A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

Check out this link to Nuance India - Catatonia

Posted: Jul 11, 2012

Oh please look at this link for Nuance India:


and while you're in there, check out the tab at the top that says "MT Training" and while in that tab, look at the subheading concerning earning potential for Indian transcriptionists.

The base salary as quoted from that information is 8000 rupees a moth, which equals 160 dollars in US funds.  This is why we have no work and can't make production because we cannot compete with a company that hires out of country transcriptionists and pays them 160-DOLLARS A MONTH. 




This is sickening - anon

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Wow, we really don't stand a chance do we?

I fully believe the ultimate goal is to eliminate us entirely.

160 dollars - On site MT

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Keep in mind that the standard of living in India is not what it is in the US. In India, this is probably one of the higher paying jobs.

What is your point? - sm

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This isn't new and the horse is dead. Give it up already.

What is your point? - anon

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Should we just all march quietly to our doom?

It isn't a dead horse, it's a dying industry for US MTs, guess I don't have a problem euligizing it a little bit more.

Being quiet sounds like the corporate party line to me.

WRONG! - Des

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There are still MTs who don't have this info. If we stop posting here, there's a risk all of this will be forgotten.

We may not be able to stop offshoring, but we can still have our voices heard.

If you don't like it, move on.

Seriously? - I agree the horse is dead

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Forgotten, our voices heard? Give me a break. No one is hiding this information. There is a link - hello! Yeah real secret stuff here.
And yet, there are still MTs who ask... - sm
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What's this I'm hearing about offshoring?

Des - On site MT

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What is happening in MT is not new and actually our occupation is one of the last to experience outsourcing. Textiles and electronics assembly have gone to India, China and Mexico: No labor unions and cheap labor. Most of us have cell phones, handheld devices (I-Pods, Kindles, I-Phones, etc.) and PCs that we enjoy at the hands of child labor or cheap labor. The clothes we wear were no doubt assembled in sweat shops under working conditions we could never imagine. I never read any MTs here mentioning how horrible those things are. It is not just MT, it is everywhere and unfortunately the trend is probably not going to reverse.
it could reverse if Americans would - stick together and stop
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Buying their products and the government would put higher tariffs on received goods. But Americans want their technology and the government wont tariff because of money this country already owes overseas.......and so it goes and goesand goes....until its gone.
Sticking together - On site MT
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I agree that what is happening is not fair, but please advise me where I can shop for products not assembled outside of the US. American branded companies (HP, Dell, Apple) are the worst offenders when it comes to sending jobs offshore and violating labor laws. I don't know if there are any American clothing manufacturers left. The catch 22 is that it means cheaper prices for all of us. No one wants to give up their "stuff" so it goes on and on, as you say. We should have awakened and smelled the coffee a long time ago, this didn't happen overnight. I can tell you that Nuance doesn't care who does their QA or their transcription, they are doing what they have to do to get the work done at the cheapest price.
American Apparel - anon
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is clothing that is all made in America, it is also slightly more expensive and the owner who has fought sending his labor offshore is on the verge of bankruptcy.

People want cheap and they don't care where it is made.

Why are you looking this up? - Who cares

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Good grief people. Every day? We need to talk about this every day?


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People forget too easily, so constant reminder is needed. Also, the horse is not dead. He has just been let out of the gate and is still running, but getting very tired and sickened due to lack of sufficient income to make a decent living. Also, he doesn't have the free health insurance here in the USA that the Indian Nuance MTs apparently receive, according to that website!! But, I'm not sure how far $160/month goes in India, and not sure how much medical insurance they actually use there. I was told by my former Nuance/Focus Infomatics Indian supervisor that people in India don't go to doctors much, most often pay cash if they do go, and to have medical insurance is very rare. Actually, he said that they don't rely on pharmaceuticals that much there. So, apparently, Indian medical transcriptionists do not find much work that was dictated in India???

If their base is 8000 rupees - anon

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Then they are making roughly 5000 more rupees per month than the average Indian. Now that's a sad state of affairs for the Indians. Also 8000 rupees actually translates into about $144, not $160. That is serious poverty.

Been 10+ years and I still have the urge to talk about it - anon

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It is my occupation and I used to make good money. Now I don't and eventually I will make nothing becuase there will be no jobs. So, no, not quite done talking about it ye.

But how long will the Indians put up with it? - SB

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I followed the link (thanks for providing it)

Look at the lies that Nuance is feeding their potential partners in India: They say the nature of the material that is to be edited is VRE of 80-98% accuracy. Now, we all know this is wildly overstating the accuracy of VRE in real life. The original text of any of the reports I edit would score 0-20% on a QA audit. So I guess it depends on your definition of accuracy. I will bet the Indian companies fall for this and then find out for themselves how incredibly labor-intensive it is to fix the VRE text. They probably keep hoping it will get better, and it never does!

I find myself unsympathetic - anon

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Agree, I can't say I have ever seen a single VR report that would pass QA.

I honestly doubt if the Indians really care how labor intensive it is, I mean the ones who are making money off of it, not the Indian MTs.

However, as has happened in China in the manufacturing industry, give them a little taste of a better life and they want more and in the end they will be charging the same as American MTs. It is a vicious circle and finding competent English speakers in other countries willing to work for pennies is pretty limited.

I guess it would be entertaining to see how it all plays out over the decades, unfortunately I am not in the position to find it overly humerous.

check out the post from "hypertyper" today - Indian staff QA-ing US work - Alice

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I just about spit out my coffee. If "hypertyper" is correct, then Nuance is letting the Indian staff QA the US reports and that is CRAZY. They're letting people who speak English as a second language and have little to no formal training QA our reports. DISGRACEFUL!!!!
Indian QAing - MT long time
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Yes, it is true regarding Indian QA -- at least on my account.  I've noticed recently that some of my POST AUDIT QAs are being done in India.  I was shocked.  I better check and see if that means my account is being prepared to be sent to India!  I used to love being an MT (about 28 years) and felt like I had found my "niche."  Not so much anymore.  I think I'm too old to train for a new profession but I am going to investigate some of the alternative options for my MT/ME skills I've read about on here. 

NTS India - me

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I did check out the NTS India website and was very interested about the pay they quote for an independent contractor. The values are in paise, which convert to 100 in a rupee. A rupee is 0.02 US dollars. For transcribing 30,000 to infinity lines on the day shift one would be paid 200 paise or 2 rupees, which would be 0.04 cents per line US. For speech 30,000 to infinity lines one would be paid 100 paise or 1 rupee, which would be 0.02 cents per line. These are the rates for >=99%, which I am assuming would be QC score. If <99% the pay would be 170 paise or 1.7 rupees or 0.034 US dollars for transcription and 85 paise or 0.85 rupees or 0.017 US dollars. And you ask why Nuance sends as much work to India as it can? I believe this answers the question very well and makes me wonder why they keep any work in the US.

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