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Losing my job.... - Anon

Posted: Jul 09, 2013

I am seething with anger right now.  I am losing my job of five years by the end of the week, not because of lack of work, not because my work is not up to par, but because the doctor I work for has just been brought up on charges of insurance fraud and perjury. 

I have been working for an orthopedic surgeon as a medical claims reviewer who strictly does Independent Medical Examinations.  There are six girls in one office and six girls in another office in a different location.  The doctor does not work out of these two offices.  These offices are just where the paperwork is done.  The doctor rents space in other offices to conduct his examinations and they are located all over the area, some offices as far away as 50 miles. He performs about 40 to 50 examinations per day in a four day work week.    Of the six girls in the office location where I am, only two and myself are responsible for the reviewing of records and typing the reports.  Believe it or not, I have never even met this physician.  He never comes to the office. All orders are given by his wife, who is an absentee office manager.  She may visit the office about once a month, if that. 

He had performed an examination on a patient that was seriously injured in a work related accident.  He was in and out of court with the patient and the insurance company.  When he gave his last testimony he reported that the patient is perfectly capable of going back to work, when in fact, he really wasn’t.  His report noted that he performed numerous tests and that the patient had full range of motion in all extremities.  It was then when the patient produced a video tape of that examination. It shows the doctor only spending less than 2 minutes with this patient and not performing the said examinations.  The judge literally nailed the doctor to the cross !!  He was told that that he is being brought up on perjury charges and insurance fraud.  The judge told the doctor to retire or the transcripts would be made public.  The doctor refused, the transcripts were made public, and the insurance companies are now cancelling all their claimant’s appointments.  The judge is also ordering the review of his tax records and he will most likely lose his license to practice. 

In less than 24-hours since this happened, there has been no work. The insurance companies have refused to deal with this doctor after this incident and I don't blame them.   The doctor has not called or visited the offices to speak to us.  We found out about this from the insurance companies. 

This doctor has made millions.  He really has no worries at all other than his credibility. There are now twelve people who will be out of work by the end of the week who live paycheck to paycheck.  

I'm so sorry for this! - (see message)

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That's an awful story...very sorry you're going through this. Do you have your health insurance through this job, too? I'm not sure I'd work through the end of the week if it looks like you might not get paid any further...or have you found out about that yet? Will you be able to file for unemployment under these circumstances? I have no idea how that works in a situation like this, but I hope you end up okay. That's pretty bad, and you have my sympathy.

All the workers - Anon

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were part timers. No one had health insurance. I will be elegible for unemployment, but can only collect for part time benefits. His greed ruined all these lives !!

As well as the lives of his patients - (see msg)

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...because if he was falsely "finding" that this one guy was perfectly fit and able to work, you KNOW he was doing exactly the same thing for all of the other injured/disabled workers on whom he was doing IMEs. (Which, for all that the insurance companies were falling all over themselves scrambling to disassociate themselves from him as soon as he was busted, you know good and well is exactly why and how he built such a booming business of doing IMEs... by giving the insurance companies exactly what they wanted, an excuse to deny perfectly legitimate claims!)

I hope that the injured workers he thus screwed over get wind of what has happened and are able to get their cases reopened -- at the expense of the insurance companies who used him to deny claims!

I am so sorry this happened to you, Anon. And - that he will retire wealthy is all wrong. You

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know, insurance does not cover illegal acts. It's literally against the law. If prior victims find out and come forward now, he might still be ruined.

Losing your job - Nick

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I am so sorry that you and the other women are losing your jobs. As to the doc, I hope he goes right to jail. (If I were on the bench, I would make sure he didn't go to one of those white collar jails where they play golf all day, but rather to one where his cellmate says, "Hi, I'm your cellmate. Do you want to be the husband or the wife?") He deserves no consideration at all and I hope he pays dearly. I do think he will have financial worries, as the courts will attach his assets to pay back money he cheated the taxpayers out of. At any rate, I am genuinely sorry for you and your coworkers.

The IRS will attach his assets - keep it for themselves

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and give it to some third world country that has us wrapped right around their fingers as we seem to "owe" them everything we have. the injured worker will never see a dime in reimbursement from their injuries, and neither will the insurance companies. and please, this is just the tip of the iceberg. there are many, many, many, and I repeat many other "doctors" out there doing the exact same thing. Do you think this doc was the only "smart one" who figured out how to defraud?? He is just the one that got caught.

Personally, I think.. - Anon (OP)

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IME's are the biggest scam out there. I've typed reports on people out of work and on SSI for a sprained thumb!! No wonder this country and the health care system is in the toilet.
Personally I think so, too - Mary
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For several years I worked in a large medical facility. One day a woman dropped a small stapler on her foot (she was wearing shoes, not sandals at the time). Well, next thing we know, she is out on disability. She stayed out for YEARS because every time someone questioned how she could be so disabled from a small stapler, she played the "You're prejudiced because I'm a minority card" and continued to stay off work. I should add that I am also a minority, and I really resented her ripping off the system and also that she gave a bad example of minority workers. Believe me, not very many of us are like that, but because of people like her, the stereotype will continue. We got transferred, and she was still out on "disability" when we moved, not sure what finally happened. I was disgusted.
I work for WC defense attorneys and - - sm
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I see it day and day out. My attorneys are in CA and I truly believe about 25% (generously) of the "injured" workers are really injured. About 70% are illegals and about half of them file a suit after they get fired either because they have no green card or used fictitious Social Security numbers. Just makes me sick! They all get a pay out of some sort, nuisance value, and who ends up paying? We do in the end due to higher prices because insurance goes up. The Judges are a major part of the problem at the WCAB in CA, too. They need to take a middle line, but they don't - certain courts are known to be fully applicant oriented and it is ridiculous the stuff they let go through and Award. Then you've got the defense side where some of them will deny you no matter if your leg was amputated in an accident. The whole system is broken due to greed on both sides. Makes. Me. Sick.
I don't believe this at all. I worked in insurance - for years and we knew that since the guys
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in the back of a truck that was run off the road weren't badly hurt there would be very little chance of a claim for the fairly minor injuries some did receive. They just lumped it rather than chance not only being deported but losing the job they came back to year after year and being blackballed by others.

This is alluded to extremely obliquely in written reports, if written down at all, but everyone knows how to interpret a significant accident involving several or people with no claims, and is just one example of a pattern I saw many, many times over.

We did commercial insurance in California, and many of our clients did have illegal employees. The insurance companies depend on the very low likihood of having to pay out on illegal imployees when setting a company's worker comp rates. Yet another reason to hire illegal.

What I did see was tons of American citizens routinely grabbing an opportunity for what they saw as easy money. It's a type, and enough to turn anyone into a cynic. Certainly there's no chance that illegals could outnumber our homegrown sleezebags in filing bogus claims.
Its the truth and I work for one of the largest defense - attorney firms in CA
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that has hundreds of attorneys all over the state. The illegals out number the homegrown sleezebags. I'm wondering if the fraud unit is so overwhelmed they can't keep up. There are so many post-termination case filings from undocumenteds it would make your head spin, seriously.
Same problem here... - Anon (OP)
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I'd say about 85 to 90% of the WC cases and liability cases that I see are illegals. I can't even pronounce the names and I sure as hell can't tell if the claimant is a male or female just by looking at the name. And none of them have SS#. They come here and suck off the system in any way they can while us jerks pay their way. Only in America !

Nick your attitude gives me concern - Tess

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While I think the doctor who created all these problems for so many should be held accountable for his actions, but wishing him violent attacks seems to contradict the actual profession you say you are studying for. Justitia? Objectivity would seem crucial as a legal eagle! If you are truly pursuing a legal career I would also think you might want to be cautious of what you post on public forums. Do you really know of any prisons where the inmates play golf all day--seriously?

Guess I missed where Nick - wished violent attacks on

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anyone. The cellmate thing? Pffft. It was a good post, IMHO
Nick was simply making a joke - xxx
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Some people have no sense of humor.

Tess - Nick

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Oh, for heaven's sake, lighten up, please. It was a JOKE. You have heard of a "joke," have you not? And yes, Virgnia/Tess, thereally are white collar prisons. Have you ever heard of Jeff Skilling and his crowd? (Think Enron.) If not, you might find renting and watching THE SMARTEST GUYS IN THE ROOM to be enlightening. I hope you don't think those guys lifted a finger to do anything meaningful for society while in their uppercrust prison. Meanwhile, lighten up, have a cold lemonade, and rel-a-a-x.
Just ignore her. - It would seem
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you have been targeted by one of the "seek offense where none is offered or intended" crowd.

Just ignore her - is Tess a her or him? nm - BoredMT
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Tess would be an odd name for a male. - nm
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Tess would be an odd name for a male, but - Tess
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Angel Clare is a man's name! Nick could be short for Nicole, as Fred is short for Fredica, Sam for Samantha . . . Education and age enhance critical thinking skills, both needed in medical transcription and legal work don't you think?
That was weird. - nm
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Absolutely (nm) - anon
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You Have Now Entered the .... - Twilight Zone.
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queue up the scary music, Rod...short for Rodericka?
You have now entered the twilight zone--junior high lunchroom - OldMT
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Twilight zone and weird, you have just taken us to the middle school lunchroom with your provocative thoughts!
so true old mt - mtr
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Nick - Tess
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I found your "joke" to be in poor taste and offensive on many levels. That does not mean I have no sense of humor, but with nearly 40 years of experience working with prison reform, FAMM, Art Behind Bars, etc. I have more life experience on the topic than a movie. But if movies are your reference point, perhaps you should consider The House I Live In. When you chat in an open forum there are many levels of sensitivity, dismissing another's position/sensitivity with a demeaning statement of "lighten up" shows a lack of sensitivity on your part, and perhaps an inability for respectful debate--again something useful in the legal field.
Oh, please. Nobody cares. - nm
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Lighten up and get off your high horse. - People on here are entitled to their opinions SM
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no matter if you like it or not. You think your pitiful little attempt at chastisement on an internet chat board is going to change someone else's opinions?

"your attitude gives me concern." Please. Back up and look at your own attitude for a moment.
Lighten up and get off your high horse--no horses here - Tess
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just one of the people with an opinion thinking I was engaging in an intelligent conversation with grownups. But I can see by your attitude that strong, politely-worded posts bring out the chat room bully in you. Little sensitive and short fused are you?
Still arguing? - MT
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You have 9 dislikes already on your second post, and now a third? You'd think you'd realize the majority here are not agreeing with you. Not sure who you are trying to convince.
Still arguing--thank you - Tess
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for pointing out the dislike tally on my posts, I was unaware of this feature. I'm not trying to convince anyone of anything, just thought I was engaged in debating a topic with Nick. Due to the groups unfavorable response, I will discontinue the conversation. Again, thank you for pointing out that feature--I will assume it is a persons indication that further discussion is unwelcome even if someone else comments on my posts?
Tess - xxx
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That an interesting (if illogical) assumption.
Tess - Apprehensive Tess
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At the risk of an unwelcome post, I truly do not understand. If there are numerous dislikes on my posts, isn't that the group indicating to me that I should shut up?
Maybe this will shed some light - French major
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The great Eighteenth Century author and philosopher Voltaire said it best: "I may not agree with what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."
Maybe this will shed some light - French major - Tess
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How delightful to see an educated response--THANK YOU!
Interesting thread--uppercrust prison? - BoredMT
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Enron Skilling guy is here http://www.bop.gov/locations/institutions/eng/index.jsp

Tess, regarding Nick - it was sarcasm. - not a hex s/m

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Who wouldn't be THAT angry with this doc's behavior? Concrete thinking does not apply.

And, no, you do not have a sense of humor obviously. After all that institutional experience, no wonder why.
Tess, regarding Nick - it was sarcasm - Tess
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No one in this whole thread has condoned the doctor's behavior, including me. Critical thinking and concrete thinking are not synonymous. Critical thinking is more inquisitive or probing depth of thought, while concrete is more black and white or shallow.

And, your are correct that 40 years of experience in the prison system has made jokes of inmate rape offensive to me, actually any jokes about rape are not humorous to me. Also, there are no inmates playing golf all day anywhere in the US--other than Hollywood.

What I have discovered, at this point, is that MT Stars chat rooms can take on the semblance of a gang mentality with the dislike feature substituting as virtual stones. There is a horrible thread on the gab board where people are brutal to a woman who is using an internet tool, fund me, for her daughters college monies. Really, do we need to be gang up on people and be so mean, can't we agree to disagree with respect and decorum?
Tess, regarding Nick - it was sarcasm - s/m
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NM - I just wanted to repeat my subject line like you people do to drive my point home a third time. Thanks!!

Signed - the Original Poster of 'tess, regarding Nick'

UPDATE - Anon - OP

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I was let go today and the way the office manager (the doctor’s wife) went about it was so unprofessional, but then again, I expected as much coming from her. She called me at 7:45 this morning, right before I left for work and told me that she was letting me go. Nothing like waiting for the 11th hour !! She said she tried to call me all weekend. No she didn’t !! I have caller-ID on my phone and I was home all weekend and I told her so. Dead silence on the other end of the phone. She asked me to come by the office tomorrow at 9 so she could give me a letter of recommendation. I also asked for a letter stating that I was let go through no fault of my own. Againâ€Â¦.dead silence on the other end of the phone. I saw this coming and I wasn’t even upset, I was angry. Then she told me she is giving me one weeks severance pay. What the hell is one week going to do for me ??? It will be awhile for the unemployment to kick in and I still have rent, utilities, car insurance and gas to cover. Andâ€Â¦.I like to eat once in a while. She said she just doesn’t have any income right now. I told her to ‘cut the crap’. Granted, she didn’t even have to give me anything, but saying that she didn’t have the funds just pushed me over the edge. I may be outspoken and say what I feel, but at least, I’m honest.

I have four doctor appointments scheduled within the next two weeks for follow ups. I have breast cancer. I̢۪m on a sliding scale at the teaching hospital where I̢۪m followed, but I still have to shell out $160 for those four appointments, so I canceled all of the appointments. As soon as I get a statement from unemployment, I have to go to the hospital and my sliding scale would be lowered. I̢۪m fortunate enough that these were only follow up appointments and health-wise, I̢۪m doing okay.

I used to love transcribing from home. I was my own boss and I had good accounts. Sadly, it̢۪s a dying field now. I just can̢۪t stand working for someone never knowing when the rug will be pulled out from under me. I̢۪m not a drama queen and I don̢۪t like dealing with office drama. Give me back the good ol̢۪ days !!

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