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Boy am I glad I quit - Former Spheris MT

Posted: Aug 19, 2010

Today is my last day with MQ (formerly Spheris) and I quit just in time.  I got the new MT Rewards Plan document and I don't know if everyone is affected the same but it would mean my pay would go down another 10%.  Are these folks just plain crazy or what? Good riddance to this whole company.

They are ridiculous! - SpherisMT2

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Both MQ and Spheris are both crazy IMO and now they have joined together. Spheris with thier crazy quality coaching, mentors, shadowing, treating us like children, and hounding us about line counts when there is no work.

NOW we get "REWARDED" with the new Rewards Plan (are they serious in calling it this?), we are really in trouble. What a joke!

MQ idea of reward is no reward at all - MQMT

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I don't know what document you are referring to but I can only assume the Spheris MTs are being rewarded the same as the MQ MTs- with no incentives, no bonuses, certainly no raises and a reduction in ASR pay every couple years. Yep, the only reward we get is trying to keep our QA submissions under 5% and avoid a 3 cpl pay cut, but seeing as MQ just settled a lawsuit with Kaiser that pay cut may be coming sooner than we think.

What lawsuit? - Do tell.

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Medquist = Slumdog MQillionaires.
look at lower posts- settled with Kaiser nm - MQ MT
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The suit was because they cheated Kaiser. - Yay, Kaiser, for "outing" them! (n/m)
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All of the evil-doers who attended the AHDI pow-wow - this year seem to have returned home with -sm

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lots of new-and-improved ways to screw their employees. More VBC crap, no incentives, pay cuts, doctoring those production numbers so that they come out ahead, and we lose, and likely a lot of new B.O.S.-BS is soon to come.

Some days I get tempted to join AHDI as a spy - so that I could attend those covens (I mean meetings) for the sole purpose of whistle-blowing.

Crazy like a fox. Theyre ridding themselves of U.S. - MTs by STARVING THEM OUT.

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Whatta buncha @$$____s.

I quit a month ago. What is - Spherite

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the new pay plan? I really do wish I could see it.

pay plan - Former Spheris MT

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Well they cut out incentive pay for extra lines (but raised base pay by a fraction of a cent, 2/10 of a cent in my case) but then they cut SR pay to 60% of full line pay where it used to be 67%. I figured it came out to a half cent a line less which really adds up. It looks like the original MQ MTs make even less than the former Spheris ones.

Thanks for that. I am also glad - Spherite

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So glad I left! If they did that to my pay, I would now be at 4.62 cpl for SR. I was 7.5 cpl TR, 5 cpl SR, and still could barely make minimum wage. I just could not wish enough bad things on that company. How horrible!
New "Rewards" program - BH
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Yes, it is a nightmare. The good part is I have 2 more paychecks at the present rate, then 4.8 cpl will kick in for SR, as my base rate is 8 cpl.

Then I got a message from a very high CCM that said she had important news about CMT and RMT tests. She said we can even get a discount if we are a member of AHDI. I already know that! I went on the website and it costs $135 for membership, and if you don't pay that, the CMT test will cost $275.
CMT/AHDI - enigma
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I was totally planning to take the CMT exam just so I could PROVE that I know my stuff. Therefore I took membership in AHDI as my class action settlement from MQ, so that I could take the exam for less. But MT is dead anyway so why bother? I'll get certified in something else, coding maybe. grumble, grumble.

To AHDI: good luck with getting all those Indian MTs certified, especially with the new test!

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