send to QA. My analogy is like having a cell phone with only 10 minutes. You have to use them wisely. Sometimes you just can't. If you are an MT who has integrity, it just doesn't feel 'right' to send a report with more than 3 blanks... sometimes all you need is a second-listen. And like you, DNR (love the name.. very appropriate), if you find that the ASR isnt picking up the dictation and you choose to transcribe it yourself... it goes against you. I was so frustrated Sat night that I cried. I love my career and I am good at it. There are way too many roadblocks to keep me from being productive and able to support my family. This is a career... not an assembly line. Production is for workers who produce the same job repeately (I Love Lucy in the candy factory episode). We are professionals, not assembly line workers. If they want production.. give us ONE or TWO accounts.. allow us to be proficient and open QA for any second-listens or quick view. Thank you for listening. Good luck to you and to all of us who are intelligent, diligent, responsible professionals who feel overwhelmed and beaten-down.

I feel ya - Frosty Mug

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You aren't alone in crying. I have left MQ three times and come back each time after learning the grass was not only not greener, it was crabgrass. Sad that a big MQ kick in the teeth is the best I can find right now. Loved your line "We are professionals, not assembly line workers." Wish THEY knew that!

Perfect comparisons, SAB - Speed it up, Charlie!

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It is a matter of feeling overwhelmed. Being driven to produce despite being handicapped. The ol' Catch-22. Anyone out there think their heart problem is work-related? You betcha.

F11 Abuse - SicknTired

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I don't see how they can have a set number of times you can F11. If anything, it should be done as a percentage. If you do 30 reports a day and I do 10, how can we possibly be allowed the same number of F11s? No only that, I can go weeks and weeks without ever having to do it, but days like today I had the same dictator literally 7 reports in a row. In ASR his OP reports show up as 2 lines. When I type them out, they are 38 lines (he always does the same procedure and dictates exactly the same each time). He is a horrible dictator and at least 3 of them were already F11'd by someone else who just quit out of them. I received them as ASR but without any text.

I can easily see how someone would have to do it once a day. Again, it all depends on the luck of the draw.

I'm sure there are people who abuse it (there always is), but on a whole, it just isn't a fair way of doing it.

We were told NO F11 at all... sm - nowwhat

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Our email said we are not supposed to do F11 at all, even when putting in standard reports. We are supposed to be "training" the system. Yeah right. I was one of the first asked to "train" the system over to ASR. How many times do you highlight and skip and change Ativan and cabbage? so yeah, right once in a blue moon on a night when someone has consumed too much cabbage soup and has a tummy ache.... the only one who has a chronic ache is me with the ulcer i have developed from all these so called improvements. Like the heading list is there to help us. Not.... I still type them in as dictated. That heading list, like us training ASR is so any ILP off the street can do this job without having any experience at all.

I, for one, actually have only twice in my entire career with MQ used F11. Now we are to open a QCare ticket every time F11 is used and explain why. Oh for crying out loud!!! Who cares. The system will never be trained. I have waited over 5 years for it. So, let us F11 and just pay the stinking ASR rate. We are not going to get around any other way.

No F11 for me either - no name

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I just edit them. Never use F11, at all, for any reason.
Congratulations for letting the company make - more money off of you!
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My CCM said no F11 at all now - newbiemt
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I got wrote up for too many F11 and I only had 14 for 2 weeks. She said we can't do any F11 at all.
CCMs shouldn't be able to make up their - own policies, it should
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the same company wide. I agree with above poster, it should be considered as a percentage, not a flat number. It's different for everybody. Anyway, sorry to hear that. It's a shame they are getting away with this.

That's ridiculous. Why would they have a - policy if you cant

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do it at all. I love how some CCMs just make up their own rules. But I can't believe you are suggesting they just pay the ASR rate for F11. You're encouraging them to keep screwing us even more and more.
Where is the policy written at???? - bj
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Can anyone tell me where this is written at???? My trainer told me we were allow to do so many but I forgot the number that she gave and that was so long ago I can't remember
It's on MQ Central under MT/ME policies - and procedures
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I haven't looked at it for a while, but I believe it's 11 times a month.
I don't see it. - bj
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I don't see policies and procedures anywhere.
Look under Human resources, MT - policies and procedures
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I don't have time to get on there right now, but it should be somewhere under HR, MT policies and procedures.
I can't find any policy - just education on how to edit. - nm
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Sorry, I can't find it now either. It did - sm
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used to be on there, I'm positive, and it said 11 times a month. Maybe they did away with it and are letting the CCMs decide, who knows. I haven't heard anything about it.
I did not say I liked it. . . sm - nowwhat
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Let's get this straight. I did not say I liked getting paid the ASR rate, but quite frankly that is what it has come to anyhow, and there is nothing we can do about it. The "wave" of the future (wave being waving bye bye to being a transcriptionist with the good pay scale). They have upped our line quotas, and yet they expect us to put out a quality report too. I have always put quality first, and it has always bit me in the butt because of it. I have been with this company for a lonnnnngggg time, and I continue to roll with the punches. Like another poster said, a Pavlov dog. (psychiatric term, read about that study). I was just turned down for food assistance because my medical condition and lack of medical insurance cannot count because I don't have children now nor have I filed for disability. I have been disconnected from power and internet because I perpetually stay behind. But, I WORK! I am not saying no one else does, and I am not saying it is fair that we get no MT work any longer. So, I agree why have a policy if you do not intend to let it happen. Like the weather, MQ changes from hour to hour. We either just continue to do our jobs to our own personal best. IT IS NOT FAIR, but one can only pray that soon all will pass anyway. Not dooming here. being realistic. Okay, go ahead flame throwers I bought my retardant armor..

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