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Documentation of employer harassment and abuse. - Caped Crusader

Posted: Apr 01, 2015

If you feel you are being abused and want to do something about it, you probably need to be documenting the problem. Concerns that have been mentioned on this board include: Some have mentioned having no work available but being required to work outside of their scheduled hours in order to complete their required line count. Some have been a victim of an unfair pay system in which they have had their pay reduced because they have such difficult dictators/intermittent work that they are unable to make the line count, quality assurance, or comply with the pending policy. Some have had their quality score decreased without any documentation from the MTSO that their reports are being audited fairly. Some are asked to work "overtime" outside of their shifts but are unable to work during their scheduled shifts because there is no work available. The overtime ends up lowering line count, increasing pends, and is not paid as overtime because the employee is not over the hours or the penalties reduce the pay scale. Some are unable to plan and take their vacation time. Some documentation suggestions: Print out copies of e-mails between you and the company where a problem is discussed such as NJA. Document problems that affect complying with required production. Note if problem began with a change in account, supervisor, or change in your state's minimum wage. Keep track of when a new account was assigned, how many accounts are assigned, particular difficulties with an account -- high ESL, student, requires many carbon copies, looking up of demographics/3 pages of instructions just to complete the demographic area but short reports so you spend a disproportionate amount of time looking up unpaid demographic; reduced blanks allowed (especially on high line reports if pend is calculated on a line percentage basis). Find a method to keep track of your pends/blanks, why blanked, and resolution. You should also print out time sheets and/or pay stubs. Have a copy of your policy manual, time sheet/time clock instructions. Another possibility is documenting unpaid/unclocked time to deal with e-mails, reversing errors, software problems, etc. You can also save and print out conversation histories from many of the instant messenger programs. Check the menu items or options for the program to make sure this feature is set up. It may have a save feature or just plain old copy and paste. Consider recording conversations. There are many ways to record a conversation ranging from a simple speaker phone with a separate recorder used, to gadgets and software, to cellphones that have this feature. Many times the supervisors will not put their demands/requests in writing but will state something in the phone call. If you actually were able to take your case to court and use this as evidence, check your state law about recording conversations (also the state your conservation partner is in.) If it bothers you to record, consider that the company is probably recording the conversation, too. Also, if you are promised a change, do not let the problem go on indefinitely, but set a time limit for the change and follow up. You might want to cc the supervisor's supervisor. I have read on this site that promises were made and suddenly the supervisor making the promises suddenly "disappears" to other accounts. Good luck to everyone.

I have to wonder why in the world anyone in their right mind, - an MT? on this page, would dislike. nm

[ In Reply To ..]

Probably an owner who does not want - sm

[ In Reply To ..]
to be sued over labor violations or does not want to have unemployment denials challenged.

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