A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

MModal India FREE INSURANCE - duped

Posted: Nov 12, 2012

Unbelievable.  They get free insurance for themselves AND their families until the age of 80?  Check it out, you'll be shocked.  Hope you 300 chosen few bombard the town meeting with questions about why India employees get treated so much better than we do.  Why can't MModal care about it's employees in the United States?  It's shameful, they should be ashamed of themselves.  But then again, anything to make a buck, right?  Not that they pass any of it down to us, of course.  Been nice talking to you . .  . I'm sure I'll be on the chopping block since I just e-mailed Amy with the same comments.

Free insurance..unbelievable...would like to know - Ninner

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what their wage is! Anyone know?! I think I am going to apply! :)

MModal India FREE INSURANCE - slavelabor

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I actually DID go onto the site to see about applying!

They all claim they are paid pennies but when you figure - in their perks and benes it is the same pay

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Isn't that nice.

Free Insurance - prissy

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Wow. What further proof do we need that we are not cared for in the least as valued employees? This is so depressing. Insurance for PARENTS??? Incredible. Transportation provided? This blows my freaking mind! That's okay. I believe in Karma. I think that eventually all the hospitals will get tired of the crappy quality of their work and want it done here again by American workers.

Medical costs aren't as expensive in India - anon

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It is most likely dirt cheap compared to the US

Mmodal Free insurance - duped - rayob

[ In Reply To ..]
I would like to check this out, but where are the links to this information? If I can see this for myself, I will be asking questions about why these people get so much better treatment than us in the US.

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