A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

Check out MModal, India - outahere

Posted: Nov 11, 2012

Search MModal, India and read what they offer as incentives to apply.  It will really p___

you off.

You're right... - and it did!

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OMG, I feel like such an idiot for giving almost 13 years to this company, while they do nothing but take away from the US MTs and give to the ILPs! A real eyeopener about which employees are valued more!

MModal India - Need a Job

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I am seeking an MT position; think I'll apply at MModal India. Great benies! I am wondering if I would have to commute or would they provide me my own gym? Face it, MM is a horrible company (in the US).

I read it but I noticed MModal India - USMT

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has a different Executive Team than MModal America's Executive Team. My take on it is that the Indian Executive Team just treats their employees better, compared to the American Executive Team. MModal India looks like they give back to their employees.

MModal India - NM

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I'd say discrimination plain and simple...

mmodal india - mt2north

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we should all apply lol

Nuance OS gets a loyalty bonus. - nm

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oh yeah, did you look at the job descripton - for MT

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"Transcribing the given data for the day i.e. 450 to 900 lines per day as per the specified capacity of the MT.

Production at least 75-80% accuracy in terms of medical terminology, American English, grammar, spellings, punctuation and formatting."

Wow. We have to do at least 1200 per day to make minimum and are held to 99%, and they get free health insurance?!?!

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