A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

B. Loehr Staffing - St. Louis

Posted: Apr 18, 2013

Looks like a good place; I wonder if you have to live in St. Louis.

I live in NY and applied a few days ago. Never heard from them. NM - Searching

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Be careful of these "staffing agencies" or - temporary agencies

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They have a "quota" so to speak of how many new people they can get to "sign up" for their "services." They have been known to put "fake" jobs, so to speak, on these job search websites just to get people to send in their resumes. They get "credit" for signing people up to their services whether a job truly exists or not, and you never hear from them again or ever. Total scam on their part. I never would apply for a transcription job through a temporary agency without knowing the name of the office, clinic, or doctor and verifiable proof that they are really looking to hire someone. I honestly cannot say I have ever known a real doctor or clinic to hire a "temporary." Once these staffing agencies get your info, you may start getting offers from all sorts of other places, particularly sales positions for insurance companies or banks, saying they are trying to "cross train on your skills." Don't be duped.

I worked for Kelly and Adia temp and that is - how I got started in MT over, sm

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20 years ago. I did go on several temporary MT jobs for clinics and hospitals for a temporary agency. I took a hospital job that was offered to me after I was there for only a few days as I was producing more lines than the regular employees. I was offered several jobs from clinics but did not accept them as the temporary agency paid me more money than the clinic was offering. Just wanted to say that a temporary agency is how I got started in the MT business and I am a real person.

But that was 20 years ago and...SM - Old Anon

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Kelly is/was a reputable temp agency. I've never heard of Adia. Nowadays, a lot MTs are desperate for jobs with GOOD companies (even in-house), so I can see where a disreptuable temp agency might take advantage. I would heed the posters warning. Things have changed.
Do a little research on the temp company first, it's not unlike - any other job. sm
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You might have a job that lasts for 6 weeks, 1 week, 2 weeks, but there are a lot of companies that use temporary agencies. I worked on a job for 3 months one time with them. The thing I liked about the temp agency was I could pick and chose which job I wanted to take. There are still some good temporary agencies out there and they are not all looking to get one over on somebody. As I said, just research the agency just as you would any other company you're going to work for. If they look shaddy, don't apply for the job. Seems to me there are a lot of MTSOs out here taking advantage, so I think looking into something else isn't a bad thing. I did some MT work, reception, secretarial, etc. It was realy fun. I even worked for some bankers on a temp job and was offered a position for that too. I didn't take it as I wasn't interested at the time in being tied down to 1 job.

okay that explains it - I saw a job online

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and it looked really good and I applied and never heard anything, but they kept posting it saying an office in my town was looking for an MT at $19 an hour. I mean, maybe it was legit, but I really kind of wonder now.

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