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I am losing my mind with the stttt uuuuu ttttt eeee rrring 6.1 - anonymous

Posted: Sep 08, 2010

Sometimes it just kind of ..... stops..... and then catches back up like it took a little nap.  The screen never seems to be quite up to the keystrokes, just a little "off."  The downloading of jobs is very slow and that friggin' doctor look-up feature really is a bummer.  There is no way to make that any faster with all the searching and accepting.  Looking up patients seems slower.  Everything about this supposed update seems slower.  So much for REAL-TIME that the instructor was so proud of. 

Maybe she meant "Real-time consuming...." - Old part-timer

[ In Reply To ..]
Didn't switch yet myself, but 6.1 doesn't sound like much of an "upgrade".

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