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Losing doc's to EMR, help! - Lisa

Posted: Nov 16, 2012

I have recently learned that I will be losing 3 of my best doctors to EMR.  Since then, one of the doctors has offered to keep me on entering the clinic notes into the EMR for him.  I would still be working from home as an IC, but would need some training on their EMR system.  Any suggestions as to what I would charge for this?  I currenlty bill by cpl.  Would I now be better off to bill by the hour?  I really have no idea how to approach this.  I have never done work in an EMR system before and could use some advice!



15 an hour sounds reasonable - to me

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I saw a similar job posted recently and that's what it paid. Good luck.

Depends on where you live - Old MT

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If you live in FL, definitely not $15. If you're making $12 per hour in FL for anything, you're riding a high game.

I would negotiate with him, see what he says. I know you're the IC, but you also want to keep the job.

I live and do all my work for local doctors in central Illinois - Lisa

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I live and do all my work for local doctors in central Illinois. Right now, I charge 14 cpl for the transcription. Any idea what transcribing into an EMR involves? Would there be a lot of typing to make money by cpl or would I be better off charging by the hour?

Do Not Know - Old MT

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You would probably have to somehow network in your own area to find what the going rate there is. Sorry, have only worked for big MTSOs, so I'm not familiar with private practices in general.

My docs went to EMR 10 years ago and I just charged the same rate I was charging before. - MT20

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It really was very easy to do put notes in their EMR. They use the Pulse system. Hope it goes well for you!!

typing into an emr... - anon

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I had three clients recently that also went to EMR. I too was told that we could type clinic notes into the emr system and retain my jobs. I don't want to frighten you, but it did not end up being that way at all. The only difference for typing into the emr was the formatting on the typed page. Instead of the headers of PHYSICAL EXAMINATION; CURRENT MEDICATIONS:, etc, the page was formated like this:
<<[] and we typed between the []. The dictations were very brief, as the emr system was obviously a point and click system and gradually but gradually, all dictation was eliminated. At first we would get the examination part and the plan part, but no patient info whatsoever, no demographics, no history, medications, etc. only the exam part and the plan part. Then it started just being the examination part, but still very brief, and then eventually the work just stopped coming through at all as the emr system did everything, and we were out of a job entirely. I lost three clients all within a month of each other due to emr, and not to being let go, fired, or anything else anyone wants to suppose on this site. EMR did it all. I am sorry. I don't want to be negative about your position, but just bear in mind that this is the norm these days and it is something you should definitely expect to happen. They tell you what you want to hear and then gradually you are squeezed out of the picture. As far as what to charge them, that is totally up to you. Whatever you end up typing is going to be about two paragraphs long and that's it. I wish you luck. I wish it was not this way, but this has been my experience. sorry.
You're right. Half the "MT wanted" jobs I see now are - obviously nothing more than - sm
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training the EMR to replace all MTs. Then, according to what has happened to friends who were still inhouse at my old employer, you get unceremoniously dumped, with no chance or consideration at all if you want to train and/or transfer within the hospital for another position, even if you've been there for 20 years. It would make me want to go into that facility to have an expensive procedure done, and then STIFF THEM ON THE BILL.
I was initially told they would not be needing - Lisa
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me at all anymore, but one of the docs decided he would rather have me continue to type his dictations versus the new scribes. I was prepared to lose them completely, but for now I am glad to hang on to what work I can. I have been told they dictate to the new scribes exactly what they have been dictating to me, with the exception of the built-in headings, etc. in the EMR templates so my word count would be cut slightly. Does anyone know if you can use shortcuts that I have created in Word in the EMR system or cut/paste from my usual template into the EMR or how to do a word count? Without my shortcuts it would take me a lot longer to type the same info.
EMR - themadtypist
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What I do is type the report as usual in Word and cut and paste it into the EMR. I store out each patient's dictation and count my lines as usual and bill the same as before EMR.
Thanks. - Lisa
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Thanks! It's great to hear from people who are already doing it and how they do it. I appreciate the input :)

Important info for you - me

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I do not know how your work is performed, but if applicable, legally all templates you create as an independent contractor are copyright protected--meaning they cannot just load all your templates/normals and such. They only own the record as it pertains to that particular patient.

I was managing a very large, lucrative account, working for a small MTSOat the time but was supposed to take over her accounts. Well, I did just as they went EMR, and she made me give the clients all the templates I had created over the years, tonsof them, so they were able to transition to EMR immediately. She did not believe me and stated they were the clients' property. Well, I now work for those same clients (years later after working for yucky nationals) and incurred a huge setup. Yes, you guessed it. After a several-year setup, for which I was not paid for) was complete, they all asked for my templates to load into the
ERM and pass around to other services. I informed them of the legality of this and hence still have my job. Thank you AHDI, which provided the article proving the legality of it, as my own lawyer did not know this. I literally set up several hundred thousand templates... no kidding.

Thanks! - Lisa

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Good to know!

Good goin'!! Good for you and that is great to know! I hope - they realized a FEW things from that and

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start to show some respect. I so love stories that turn their "if I only had a brain" mentality back on them, not us.

LOL.... sm - me

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yes, she blew a gaskett..... However, I stood my ground. Tired of being used. Also, we do not just pass our document setup onto the next service for free (even though they are at another location. I had so many of the physicians asking for the templates I set up, so they could either load them into their EMR at the office or pass them to their other services, so they did not have to dictate and did not like their work. Nothing is for free.

Ive typed in EMR - KYmt

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I have been typing in EMR for two years and how my employer paid was by dictated minute. They took dictated minute x 15 lines x 0.075 per line plus shift diff. I did my average for my regular average traditional transcription on most dictators but there was one that I lost money on because of the speed she spoke at even though she was clear.

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