A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

MME from India - Kitty Lady

Posted: May 22, 2013

For the last two nights I have been editing almost all reports from MTs in India.  The reports go through 2 MMEs in India and then come to me.  It is amazing since they are supposed to be so "good" at what they do, that just about all of the reports come through with errors in them that were not picked up by MMEs in India. Just a thought. 

I worked for MTSO and reports also went thru 2 levels of OS - editing. But when I looked at the Sm

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history of the job, yep, it showed the 2 levels of OS editing. Problem was, both levels had the jobs for only like 3 seconds before sending it on. I reported it numerous times and was told it had been addressed but it never changed.

Funny thing to me, the OS never figured out they just had to hold the jobs longer and nobody would know they didnt edit the jobs. Oh yeah, except the horrible quality would give them away.

Again, OS, and VR, are horrible and I dont see them being able to do without US MMEs any time soon.

i worked - Kitty Lady

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Well, I only need to put up with this until July 31st when I will be taking early retirement and working part time at my second job where I actually make more money working as a cashier in a grocery store. Counting the days until I can tell MModal bye.

I worked - Kitty Lady

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When I started as an MT I worked for a company called Edix. They paid 11 cents a line for transcription. When they came to me to be an editor, they paid 12 cents a line. There were quality incentives. If you had a 99% for the two weeks previously there was a certain percentage of your pay that was an incentive for quality that amounted to about $150 per pay check. If you had a 99.50% you got an even higher percentage of your pay as an incentive. For a month I could add as much as $500 a month extra in my check.

After the company was purchased by Spheris the quality incentive was GONE. It was replaced by a 0.001 per line over your minimum requirements and pay was reduced to 7 cents and 9 cents for editing.

When MMOdal took over, my pay dropped again and my editing went to 3 cents a line.

I am bored to death reading what the ASR types and when editing giving the report a once over and filling in the blanks.

Again, I am bored to death. I mentioned to a customer that I was a MME and they did not even know that MT jobs were still in existance.

I went to full time partial benefits with MMOdal and they dropped my life insurance and I used to get 11 hours a month PTO and now I get 3 hours PTO for a 40 hour work week yet I have saved them money by not requiring medical benefits. I am lucky, my husband retired from General Electric and we have excellent medical benefits, so I have never used what the company I worked for had available.

My daugher works for a mental health agency as a case manager and if she does not take the medical benefits they pay her $2,500 a year. She uses her husband's medical which is better than the one the mental health agency provides.

All in all, I am sick to death of being a robot. You really do not need anything other than a knowledge of the English language and a concept of basic sentence structure to do this job now.

When MModal changed their matching to once a year, is when I decided that this job is not worth it. I am finally getting 40 hours a week for the last 2 weeks which is a change since I was struggling to get in even 30 hours since July 2012.

There is no respect for what we do with this company and we are the ones who make the money for their fancy cars and big checks. When we all took a pay cut, do you think the upper management took a cust also?? Do they get raises every year, yes, and they have stock options also.

Amy makes almost %500,000 a year with stock options and she has never typed a medical report in her life.

I am taking a $200 cut in social security benefits and working part time in a job that gives me a raise twice a year.

I am glad you can pay your bills on the 20 to 30 hours you work, but there are a lot of MTs out there that do not have enough money to pay their bills and/or eat.
If MT cant pay bills or eat, she shouldnt be MT. She is letting - herself be victim. Only she can change it. nm
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I also worked for Edix - me
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On top of all the incentives, we even got a yearly bonus and it wasn't small change either. Sometimes I still can't even believe what has happened to this job.

why do you think they pushed for all of us to - take that stupid test?

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Get paid less to fix the Indians work,,I'll go on U/E first..I have my limits

Fine, bye. I make good living doing just that. Different MTSO, lower pay - if you can believe it but making good $. nm

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makes no sense - MTMT

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Why send it thru 3 levels, pay 3 people to look at a report, when they could have one person do it right the first time. I don't understand how these companies think it's better to do it that way. Keep the work here, pay a decent wage to ONE US worker, and get it on the chart a lot faster.

Shaking my head...

Works diff in India. MM pays flat fee to India, They divide it - how they want, between 3 MTs or Sm

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100 MTs, it makes no diff to MM.

Here's why - old and burned out

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They are paying the Indians a fraction of a cent a line. It can go through several layers and the company is still making more money than if they paid one American. Sad but true.

zactly...old and burned out - nm

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This goes way back - To 2004

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Back when there was an actual QA Dept, I joined it in 2004. It was the same story, only we were called QA then and got an hourly rate (I was making $20 per hour). The reports had gone through 3 India QA people at the time, and were still a mess when we got them. We had a quota of x-amount of reports per hour (I think it was 14), so we had to really punch out the work. It wasn't pretty, but we did get paid.

Anyway, this India/QA stuff is nothing new.

We are our own worst enemies - sm

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Didn't India strike? At least they have the stones to do that...We, on the other hand, continue to take lower paying jobs and rationalizing it..You get what you deserve.

India - Been there

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I'm not entirely sure, but I think the government employees went on strike. Otherwise, I'm sure they don't believe in labor unions.

My *low paying* IC job nets me anywhere between - $18 - $22 dollars per hour. I am happy. nm

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thats awesome...what is your line rate? - sm
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I made 10K more a year 15 years ago..thats what I am talking about. This MME pay is crazy low, I'm not gonna do it...I refuse.
and how many hours a week do you work? - nm
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This is the sad thing about this acct. It is not as many hours as I - would like, anywhere from 14-20 SM
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hours a week, but nice pay for not much work.
QA OS dr. letters, 0.025 cpl, ST 0.055 cpl. Sten Tel platform - not company, easy dictators, SM
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been on acct for forever, OS typists have been on acct for long time.

ST I have templates and maxed out word expander and I call this fill-in-the-blank jobs. One, I get the hard copy of report and have type it and make it look professional. The Dr fills in like 10-15 blanks in her copy and I hit my jump markers and fill in the blanks on my copy. Other acct, dr always says same thing, you know how that goes. Temples and word expander out the whazzoo on him also.

This is why I say CPL doesnt mean a hill of beans. What counts is what you do with that and what your bottom line pay per hour is.

Same story for me. Almost all India MT/QA lately. - anon

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They are particularly bad with meds, labs and, of course, things/places unique to USA. Do they not have access to Google??

Why should OS take the time to Google? They have - us. (Job security for us). nm

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I agree - just leave a blank and move on

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I get some with 30 or more blanks; I don't even think they go back and listen a second time.

or Job Search? - or the Repository?

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I don't think they can see those, because so many of their blanks could be filled in if they could.

Probably MT cant see those, but I bet upper level OS qa - can, but dont. Again, they have us. nm

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without those - i dont see
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unless they can access job search and the repository they are going to be starting from scratch with every report, unless I guess they have hard copy samples to work from? I don't see how they will ever become self-sufficient without being able to look at past jobs.
They dont have to be self suffiecient. MT gets it down as best - as can. QA comes along and fills in SM
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as best they can. Often, seems like qa doesnt put much effort into it. I think the easy stuff they get, no biggie, do it and send it on. The more complicated stuff they do what they can and then send to us to make it presentable.

From India - cr

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How can you tell they're from India? Are those the reports that come in with exceedingly low volume that make you want to scream?

MME can see who typed it - name and service area nm

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so many blanks sometimes - I feel like Im doing the whole report myself nm

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I want to write a note - sm

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and tell them they maybe should look into some other line of work.

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