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Can someone tell me the pros and cons of M*Modal.? - oldschool

Posted: Jan 11, 2015

I used to work for Medquist for about 15 years or so...I left the company in 1995.  Can anytime tell me how they have changed...pay rates, etc.  Do you have to work as employee or IC?  Need equipment? I need all the information I can get is someone would be so kind as to fill me in.  What type of platform do they use?   Thanks in advance. 

I started in 1997 - and my paycheck has

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been cut in half.
Pros: They pay on time...that's about all I can think of.

Cons: They nitpick your work to death. They have put us in "PODS" with our supervisor (can't think of the latest acronym) having about 200 people to oversee. Let's see, you were here before ASR. 99% of my work is ASR (speech recognized) which is paid at a lower rate. I'm sure you will hear from others.

Pretty much the same - sm

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Started waaay back straight typing making about 40K a year and admittedly not working very hard to get that, I would listen to music as I typed to get a rhythm. I could work flexible and not a set shift, the job was GREAT...The ASR came along, set schedules came along, my pay was about 22K last year and that is working my butt off. And its not just an Mmodal thing it is an industry thing. Bottom line, find another line of work

you can be moved into coding if you qualify for their training program - pay on time, direct deposit

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discount program for your phone, etc.

That apparently is not working out well & I wouldn't hold my - sm

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breath on them doing another round of it, if they ever finish with this first round... IMO, that was just a ploy during the bankruptcy proceedings.
Final benchmark exams will be held next week. We will move - HDS2Coder
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into the apprenticeship program by the end of the month. Sorry you can't see the value of it.
The point was, doubt they will ever offer it again because it was - a spur of the moment ploy. nm
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Oooh, ploys, world domination, any other paranoid people - sm
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have other conspiracy theories. This is so funny and also sad for such suspicious people. Some people have way too much time on their hands.
It's just common sense if you were paying attention at all - sm
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to what was happening during the bankruptcy. Obviously a pleasant personality was not a requirement for their coding program...
Not in the coding program. If you were paying attention you would - sm
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see that other transcription companies are seeing the writing on the wall that ICD-10 implementation is going to require more coders and MTs usually are a good fit for the job since we already know the anatomy and physiology, the terminology, and are familiar with medical reports. MM had a coding department long before the bankruptcy.
A coding department, but not a coding school. That's what we are talking about. - sm
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The Indians are being trained on ICD-10 as well, but this will buy MM a little time until they're up to speed.
Every time MM's coding students flock over here, they get pretty nasty. - nm
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Not in the coding program but I wish ALL the coders - sm
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in training the best of luck. I hope to one day be in the HDS2Coder training myself. Sorry to the coders in training that they can't post on here without getting nasty comments directed at them. Good luck to ALL of you. Wishing you the best!
Usually they're the ones starting the nasty comments. - sm
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If anyone here or on the coding board mentions coding possibly going to India, they go in attack mode. It very well may only be 1 or 2 of them behaving this way though. Nobody likes that it's happening, but it's happening in any type of work that can be done via computer.
They're so self-righteous and snobbish about - a profession that will end up - sm
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just like MT did. All those who believe they are coders because they are somehow some sort of an elite, super-special person are in for quite a pratfall when it all ends up in India.
Well, we will have made far more money than you - in the meantime. nm
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very good point. I would rather climb on a raft that might make it to shore - than stay on a sinking ship
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isn't that what life is about? Staying afloat and trying to have fun doing so? True coding could go the way of MT. But this opens doors I don't have with MT. With MT and coding together I will be more qualified to move into a different position if things do go south. If you know anything about coding at all you know it's almost impossible to automate. As far as India doing this...HA!!! Facilities are hesitant to let new coders code their charts much less ESL coders. It could possibly devastate their facility due to missed codes (=missed payments) or even worse, erroneous codes or codes added which could substantiate fraud.
They said those things about MT going overseas too. - nm
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You seem to be the only one focusing on that. - Not a concern to us.
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Not in a dead-end job here. Lots of room to move. Already in a moved-on job, too. More if I need 'em.

Thanks for the concern, though.
No, the students dont get nasty ... - I do.
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Because you are all spouting drivel to discourage others. You can't seem to stand the thought that someone might improve their life.
Knock yourself out, but why on Earth would you encourage others to go into - sm
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a field destined to be going overseas, sooner rather than later now that MM is ramping it up...
Because I know more about my industry than - you do.
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exactly! the poster knows nothing about coding if they think - it will go away anytime soon
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obviously they have no idea how extensive the training is. It's laughable to think it could be replaced any time soon, if at all.
Don't you guys have your own coding board you can go disrupt? - nm
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I do think the coding program was a good idea - sm
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However, this will go overseas as well. It will buy you time to find another job, or maybe transition into a doctor's office setting though. Anything that can be done remotely is slowly moving out of this country, the labor is cheaper and so are the taxes. And not just transcrpition, IT, customer service, everything..
Agree. No point in going into anything anymore that can be done - remotely. NM
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Agree, safer to keep working - for less than min wage
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I make far above minimum wage - sm
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and I don't really work very hard. And my accounts rot BTW
Then the complaints must be untrue. - Worried for nothing!
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Not really, still make less than I did 15 years ago - sm
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But Im not at the minimum wage level either..I would say I have taken about a 10 dollar an hour paycut. This used to be a high paying fantastic job, now, it rots. I am still here because up until recently the gas prices were too high to justify driving any distance to a job. Waiting to see how that plays out before I decide what to do from here
agreed. it is really sad to me - HDS2Coder
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It takes so much more energy to hate something than to let it go.

Coding is another profession ruined by MModal - and companies like them.

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Currently hold RHIA cert after 3 years of school and these companies are slowing turning the profession into a joke, same as they did transcription. Another minimum wage job in the making. Guess education does not mean a thing to third world countries like India. Shame on Americans working for them at a pittance, perpetuating the fate of the industry downfall.
I agree - sm
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We get what we allow, I would stop working for a while at the drop of a hat but I know I would be one of maybe a handful of people. This company knows they have you stuck where you are, and they take full advantage of it. So very sad..So close to retirement, so close...
Really? A 3-year RHIA "cert"? - sm
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And you are working for M*Modal??? Really? LOL.

It isn't a "cert," it takes a minimum of 4 years (a bachelor's), and there is no way you would be typing for anybody if you had it.

You would also know better than that nonsense.

Whom do you think you are fooling? Not me.
if you have an RHIA and typing...something is wrong - x
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The field is flooded with RHIT and RHIA now that it's - sm
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an online course anyone can take anywhere anytime. Deja vu.
if you "earned" your RHIT or RHIA through an online course - then you are being paid what you are worth
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same as an MT.
Sorry, that is not the case. - LOL
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It isn't an online course anyone can take anytime. The market is far from flooded.

On the intake side, the programs are restricted to ensure that does not happen. There are prerequisites that deter most applicants. If you do get in, you still have to pass the courses, getting rid of more. Once you make it through, you still have to pass the registry exam, which in some years more than half flunk. Some flunk it repeatedly.

No, it is simply not possible to get through all of that, to have the RHIA in hand, and end up typing. Not at all.

I am one of those folks. I know my kind when I see them.

They envision world domination. Whether that's - a pro or a con depends upon - sm

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whether you're a suit or an MT.

Dear OP, - This is what has become

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of MMoral since you've been gone from the Q. MT vs Coder. Pay cuts. Nit-picked reports. India in your face. Arguments about who is better to work for, McDonald's or Burger King. Not pretty is it?

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