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I woke up this morning to an email stating I lost my job due to lack of work - me
Posted: Jan 24, 2012
Don't know what to think, she said due to the mandatory EMR they have lost many of their accounts with no notice so they have to go to a skeleton crew and I'm out. Don't even know if I will get the last three paychecks she owes me either. Does anybody know of any companies that are hiring?
what company was this? - oh dear
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I would file right away for unemployment and make a claim to the labor board for monies owed.
Oh, dear. So sorry for this. I hope that something comes through for you very soon. nm - JPT
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to ME - so sorry
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I am so sorry this happened to you. Keep your chin up. Do apply for UE as soon as possible, as there will be a 1-week waiting period in most states. Once you complete that process, start looking and testing on all sites. I wish I could provide you with a company where you would be happy, but sadly there are not many of those left, and those are not hiring that I know of, but I have not done the research that you will need to do.
Perhaps this is a blessing in disguise if you did not have much work. I hope it all works out for you and that you are better off. I do sympathize, as I have been there.
Cannot get unemployment - me
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It was a subcontractor position.
Not so fast... - Looking
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Please, at least CHECK with your state anyway. Depending upon HOW LONG it has been since you paid into the system, you MAY be eligible for benefits.
It doesn't hurt to ask; all they can do is say "No," right?!! :)
I think this IS a blessing in disguise. If you truly are not eligible for UE, my advice to you would be to try to find a PT MT position (enough to pay the bills) while you pursue something besides MT! That's what I'm trying to do.
Best of luck to you!!
Agree with not so fast. I ended up - sm
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qualifying. It can't hurt to try.
regarding unemployment - me
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Unfortunately I did call and check and the answer was no :(
Good for you - Looking
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Well at least you inquired! And at least you were able to get through.. I have been trying to call the office in my city for 2 days now, and all I get is a recording that they're "busy" and to "call back later." Grrrrhhhh!
Take care.
I am so sorry!! I am not sure where I would be now - sm
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had I gotten no:( Sorry for you!
So sorry to hear this!!! Same thing happened to me last May... - anon
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and I haven't been able to recover since. I found a new job the SAME day as i got my email, that promised loads of easy work. I wasn't even tested...hired on the spot. Of course, it was too good to be true. This was a new account for them with a backlog, so as soon as the new hires cleaned it up, the work dried up and it's now only a part time job. I've been through three other companies (keeping the part time job) but this always seems to happen... mass hiring to clean up a new account's backlog and then slowwwww or nothing coming off.
I know there are good companies out there... I refuse to give up hope. I'm still looking to find a decent-paying full time job so that I don't end up homeless or having to live with my son and his family. :(
Good luck to you... maybe you'll have better luck.
Okay Chicken Little and the other - BLAH BLAH BLAHers
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Please run your little spiel about how the sky is not falling, EMR is at your hospital and in fact you are doing more work, and give her the rosy outlook you're seeing.
ouch - sm
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These grapes are sour!
I'm sorry she lost her job, I really am. I'm sorry for anyone who loses their jobs. I'm sorry for all the MTs losing their jobs.
I'm not sorry my hospital rocks it out with an EMR system that doesn't make our fully staffed transcription department obsolete. I'm really not.
Kudos to you, though, on making this girl's situation a vehicle for your bitter rhetoric. Shame on you.
For sm and Blah, Blah, Blah - Sad, huh?
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She crawls all over these boards just waiting for the opportunity to post like that. It is sad and speaks volumes about what a miserable person she must be. You know, you should be careful when you spend so much time judging and belittling others. Your closet could come open and skeletons may fall out.
well, this sm is sorry she lost her job - sm
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Good luck to you
Letting someone go through email - not very professional
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Whoever this company is they are not very professional. To let someone wake up to an email and say they are being let go is being a coward. I feel for the OP. I was let go in June but at least they called me. I was also a IC. I have not been able to find another job. I am in my late 50s and do not have or want to waste money to go back to school with knowing I still won't have job due to lack of experience. Good luck to everyone that is in this position.
I was let go this way. - Looking
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My tale of woe is really off the beaten path so I'll spare you those details...
Anyway, I received a one-sentence e-mail from the company president. It didn't even wish me luck or ANYTHING! (And, no, there was no "ill will" between us at all.)
Sad, huh? - Anon
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You betcha sad. I think she needs professional help.
Someone loses their job and you talk about how great yours is??? - WOW
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Sorry for OP's loss.
No - not at all
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Someone loses their job and I'm sorry they did, which was my first thought and the first thing I said.
Then and only then did I chastise the rude person for using someone's loss as a springboard for their own bitterness and as a pulpit to get their digs in for a reply I made in a completely different thread.
Once again, I won't apologize for doing well.
there was nothing wrong with your post - ...
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I think "WOW" is probably the same chicken little poster. Sigh.
wow - - GrumpsRUs
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I wish better for you than the empathy you are (failing to) offering to another human who is hurting.
I know of a company where several are being let go and I would never ever treat them so disrespectfully. It could be me.
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I'm so sorry you got this news but girlfriend THREE paychecks? This means you've been volunteering, not working.
I'd apply for UE anyway just to make your MTSO have to account for how she classified you. You can claim to have been treated like an employee.
THREE paychecks? Just can't wrap my head around why ANY MT would work under those circumstances.
Three paychecks - me
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They just run three weeks behind, when I first started I was worried, but I worked for them for almost 4 years and always got paid. I'm just worried now that they wont have the money to pay me the last three weeks.
Three paychecks - me - Old Pro
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Keep close watch on the company via any means you can. If you learn they have filed for bankruptcy, get on the list of creditors with the bankruptcy referee. You undoubtedly will not get everything you are owned, but you may get something on the dollar. Do you mind saying what company it is? In any event, I wish you all the best and will keep you in my prayers.
Um, correction - Old Pro
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I mean OWED, not OWNED. Not that late on the Left Coast. Old Pro just did not get her coffee tonight.
3rd person? - ThatsBizarre
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Do you always go around referring to yourself in the third person? That's weird!
For the OP: Try Webmedx (now part of Nuance) - anon4me
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I see they have an add up. Full and part-time. Not sure if we still have ICs or not. Been with the W 10 years now. Pay always on time at least.
not sure if i would like their schedule - me
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i'm so used to flexible hours, might not have a choice anymore though i guess. Thanks for the support!
I know a really really good company - but not how to get it to you
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Sort of a make up for taking over your thread with what wasn't gloating!
They don't advertise here or that "other" place.
If you know how I can tell you, let me know.
Can you email it to me? - me
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can you click on reply by email? I don't want to put my email on here for all to see!
Yes but... - not until I get home
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And get a new email lol
I'm sure you're completely trustworthy and all that jazz lol but as they say better safe than sorry.
guess i'm not getting that email after all, go figure - me
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Knew it was too good to be true.
Really? Might not like their hours? - Then dont whine about not having a job
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I really felt for you because of your job loss. However, your last statement just flabbergasted me. Part of the problem with this industry is people are spoiled. If you need a job, you work what you have to. I'm sure lots of Americans aren't thrilled with the hours available to them, but they do what they have to!!!
really - me
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who are you to tell me not to whine! I had a job on Friday and woke up on Monday to find out I don't anymore. That does not mean that I should apply to jobs that have a schedule that won't work for me. As with any job I have ever had in any field it has to fit my lifestyle and that of my children! I am so sick of all the judgmental people on this site and you need to get a life!
Me - You go girl! With you on that. Some people need to BYOB. - The nastiness gets old. NM
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me - Old Pro
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I wish I could offer you a job, but I am no longer in that biz. However, I do offer you my empathy. As to the last paychecks owed, the nanosecond they are late, go to the Labor Board! Best of luck to you. I hope you find something good.
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