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Focus on Staffing Article - MModal Coding

Posted: Sep 15, 2014


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Feb 11, 2010

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Aug 01, 2010

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Sep 27, 2010

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So Done With Focus (Nuance)
Jan 17, 2011

I am a QC with Focus and I have to say, I am so sick of this company.  I have tried and tried to love them.  I have been with them for a long time and I stuck it out.  I tried.  No more.  My team lead is rude, unprofessional, constantly contradicting herself and just outright mean.  I am tired of editing India's work.  I work my rear off to get my line count (what I need to make) but over the last couple of months, that has been cut in half due to no work. ...

Focus Foward?
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