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Got an e-mail stating I could test up to MME - mom2huskies

Posted: Mar 21, 2013

I believe it is just another way to cut my pay further.

Why do they keep doing this? There is literally - sm

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NO QA work other than the very occasional Indian report with 75 blanks.

I like being an MME everyone's - experience is different

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I get a combination of QA, MT and ME throughout the day and it breaks up the monotony. I like figuring out what's in the blanks. I haven't noticed that it's hurt my pay. But I know it's not the same for everyone.

Do you actually have work all day, every day, consistently? - sm

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If so, what region?

Also, they say POSSIBILITY of a rate raise.

Even at 200 lph ASR, that's minimum wage.

pretty much - sm

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Some days it runs out in the middle of the day. Since I get a combination of QA, MT and ME, it kind of averages out and I make okay money.

I'm an MME, and all I have - sm

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is the worst of the worst ASR all day long.
well as I said everyone's - experience is different
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I don't take my good fortune for granted, believe me.


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Yep. I got one too. I am part time, and I want to stay part time (partially retired), so that leaves me out.

I am just impressed - that you could see your e-mail

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I haven't been able to get mine all day.

But you could be entered into a RAFFLE - and maybe win a GIFT CARD

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thank you, no

Got the same offer, but I think I will pass. - anon

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I'm doing okay where I am with my accounts. I don't trust what will happen if I become an MME.

Can anyone tell me why you only need a score of 96 to be - an MME but 99.5+ to be an MT?

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This makes no sense.

I picked up on that real fast too. - nm

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96 on the test - not on the job nm

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Been there, done that, got the t-shirt . . . - anon

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I had a terrible experience as a MME. Don't even get me started on that again. Glad to be an MT/ME.

Think SERIOUSLY before taking this test. It was a decrease in pay for me, but I am just one person.

If they MAKE us all be MMEs, I'm - nommeforme

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for sure retiring in 6 months.

But . . . - anon

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If you become an MME, you only have to be 96% correct whereas as an MT/ME you must be 99.5%.

Hey, did you miss the part - old and burned out

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where they said you would be "considered" for an increase in your line rate? Got to love that part!

Yes. - mom2huskies

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There is no guarantee you would even get a raise.

An observation about all the "promotions" to MME. - sm

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One thing that really makes me nervous is that every time they create a position & "promote" a lot of people to it, they then seem to mysteriously decide they don't really need that position and eliminate it altogether, allowing a few to step back down & laying the rest off. I'm not saying that will happen, but I've seem similar happen here several times over the years. It's enough to make me very concerned.

that is true - nm

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So very true, have seen it many times. - NM

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they've had them for a couple of years now though - nm

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But all of a sudden they're promoting - sm

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a large chunk of MTs to this position, coincidentally when work has died out so much because of India. The big push to move a big chunk of MTs into that group all of a sudden is what I find concerning given their history. It may not amount to anything, only time will tell.
I totally agree with you.... - nm
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